Please find below 1,253 testimonials from some of the participants who have attended one of Mauro's courses, from 2018 to present.
1,253 - Marie D.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

This course has been such a blessing from God in my life! Each and every session has been jam packed with in depth teachings that have taught me more than I could ever imagine!

The study of the Bible passages is so so in depth and interesting and it is so evident how much love, care, prayer and time Mauro puts into each session! It has been the highlight of my week throughout advent!

It has made it even more exiting to go to Sunday mass having been able to know detailed information about the Gospels!

Each week I have been blessed with more and more teachings and it has really helped me grow in my spiritual life and in my knowledge and understanding of the Gospel!

It has been such a joy to participate Thank you so much God and Mauro and Janet for making this happen!

1,252 - Anita P.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Just SO surprisingly interesting and informative! Mauro's infectious enthusiasm and his analysis interspersed with interesting historical facts and (often surprising) connections within the Bible, lures and retains one's attention.

These are such good courses and and what at first sight seems like a rather dry proposition (reflecting on a bible reading for an hour) is fascinating.

Mauro always manages to enthuse his listeners/course particpants! Even friends who had left the faith, willingly tuned in each week - after attending the first session!

1,251 - Helen B.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I feel completely blessed by the Advent Bible Series (as I have by all the courses I have taken with comeandsee.org to be honest), it has brought the scripture to life for me and helped me to see things in a totally new way.

I love that the sessions are live and that I am taking part with others from all over the world at the same time - it gives me such a feeling of fellowship.

Mauro's teaching is inspired and has helped me draw closer to God and to grow in faith since my recent return to the Catholic Church after an absence of many years and I would recommend it to anyone at any stage on their journey of faith.

It was lovely to 'meet' Janet too - thank you for all you do behind the scenes and for your wonderful prayer. I am sure that the Holy Spirit is greatly at work through Mauro, Janet and comeandsee.org - what a blessing!

1,250 - Ted W.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The Advent Sunday Readings course by Mauro Iannicelli is invaluable to understanding the Gospels read out each Sunday. I found it a total surprise to learn how much these short passages convey and is hidden in the text, that on one's own would never be discovered.

Through these sessions I feel that this year's Advent has indeed been a time of preparation for the coming of Christ. I have obtained a new found depth to my faith and I am grateful that this opportunity has been made available to me.

1,249 - Kate P.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I have enjoyed immensely joining you Mauro for the Advent course. Your knowledge and explanation of the Gospel passages has made the words jump off the page!

Some of the explanations were a revelation and I thank you sincerely for that. Your teaching method is right up my street - solid, no fuss with a little bit of humour.

Having participated in the Bible Timeline Course and now the Advent Course I cannot wait for what comes next.

Thank you so much for all the preparation you do to enable your participants to grow in faith. God bless you both and those you love.

1,248 - Anne B.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The depth Mauro goes to to open the Sunday Gospel is astounding. Mauro's teaching is 100% Catholic, and will bring something new to everyone, whatever their level of understanding of the Faith and their knowledge of the Scripture.

We met as a little group in the church hall, watched together and stayed all behind after the session to discuss the questions. This was the best way to exchange, share and grow together in the Holy Spirit.

Only two of us could be at the hall for the last session, but we met the others on Zoom, and could still have our discussion group going.

Our bonds of friendship are strengthened, and I feel Mauro and Janet's mission to serve the Church is spot on.

Presenting the course online must have been a challenge, and I know you will both get better and better.

Thank you so much to you, Mauro and Janet, for stimulating my brain and my heart, and bringing me closer to God. All my prayers go to you.

1,247 - Denise F.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Mauro is a born teacher and communicator. His personality and deep interest in his subject - Jesus - just flows out of the screen and comes into your home, your head, your heart.

His knowledge of the subject being talked about is (in my opinion) so deep and embracing that by the end, I felt I had run a marathon. You feel so good, but you can tell you have done the miles.

I Never knew the scriptures were so much more than what is seen at face value. He has opened my mind to the full interest and power and beauty of the scriptures, he unpeeled them like a flower.

He isn't an incoherent professor, or someone forcing ideas on me, he gently invites one to come and see where Jesus lives.

At the end of each session I was 'well I never' and praising Mauro, but in the end, I was on my knees thanking Jesus for coming on earth so I could marvel at His mind and heart and words.

I can see now that each opportunity Jesus was teaching so much more that I have ever known about. I cry for the wasted years I did not know this. Mauro showed me.

My only complaint is that it is a crime, that the humble and talented team of Mauro and Janet do not get paid thousands. I want them to experiment and see if after the first one or two free sessions he can ask for money. Publish my words, publish to the world!

With love and gratitude.

1,246 - Susan B.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The Advent course may be a short course but I have been amazed at how much I have learnt.

Mauro presents a synthesis of a wealth of information, gathered from many sources, and providing us with the wisdom of saints and theologians.

He does all the hard work for us and his presentation is clear, easy to understand and full of joy and reverence.

I am a Christian, but Mauro shows me how little I know about my God and Saviour. This Advent Course has filled me with awe and wonder.

1,245 - Helen C.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Warm thanks, gratitude and deep appreciation for your most sterling efforts. All Holy Gospel sessions were highly informative with superb inclusion of context.

I am particularly appreciative of the inclusion of the spiritual direction, at the very beginning of the series, on Prayer. Thank you so so much!

All sessions provided deep spiritual learning and provoked much reflection which for me was both insightful preparation for each Sunday Gospel and also for the Holy Season of Advent and Christmas.

The whole series of lectures were delivered in a highly professional manner. Very clearly, matters of potential complexity were anticipated and were addressed with clarity to your audience, in a partnership manner, to an excellent standard!

I am so very aware of the enormous efforts to include time, work, commitment that are required to produce such an outstanding programming, my heartfelt thanks to you both for a most spiritually enriching series!

May God Bless you both in all that you do! I wish you a Happy and Blessed New Year! I am most grateful.

1,244 - LESLEY P.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

This Advent Course is wonderful. It explains the Sunday readings clearly allowing me to understand more fully and deeply the Season of Advent.

The build up to the Nativity creates such excitement and appreciation for what is about to come.

Having the readings explained in depth has created in me so much understanding of what the birth of our saviour signifies for us all. Yes, the birth of baby Jesus in a stable is both beautiful and serene; but having the importance of Jesus' birth narrated for all to understand is marvellous.

Instead of the passages being texts of an age gone by that I found myself unable to relate to, the words come alive and reveal their relevance to life as we know it today.

I thank Mauro for sharing his deep understanding of the Catholic faith with us, and for making such a wonderful course available. Thank you.

1,243 - Brian D.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I was surprised the course was so informative. We read the Gospels for each Sunday and I suppose familiarity sets into the brains: 'nothing new here'. Nothing could be further from the truth. The way in which Mauro broke open the Word was inspirational.

It just goes to show the Gospel message is inexhaustible and new for every generation.

1,242 - Emily K.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I really enjoyed the course. You prepare so well and give invaluable insights into the Sunday Gospel readings.

I listened to the talk on the Rule of Life, which I found very motivating. You combined practical advice with excellent theological explanations.

Your teaching style is very clear, as well as being warm and personal. I roared with laughter at your joke, when you teased us about spending 20 minutes explaining the lunar calculations for Christmas!

You frame your sessions with moving prayers and very gracious requests for feedback or financial support. Altogether, the talks are perfectly pitched for a serious, deepening prayer experience of mass. Thank you.

1,241 - Julia M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Hello Mauro, as always, I find your teaching inspired and inspiring. The research you undertake in preparation for each session and the effort involved is amazing. The detail you share is revelatory. I will mention just three examples:

1) Your teaching regarding John the Baptist's words: "someone is coming, someone more powerful than I am, and I am not fit to undo the strap of his sandals". I had only seen in these words that John was declaring his total unworthiness to do even the most menial tasks for the Christ. I had never read about or heard of the Levirate Law of Marriage, or rather I had never heard it called such. I was familiar with the obligation in the Old Law that when a man died without children, his brother had the duty to marry the wife of the dead man and raise children from her on his behalf. But I had no notion about the significance of the loosening of the sandal strap. In saying these words, John was in effect saying he was not worthy to have the bride, that is the church. 'In claiming that he is not worthy to loose the strap of the sandal on Christ's foot, the Baptist affirms that Jesus is the bridegroom and the Church is his bride' (I came across a lengthy commentary in which I found this statement).

2) Your teaching about the Visitation was fascinating. I had never seen more in Mary's visit to Elizabeth than simply a journey in haste to her older cousin to share with her the excitement of her pregnancy and of Elizabeth's own, which the angel had communicated to her. You pointed out that it was clear in the text that Elizabeth knew Mary's news before Mary even said a word. "Now as soon as Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting... 'Why should I be honoured with a visit from the mother of my Lord?"

Neither had I ever heard of Jesus' first miracle being that of the baptism of John in the womb, both infants being at different stages in their foetal development. There is so much more I could mention!

3) Your teaching about a principle of spiritual life, 'Faithfulness to one grace draws down further graces!', as written about by Saint Faustina Kowalska, Saint Francis de Sales and Saint Therese of Lisieux, is and will be very helpful to me, as I found out when I reflected on the question you gave us.

Sometime very soon I intend to watch these Advent sessions again! There is SO much in them.

Thank you, Mauro. God bless you and Janet and your 'Come and See' ministry. Wishing you both all the blessings of Christmas, and every happiness in the New Year 2022.

1,240 - Jonathan C.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

This really excellent course has definitely improved our Sunday Mass experience by opening up in detail the prescribed readings, and has helped to deepen our spiritual life by encouraging us to examine and reflect upon the Biblical texts.

Mauro's teaching style is inspirational and very engaging, and we shall be very sorry when the course is over. We would not hesitate to recommend your outstanding online courses.

1,239 - Maria A P.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The course has improved my Sunday mass experience, because it never occurred to me before to look at the Gospel reading in advance, and when I heard it the first time at mass I would forget what the content was.

However, looking at it before helped me to ponder the reading and let it incubate during the week, and when I heard it at mass on the Sunday, I was able to engage and remember what I heard.

I learnt about the role of John the Baptist in more depth, and Mary's haste to visit her cousin Elizabeth so that she could share her news because she knew that Elizabeth would understand. Even though all these years I have heard the Christmas story, I was surprised at the gaps in my knowledge and also my ignorance.

My spiritual life has deepened as I have a deeper desire to spend more time reading the Scriptures.

I found the expository style of teaching very appealing - following it verse by verse. The teaching was well paced and I took notes as I watched and listened.

I also liked to reflect on the questions to discuss with a study buddy, and even though I did not have one, I can think of a buddy with whom I can discuss the questions with when the course comes around again.

I would definitely recommend the online course to my friends, because with the hustle and bustle of shopping and being caught up with looking for presents etc, it is a a great way of being centred and taking time out to think about the real meaning of Christmas, and making the time to think about Mary and the awaited birth of Jesus, which helps to prepare our minds and hearts.

1,238 - Margaret L.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Dear Mauro and Janet, having throughly enjoyed and learned so much from the Bible timeline course, I couldn't wait to sign up for your Advent course.

This course has truly opened my eyes to understand the Bible and Gospel readings in a new way.

Mauro has so carefully prepared the sessions, from explaining the significance of the reading for the next Sunday Mass in Advent to introducing us to the Fathers of the Church, Saints and mystics and how they viewed God's Grace from His Word and much much more!

Mauro and Janet thank you for your powerful witness and awesome teaching and preparation. I can't wait for your next course.

1,237 - Rogita B.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

After attending the Bible Timeline Course, I was really looking forward to the Advent series.

I am a person who cannot cope with too much technical or head stuff and that is why if History lessons become too technical, I easily switch off. History taught in a story form speaks to me a lot and that is what Mauro you have done for me walking through the scripture with you.

I have been able to walk through the Advent season as a different person. When I read these scripture passages again, I will be reading and praying with them in a different light and with more understanding. I learnt new things I have never heard before especially all that transpired between Elizabeth and Mary.

The other thing I appreciated was the time to stop, reflect and share with my study buddy the questions you gave us . They were very helpful. They also helped me to be focused.

Thank you and Janet for the amount of time that went into the preparation in putting the course together. You made it so lively and educative.

May the good Lord bless and reward you both. I am very grateful for this opportunity.

1,236 - Harris A.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Where to start - it was an exceptional course all the way through. I cannot express how much I enjoyed it. It has given me a clearer understanding of Advent and the gospels leading up to Christmas - a big thank you to both of you for all the hard work you have put in. I will definitely recommend to other people.

1,235 - Caroline D.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

This is the fourth course I have done with Mauro which speaks for itself, and I am always really excited about his courses as he motivates and inspires my faith in addition to learning so much.

Having done his Bible Timeline course in addition to this Advent Course (and Lentent Course) enables me to increase my knowledge, insight and faith by linking the readings to events in the Old Testament and New Testament.

Importantly he applies the teachings for today, giving examples. Attending Sunday Mass and listening to the readings and interpretation is all the more familiar and poignant for hearing it a second time.

It must be very difficult for Mauro to pitch his course to so many students with such varying theological knowledge and faith but he seems to do this brilliantly.

I'm always amazed how one verse has so much to say and therefore find the way he breaks this down extremely beneficial.

I felt that Janet joining us in the latter part of the evening once added a special something to their mission.

I would recommend any course from Mauro and I hope it gives you what it has given me which I guess is a deepening of faith. Thank you Mauro and Janet.

1,234 - Celia L.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

This has been a wonderful course which has given such a great insight into each gospel through Advent. It has enriched my prayer life and enabled me to deepen my understanding of Salvation history.

I have learned so much from each week's gospel, and just wish I had understood the fulness of the gospel many years ago. Thank you Mauro your teaching is such a Godsend.

Please continue to help us appreciate more fully the beauty of our faith and enable us to realise what a wonderful, beautiful gift we have been given.

I would so love to continue to benefit from your knowledge of our scriptures and our beautiful Catholic faith. God bless.

1,233 - Gill P.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

This Advent course has certainly made me feel more involved and understanding the Gospel for Sunday Mass. Mauro has made it much clearer and so I now look forward to hearing the Gospel and feeling more knowledgable than before.

Mauro has a wonderful way of explaining things. This is my 2nd course and I am genuinely happy to hear his presentations. He puts a lot of hard work and thought into the preparation. He is easy to listen to and if something is a little difficult to understand then Mauro has a way of explaining in another way which sometimes can be humorous and fun.

I have learned many things and therefore I have felt more closer to God and has deepened my faith. I try to find time in the day to pray instead of a rushed, mumbled dialogue. Difficult in our busy lifestyles but achievable.

Should anyone feel inclined to enrol on this course or indeed any other course that Mauro presents, then I would urge you to do so. This course in particular is not confusing or deep and will enlighten your knowledge and deepen your faith.

1,232 - Gabrielle O.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The series has helped us to appreciate the Gospel reading each week of Advent in a more profound, and therefore, spiritual way.

It has also been a great insight into how relevant the Old Testament is to the New. This is something we knew in our heads, but did not appreciate fully, and the course leads us to want to know more.

I do think it is very important for us all to pray for Mauro and his wife, and not take them for granted. There must be so much to organise behind the scenes, and like us all, Covid must have its influence which can lead us to act in ways that we would not usually do; for example to avoid people rather than be sociable. Pressure can build up with more responsibility, but with the help of the Holy Spirit this can dissipate, and burdens be carried by Our Lord rather than on shoulders.

So let us always remember Mauro and Janet in our prayers that they may always be empowered by the Holy Spirit.

1,231 - Mary M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The course was well designed and put together with great thoroughness and clearly showed the work you have put into the background study and how best to present the material. Your humour is always a bonus!

Your input and teachings impacted on how I was able to "hear" the Gospels and to recognise the continuity of the promises of God and how multi layered the references in the Scriptures.

As always with your teaching I feel that you plant seeds and that the Holy Spirit nourishes and puts other opportunities in my life e.g your inputs about how Grace accepted can lead to others - the reflection on this is a truly valuable experience and one which I pray will continue to bear fruit.

Your grounding in the Saints of the Church and their teachings has also led to further research and prayerful seeking - thank you for your signposting. Grazie Mille Mauro x

1,230 - Maria A.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I would like to thank you so much Mauro for the Advent Bible Series.

It has been a joy to follow your sessions. I now have a far greater insight into the Bible and its teachings. Your sessions have been so informative, with some lovely funny moments!

You have given me the tools to go away and study my bible with a greater understanding of God's Word. Blessings to you and Janet. I look forward to future courses.

1,229 - Joyce P.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I thought the course was extremely good. Mauro speaks very clearly and has a wealth of knowledge to impart. He spends a lot of time preparing each lesson and we certainly benefit.

In the Advent Bible Series, I found that simple pieces and stories that I thought I knew well, suddenly had a greater significance.

Each sentence was literally opened out and explained in such detail, which I could never have worked out. Mauro, you are wonderful for teaching as you do. I love your sense of humour and your shirts!

1,228 - Barbara L.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I have listened to Mauro in the 4 weeks of Advent this year of 2021 and following his request to look at (some of) his endorsements already online I can only say, I agree wholeheartedly with as many of them as I could read this evening!

Everything that has been said I reinforce 100%. His teaching methods, his knowledge and articulate translation is so powerful and yet so caring & natural & resulted in opening the doors that have been 'stuck', in my mind for the past 69 yrs of being a 'cradle catholic'.

We absorbed only so much as children in primary school from our teachers, who had a limited amount of time to fill our young heads with bible stories. Some of these came along with me as I lived my life but I often lost the grip and the real 'kernel' of the bible message.

Not now. I want to listen to more of Mauro's " breaking it open" style and be able to translate my own bible into real life as he has done for me this Advent. I am enormously grateful to him & his team and lovely wife who inspire him along the way.

I hope more people will engage with his courses in the future and he can continue pursue his dream of living the Gospel through this work/vocation.

Please support him in every way by telling your friends & family to sign up. PS: Nothing in this life is FREE except Love & Belief in God. How many of us could afford to give up a career to do this without some financial support?

1,227 - Jane C.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I absolutely love this course, I always look forward to it. I am surprised at how much I have learnt that I didn't even know, it's well explained by Mauro who is so passionate and dedicated in his teaching. I truly would recommended. Always gives me so much joy afterwards.

1,226 - Rafal S.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Great course which truly enriched my Christian life.

An eye opener to many aspects of Advent which were not noticed by me prior to attending this course.

This course allowed me to understand and put in the correct order many pieces of Bible knowledge which I did not bother to comprehend before.

Clear teachings which deliver a consitent message strengthened with interesting references and anecdotes.

1,225 - Margaret C.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

A very engaging set of five sessions for Advent. A preparation for the coming of Jesus Christ's birth through a friendly but deep study of the gospels of the New Testament.

Not only is Mauro Iannicelli's presentation user-friendly but his talks draw participants in, prompting some of them to comment on his interpretation through various researches he makes in preparation.

For myself, I found that I learned something new from every session. Well worth your time.

Thank you for carrying out such a brilliant mission. God Bless you Mauro and Janet and fellow participants via YouTube.

1,224 - Rupert W.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Thank you Mauro for your warm and engaging style, your well planned and researched content, and clear presentation and slides. I have thoroughly enjoyed the course so far and learnt alot.

As a result of your entreaty to daily prayer, I have made a practice of Lectio Divina every day through this Advent which has been a grace and blessing. God bless you in your work.

1,223 - Anne L.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I am in awe at how much teaching and content is drawn out of the Gospel readings by this course. It has opened channels of thought I had never considered.

Mauro's knowledge and interpretation are a rich source of enlightment and a great blessing. It has been a privilege to share in this course.

1,222 - Leigh-Anne v.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Amazing Advent course. Thoroughly enjoyed it and the content was of such a high calibre. I learnt so much!

Thank you Mauro for all the hard work. I was so impressed with all the teaching and the spirit-filled input which will help us to grow in faith. God bless you and Janet.

1,221 - Ursula K.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

This course has been really great to learn more details about the meaning of the Gospels of Advent, even if one has heard them many times before.

It has been interesting, exciting, challenging and confirming. Mauro has a real gift for this ministry and it is a pleasure to join.

And of course, it is always fun to see which shirt will come out for the session.

Many thanks and to both Mauro and Janet for their love and efforts for this ministry. God Bless You!

1,220 - Andrew D.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The course has prepared me for and given me a greater understanding of the following Sunday's Gospel.

It has also been a very helpful preparation for reading at Mass which I often do.

As an Anglican convert my knowledge of the gospels has tended to be "factual" rather than providing a deep understanding of what is being said and, to that end, this course has been of immense help.

1,219 - Mary S.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The advent course surely deepened my faith and knowledge. Especially the first lesson which explains Christ's second coming.

The presentation was so clear and vivid. On Sunday I was very attentive to the Gospel and the homily. The priest was just as wonderful that he repeated and confirmed what I learned on the course.

Yes - my heart was joyful. I wished everyone in the church had the same feeling or maybe is on the course with me.

You know how many times I have heard this passage of Gospel during advent. Over 60 years... surely my ears were shut all this time... Until Now. My sincere thanks to Mauro and the team. Keep up the good work.

I also just completed the Bible timeline course. I recommend for all Catholic members and all Christians.

Mauro present it so well and it feels homely. The contents are deep and well researched.

God bless everyone.

1,218 - Tracy R.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

My husband and I have thoroughly enjoyed being part of the weekly Advent Bible Series.

We previously attended the Bible Timeline Course, which really brought the Bible to life for us. However, this is somehow different.

In hearing the details and background of each Gospel a few days before Mass, I've actually found myself looking forward to hearing the Gospel and Homily afterwards in Mass, to see whether or not our Deacon and Priest give similar accounts as Mauro.

They do, but Mauro is very unique in how he describes each verse and the light of the Lord truly shines through him and his Ministry.

I cannot recommend him highly enough. I truly feel honoured to have been told about these courses and this is the perfect way to bring God's word and love into our homes.

1,217 - Karen G.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Loving each study week - learning so much about the background and history of the gospels. Giving it all a new depth and meaning, and increasing my faith and understanding.

Delighted to report that my husband joined me watching the first session, then signed up himself for the rest. He's made a donation so he can access the recordings as he often works away during the week.

Many, many thanks for another superb course. I particularly like the humorous parts! In week 4, when you asked us to bear with you for 20 mins whilst you explained that maths diagram almost fooled us - my husband was just off to make a cup of tea! LOL!

So thank you, thank you, thank you! God bless you and Janet, and we look forward to your next course!

1,216 - Alice C.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I've enjoyed every single session and have learnt a number of new things at every one. It has been a real source of food for thought and stays with me in the following days.

I have loved some of the connections you have pulled out Mauro - eg calling Mary the Ark of the Covenant, Old Testament linking to the new, the Annunciations to Zechariah and to Mary.

It has been wonderful to have had this session before the Sunday Mass.

The teaching has been delivered in a very clear and well paced way. I'd thoroughly recommend the course to anyone and look forward to another in Lent.

You have a real gift, Mauro, and it's wonderful that you're using it in such a an open, welcoming and modern way.

1,215 - Maria M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I would like to thank you so much for the amazing learning experience you offered us. The 5 week Advent Gospels Teachings Course was completely free, but the content was priceless!

Mauro taught us how to be closer to the real and true meaning of the Nativity of Jesus Christ.

I attended the Bible Timeline Course earlier this year and I hope to join other courses in the near future.

For me, The Come and See Ministry is a very special way to carry on learning how to be a better Catholic. God bless you!

Maria Mendonca

1,214 - Caroline C.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I found the explanation of the gospels easy to understand. The course was delivered in an engaging way that grabbed my attention for the duration.

It is all too easy to let your mind wander during presentations, but this did not happen during this course. I believe this was due to Mauro's easy-going and informative style which made me want to listen to all the information he was giving to us.

I found myself paying more detailed attention to the actual words of the gospels this time. In the past, probably due to the fact the gospels are so familiar, I often found myself 'taking their words for granted' and not really pondering the deeper message of the Lord.

As a result of Mauro's explanations, I was able to make better links between the Old and New Testaments, something I hadn't considered before.

Thank you Mauro for enabling me to gain a deeper understanding of the gospels and how I can relate them to my everyday life.

1,213 - Indre V.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I can't thank you enough for your charismatic evangelisation ministry. Your ministry came to me that I can become closer to the Lord and the Word of God.

I listened to the talk on Prayer and it made so much sense to me as if all loose pieces of the jigsaw puzzle came together in a clear picture about what the prayer is about and how to improve it. Thank you!

May the Lord bless you both and your ministry be filled and guided by the Holy Spirit!

1,212 - Rosemarie N.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

This is my 2nd course with Mauro, and it was again a revelation in so many ways.

Mauro knows his Bible (Old and New Testament) and has the ability to bring the scripture alive and pointing to the connections from the prophets to the apostles.

Mauro is an amazing communicator, and I can highly recommend Christians to listen to him.

1,211 - Attracta A.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The course was insightful, knowledgeable, revelatory, an eye opener but above all enjoyable.

My appreciation of my faith shore out and impacted me the way that I could not imagine. Every Catholic needs to undertake this course.

1,210 - Lola L.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The course has reinforced and enriched my knowledge of the bible. Your style of teaching is lovely, you reach out in simple terms and you have the charisma of convincing narrative - all backed up and well illustrated.

1,209 - Jeff D.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The Advent Bible Series is fantastic. It is well presented, thought provoking and informative no matter where one is on one's faith journey.

I was only disappointed you did not go though the 20 minute mathematical modelling of how they calculated Jesus's birth date.......... ha ha ha, joking.

1,208 - Maria L.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The Advent Bible course has been a very grace filled and inspiring journey. Listening on a wednesday prepares one's mind to receive the Gospel in a new light. It helps us to transform our hearts and minds ready to receive Christ.

1,207 - Patricia R.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Thank you Mauro, I've really loved this course as I did the Bible Timeline course (which I have listened to twice).

Both are full of very interesting information that is really helping me to understand and remember the readings/bible in a much deeper way. Well done and God bless you and Janet in your ministry.

1,206 - Caroline D.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

THANK YOU for another brilliant course. I learn so much from you.

It was so special to have Janet join us the other week. She added something very beautiful and really spoke from her heart to us (just when I thought you couldn't improve on what you already do!) You make a great team.

1,205 - Mary L.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

My husband and I did the bible timeline course as a result of which he wants to become a Catholic. Praise the Lord.

So when we had the opportunity to do the Advent Course we jumped at it. It opens up the Gospel and gives different views which on our own we would not be able to see. So thank you Mauro.

1,204 - Tony and Mary M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Mauro's depth of explanation brings each Sunday's Gospel to life. He paints the picture of the Gospel scenes with his words, sometimes in a light-hearted way, mostly very reverently.

We are study buddies, and often carry on the discussion after the session ends. Mauro, you've brought understanding of Holy Scripture into our home. Thank you! We thank God for your ministry.

1,203 - Michelle C.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I love the individuality of your teaching - your personal side and your humanity make it feel very personal.

The sessions were very straight forward and easy to understand even if I felt that you were going to go over head in theology, I followed it completely and I felt more informed.

I have been able to focus more on my own faith and relay some of your teaching to colleagues/friends in a way that I believe has made them think rather than my own waffle!

1,202 - Helen D.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I have really enjoyed the Advent Bible Series. It has been so interesting.

I have a very basic knowledge of the scriptures leading up and focusing around the birth of Christ, however Mauro fills it in with all these interesting facts and ideas.

Mauro literally brings it all alive. His style of teaching is excellent as he makes it so easy to understand and gives opportunities to discuss with a partner and to use your imagination.

1,201 - Veronica A.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I find your talks extremely well prepared and presented. You make the topic so interesting and the gospel readings so easy to follow. I wonder why I didn't understand these readings before

1,200 - Lisa B.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I could watch Mauro everyday, I have learnt a lot in a really informative and straightforward way.

I really appreciate your time and efforts to deliver such a great course! Bravo!

1,199 - Judith F.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I am really enjoying the series of talks on the Advent Gospels. Thank you! I love the connections you point out in the readings between the Old and New Testament and your ideas provoke others.

This week's insight into the Visitation led to a great discussion here on the humanity of Mary and Jesus which can sometimes be overshadowed by theological discussions of Jesus' divinity.

1,198 - Clare M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

We have just completed the five week Advent Bible Series. I must say it was fantastic.

As usual the presentation was perfectly paced, it's a great help having the presenter, Mauro, looking directly at us and speaking with confidence and conviction, making the Word of God come alive for us, and doing so in plain simple lamguage.

Twice in each session he challenged us to reflect on specific questions which helped us the material to our personal lives. This I found very helpful, and not always easy.

I believed I was familiar with the Scripture passages used - the Sunday Gospels (for Advent) - but the new depth of meaning and messages in each verse amazed and excited me.

I realised I must wake up, pray and reflect more deeply on every Scripture piece and verse I'm reading. I am so grateful for this experience and this Grace.

Having this reflection each week before the Sunday certainly made the Gospel reading more alive and meaningful. I have since reflected on how enriched the people at Mass could be if they received what I had received!

My sincere gratitude to Mauro and Janet for providing us with this Advent Course, and for all the other courses I have had the privilege and pleasure of enjoying this past year or so. I pray they will continue to enrich us and open God's Word for us more and more.

May the Lord reward and bless them abundantly for all their faithful and dedicated service to us and to the spread of the Good News of ther Gospel.

1,197 - Lourdes V.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

This is the 2nd course I attended 1st being the Lenten Gospel Course.

I found it extremely informative. Mauro seems to "Chew the Cud", so to speak. He extracts the depth meaning of the verses from many angles. Absolutely riveting and exciting to be able to understand all that is contained within.

It has enhanced my knowledge and made me study the Bible with a new vision. Trying to see it in the context of the time, and try to relate it to the present. Trying being the operative word. I do read the Bible more frequently, spending quiet time early am. As suggested by Mauro. Not easy to wake up but I persevere.

I do highly recommend this wonderful experience. You become aware how much scripture is buried within those lines one reads! Thank you Mauro and Janet.

1,196 - Francesca H.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

This has been a most beneficial, spiritual learning journey of the highest quality.

The time of one hour was just right to hold your level of concentration.

Your lectures are the best and most informative I have ever undertaken.

I recommend them to all clergy and especially to the Dean of St. Barnabas Cathedral, Nottingham.

Congratulations on this excellent production and presentation. Happy Christmas and God Bless you both for your continued commitment to explaining the Word of God.

1,195 - Sr Zaweria K.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

This comes to recommend wonderful work of preparing us to receive the new born baby into our hearts and giving the world an opportunity to experience the Joy of XMAS through us who had this wonderful opportunity.

As a person I am grateful and still feel indebted. I owe you not only my appreciation and special prayer for your family as well as your ministry, but also my support in whichever way to this noble course.

May God bless you and your wife, bless your family, bless your ministry, bless all who make this ministry possible financially, words of encouragement, materially and in whichever way.

Have a very Blessed New year and praying for success for all the programmes of the new year 2022.

May more people embrace the light of Gospel through the bible timeline course that has made me enjoy and find meaning in each and every verse in the Bible more than before. Thank you and Blessings.

1,194 - Belinda D.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The Advent Bible Studies Series, 2021 exceeded my expectations and is a series that takes you deeper into your faith.

I feel it has increased my understanding of Advent and prepared me better for each Sunday Mass of Advent.

Not only does it explain the Sunday Advent Gospel readings but it also makes connections I had not perhaps considered or even thought about deeply enough before.

It is a series that I would thoroughly recommend to others and have indeed already done so.

It is especially beneficial for those who want to journey deeper into the faith and increase their understanding of Advent and the true meaning of Christmas. Thank you so much Mauro, for all your hard work.

1,193 - Conrad D.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The Advent 2021 sessions were very informative and instrumental in linking different sections of the bible and verses.

I have never read the bible and made the type of links that Mauro highlighted in his presentations.

There has not been a boring presentation and my attention was held throughout. My knowledge of the bible and Advent readings have definitely benefited considerably, and I went to Mass well prepared.

There has obviously been considerable research and links made from different inputs to make the very enjoyable presentations that Mauro gives. The research is very thorough. My faith and beliefs have grown and been reinforced.

1,192 - Edward and Nuria B.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Thank you so much for the Advent Course which I am finding it really instructive and definitely improving my Sunday mass experience.

I enjoy very much your teaching style, direct and full of charm.

I also find very enriching the proposed study questions after each session, it makes me reflect and go further into my Spiritual life.

I can assure you that I will recommend your courses to more people, so the more the merrier.

Eternally grateful for your hard work for our benefit. God bless you both always. Warm regards and prayers.

1,191 - Sophie M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I'm really enjoying this Advent Bible Series. It enriches my understanding of the Sunday Gospels by drawing on biblical scholarship, the Church's teaching, Church Fathers, Commentaries and Bible history.

It brings the narratives and Salvation Story into focus, which is gradually building in excitement towards the big day -Christmas! It is a natural extension to the Bible Timeline Course. Thank you for all your hard work Mauro & Janet.

1,190 - Veronica L.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I have truly enjoyed the Advent Course, it has definitely enriched my Mass experience

and pushed me to read more and listen to the Gospel more attentively.

I was surprised and found certain explanations very interesting as they were not what I had always been told (for example the meaning of "not worthy to untie the straps of his sandals").

Loved the way the course was presented and conducted by Mauro with that bit of Italian touch.

Being Italian myself made me feel quite at home especially with that background of St Peter's church.

I would recommend this online course to anyone seeking to improve and enrich their faith. Mauro is an excellent teacher.

1,189 - Marion C.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I found that the Advent Bible Series has been an excellent preparation for Sunday Mass. I was enabled to follow the readings with a deeper understanding and to apply them in a way that helped my spiritual growth.

I enjoy Mauro's casual, simple and yet deeply spiritual style of teaching and I do certainly recomment this online courses to others as I believe they are an opportunity of living Sunday Mass in an enriched way.

1,188 - Milena B.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I enjoyed all the talks about the Advent Bible series and so glad I subscribed to it so I could view and listen to them a second time.

The talks are delivered in a calm manner and with all the supporting quotations from the Bible.

For sure I learned so much from every talk and would recommend the series anytime. Thanks and God bless you Mauro for having opened my eyes to much in the Bible that I didn't know.

1,187 - Yvonne H.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I am so happy to be back after Bible Timeline courses and be able to learn more from Mauro & Janet!!

This series enriches my understanding without any doubt. I don't normally gain so much details by attending weekly mass. It is like a big gap being filled with gold - Gold of Knowledge.

I like Mauro's style of explanation i.e. a good mix of quoting specific verses and in general terms.

It opens my mind & heart and have better listening skill to hear God's teaching. My snail-pace Bible journey continues!

Good to see the talks in YouTube with so many people saying hello but it is also distracting... I had to hide it most of the time. One idea if it is possible is for people to log into different area e.g. by regions like South East, North West etc and start their conversation. It can be useful for discussion when we are presented with questions with no study buddies.

1,186 - Isabel P.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Very simply explained in a very visual form. Easy to follow. Mauro's enthusiasm and strong faith is catching!

Good to refresh the readings before the Sunday Masses.

1,185 - Felicity and Malcolm S.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

This course has been really helpful in unpacking the Sunday Mass readings for Advent and furthering our understanding.

It's given us a greater depth of knowledge and new insight into the Bible narrative, prophecies and the links between the Old and New Testament.

Mauro is an excellent and intuitive teacher. We would recommend this course to everyone!

1,184 - David W.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The talks have opened up new ideas for me about things going on in the Bible, bringing me a deeper level of understanding of God's word.

Mauro uncovers messages which require digging below the surface of the words themselves, which I would not have the knowledge to do myself, and which have brought the Gospel at mass each Sunday more fully to life.

1,183 - Eva P.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Thank you so much for your ministry. You are doing a fantastic job on evangelisation. You are bringing me closer to God showing me a way to have a better relationship with Him.

1,182 - Jaydev C.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Thank you so much for this excellent Advent Bible Series. The quality and depth of understanding that you provide is a clear indication of the significant effort you put into each session.

1,181 - Anonymous
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Thank you so much for organising these bible studies. I have learnt a great deal that I did not know before.

Your course is excellent. I wish that my church or my school had offered bible studies when I was younger.

I only wish the session was a little longer as we have to rush through some parts towards the end and time flies by.

1,180 - Simon M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Thank you so much for designing and delivering this excellent Advent course.

I not only learnt so much that was new to me about the context of the readings, but it has also deepend my spritual understanding of how the readings speak to us about our own redemptions stories.

In what has sometimes been a somewhat bleak period, your course has acted as a beacon for my faith, beliefs and spirit. Dio vi benedica entrambi!

1,179 - Indre V.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Thank you for an amazing session tonight. Almost everything you said spoke to my heart and unlocked something inside of me. Praise the Lord!

1,178 - Gaynor F.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Thank you for all you do and you have made a great difference to my understanding of the scriptures. You have made everything come alive.

1,177 - Sarajayne B.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I've learned so much from your course and I've come to appreciate the bible more instead of being scared to read it because of how big it is.

Plus, the advent has made me look at Mass in a different way now. Your sense of humour is fabulous - and your shirts. Please continue to do what you're doing as I've learned so much from you.

1,176 - Jenny and Tom H.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I really enjoy the talks, obviously well prepared. There is always something I didn't know even though I'm a cradle catholic.

I find the readings at Sunday Mass mean more and I understand them as they have been put in the right context.

1,175 - Anna F.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I have to thank you both for all you do!!! It is a great blessing for London and actually the whole world.

1,174 - Amanda V.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I found the Advent course very helpful and easy to understand. It gave me a deep spiritual insight into the Gospel on the Sunday and I found myself looking deeper into my daily Bible readings. I would recommend Mauro's courses without hesitation.

1,173 - Paul S.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I enjoy the Advent Bible Series. I am most glad about it when I turn to the readings on Sunday morning before going to Mass and realise that I have already read the gospel and had a teaching on it.

Mauro brings insights to the gospel readings that I certainly couldn't come up with myself and the general comments on the Advent season have helped me enter the spirit of the season.

1,172 - Patricia M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I don't know how you've been inspired again, but this session was AMAZINGLY FRESH, giving me an angle on this Gospel that no-one had ever opened for me before. A zillion thanks. God bless you

1,171 - Bernadette A.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I am speechless as how this wonderful teachings has enriched my spiritual growth. I can never thank God enough for what you and your wife represent in our lives.

1,170 - Brenda D.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I am grateful for the thought and care put into planning the right spiritual diet for the appropriate liturgical season. How fortunate we are to fed by you both, babies that we are in the spiritual life, especially me!

1,169 - Rosie G.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Excellent talk Mauro! I have been doing what you suggest, but in an ad hoc way for many years - now I will dedicate 30 mins for prayer only every morning. Thank you for your inspiration.

1,168 - Catherine B.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Dear Mauro and Janet, I have learnt so much from your course sessions, much of which is new to me, inspiring and meaningful in my life.

I understand much more depth of the message about Christ's birth and it's place within the context of redemption. I've always loved baby Jesus and the Word made flesh but your sessions are changing my life! Thank you, thank you.

1,167 - Anne M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Again a very interesting and informative series presented in a light and entertaining manner. You certainly keep our attention!

My study buddy and I learnt many interesting and previously unthought-about facts that have inspired us to read Bible passages with greater depths, and some of the insights we have passed on to our fellow Prayer Group members. Thank you so much and keep up the good work.

1,166 - Carmel W.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

A thought provoking enjoyable series. I feel that I need to revisit the talks to digest all the information given.

I liked the style of teaching and I felt there was a lot of preparation and research going into each session.

I was grateful that the talk on 8th December 2021 was made available on-line for a week as I did access this.

It really is a privilege having access to these talks. Thank you.

1,165 - Mairead M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

What an excellent course the Advent series is. With inspiration drawn from sources I would not have thought of, i.e the early Church Fathers and the saints, as well as the exact Biblical references and earlier Biblical references, this course has really provided with me with food for thought.

1,164 - Charlette M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

This was an excellent course that has given an added depth to my understanding of the Advent Gospel readings. Not only that, the lectures have also changed the way I read the Bible.

The concepts can sometimes be complicated (such as in the last one), but they are clearly explained and often presented with practical examples. The delivery of the information is well-paced so that I had time for new knowledge and understanding to 'soak in'.

Even though I watched it online, I still felt a warmth and care from Mauro as he shared God's message. After each lecture, I felt cheerful and wanted to share my new understanding with others.

I have been able to carry what I learned in my heart well beyond the one hour spent online each week.

1,163 - Jacqui M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

This is my 3rd course. These courses have helped me understand my faith better by increasing my understanding and making me look deeper in to the scriptures and our links to our everyday prayers and mass readings.

I have learnt several new things and was surprised that I was not aware of some important facts such as the baptism of John the Baptist.

I really enjoyed the way the course is presented. Mauro is so knowledgeable and he presents in a simple way for all to understand. He has a great sense of humour and a winning smile which make the courses feel more personal so its like chatting with a close friend.

I would and have recommend these courses to many people not only Catholic's.

1,162 - mary s.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The course was excellent, well prepared and well delivered. It helped me to dwell on the Sunday reading better and I reflected on certain verses during the week before.

Excellent research some of which I hadn't heard before, like the first blessing from baby Jesus in the womb, Elijah's role, whom I really had forgotten although I have indeed read through the Old Testament.

Also the winnowing fan and Christ's cross. Really so many insights, most helpful to me. I am a Word on Fire student but not doing so much at present owing to managing my condition etc. So thank you for these as they have opened up things for me, a bit more.

1,161 - Kitty H.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The Advent course has really helped my understanding on not only the birth of Christ 2000 years ago but also his future coming... the latter was new knowledge.

Mauro is an excellent teacher and makes the content so interesting as well as simplifying theology constucts into every day life experiences.

Having the Gospel teaching prior to Sunday participation deepened my spiritual connection within my community and to God as well as to Our Lady ...truly a great experience.

It was demanding to access the course at 7 pm even though I am retired...8 pm would have been better...

1,160 - Carmel H.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The "unpacking the Advent Sunday gospels" each Wednesday evening has been very enlightening in several ways - such as bringing and explaining the gospel to life (we, many of us, are so used to hearing them that the true meaning is not always unravelled). Also the extra "titbits" about the era, life and customs I have found interesting and in several cases helpful in my prayer life. In all I have really enjoyed these sessions. Many thanks Mauro, Janet and team.

1,159 - Chona M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

My Sunday Mass experience has considerably changed as thanks to the course I already have a grasp of the Gospel readings days before and even before I could set foot in the Church entrance.

It is interesting to learn about what transpired back then, and feels like walking back into history as it unfolds. I just read it before but now I really felt the excitement of Mary when she visited Elizabeth even if she has so much to be worried about like her relationship with Joseph and the people's reactions when they discovered about her delicate condition.

There is always something to discover giving me the Eureka feeling such as the first meeting of baby Jesus from the womb of Mary and baby John from the womb of Elizabeth. I also thought all along that only Mary and Jesus were born without original sin.

The teaching style is "user-friendly" that it can be easily digested and retained in the mind. Indeed, I get interested in discovering more 'revelations' that is an 'eye-opening' to me. Through the years, I have heard these stories countless times but now I see it in a new light.

I have invited a number of friends to join and have a first-hand experience. Truly amazing!

1,158 - Mary Ann J.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Mauro's teaching of the 2nd and 3rd week on John the Baptist provided insight about how Jesus is foreshadowed in these gospels readings.

His teaching on the two baptisms, John with water and Jesus's with Holy Spirit and fire, was interesting.

Mauro's teaching style is good: enthuastic but gentle and clear. It is really helpful having the text on the screen as Mauro reads through the gospel a few lines at a time.

The closing shots are very helpful to summarise the points covered.

I appreciate the few 3 minute pauses and promptings to reflect. I'm soooo glad we do not have to go into breakout rooms! Thank you for these sessions.

1,157 - Letitia D.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Mauro's Advent Bible Series has greatly enhanced my understanding of the context and preparations leading up to the birth of Jesus.

It is so important to think more deeply about the role of Elizabeth and John the Baptist as well as Mary and Joseph. Christmas is so often overwhelmed by the celebration of family gatherings and gift-giving, and so it has been a particular joy to set aside time each week during Advent to listen and follow Mauro's thoughtful analysis of the gospel readings.

The course has led me to read more from my Bible and Sunday Missal and enjoy listening to the readings at Mass.

Mauro has clearly put a lot of work into his delivery of the Advent Series and his particular sense of humour is very engaging and adds to my enjoyment of the lessons.

I would warmly recommend Mauro's Advent Bible Series to anyone.

1,156 - Maria L.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Many thanks Mauro for all your hard effort in preparing the sessions for this wonderful Advent Bible series.

They have really helped me to have a deeper understanding of the Advent Gospels each Sunday.

What is great is how you explain each verse of the Gospel in more depth, giving the background and context of the Gospel, which enables me to understand God's message more fully.

May God continue to bless your ministry and inspire you to provide other wonderful courses in the future.

1,155 - Ailish D.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I thoroughly enjoyed the course and approached the Festive season with a renewed reverence.

It made me realise that although I was very familiar with the story of Christmas, I failed to realise how much more there was to learn.

Mauro is a wonderful, passionate teacher and his knowledge of the scriptures is worth listening to.

I was able to appreciate the beautiful season of Advent on a different level, with a deeper knowledge and a special appreciation for the Birth of Jesus.

1,154 - Anna D.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I really enjoyed the Advent course and it helped to deepen both my faith and my understanding during this important time, particularly the significance of Advent - I felt more prepared for Christmas as a result.

I really felt I enjoyed mass more during this time and understood the gospels better. I learnt so many things - too many to list here!

Also, having a "study buddy" was great as it's been difficult during the pandemic to connect with my fellow parishioners as often as I ordinarily would, so I felt more connected with my parish through my "study buddy".

One small suggestion, I think it would be great to include a session next year (if possible) about the gospel for the Epiphany. This is such an important feast that I think gets "lost" in our consumerist society and I would love to feel more empowered to talk about it with people, and just to reflect on it more deeply. Thanks again for another great course - grazie e buon anno!

1,153 - Elaine W.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I have thoroughly enjoyed learning about the Advent Gospels with Mauro.

He spends a lot of time researching the writings of saints and catholic writers to give the fullest possible explanations of the Gospels.

The time he spends on research means he can give deep insight into those parts of the Gospels that may not be that easily understood. I would recommend this course to all Catholics who want to delve deeper into their faith.

1,152 - Joanne P.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I found the course immensely helpful. It makes so much difference to have contemplated the Gospel before Mass and to gain a deeper understanding of it. I found Mauro's talks very helpful and they opened up the readings for me and taught me things I did not know.

So much is missed when we do not prepare in this way. I enjoy Mauro's teaching style which is sincere and professional with some fun thrown in.

I would highly recommend such a course as a way to deepen one's understanding of the scriptures and also the Mass experience.

1,151 - Anne L.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Brilliant, informative, well-presented and in a relaxed/easy to understand manner.

The questions allow us to consider the context of what is being discussed and Maurio 's explanations are always very insightful.

The course is also delivered with humour and is easy to participate in. I would recommend this course and others Maurio teaches to develop understanding and faith.

1,150 - John F.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

As one uses torch light to light an obscure path, so did these talks enlighten the Gospel readings.

Thank you Mauro for bringing in many varied connections to the readings to make them easily understood in context. I would certainly recommend the courses.

1,149 - Mia F.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

After doing the Bible TImeline Course last Spring, I was keen to run the Advent Bible Study course with my university students.

We had a regular group of about 6-8 people and it was great to explore the Scripture in fuller detail with Mauro and then to discuss it further together after the session.

I think the study budy section could be four minutes to give each participant a couple of minutes each, especially for thinking time.

The way Mauro presents each session is comfortable to watch and easy to follow. I do appreciate that it takes an enormous amount of work for each session to look so fluent and we are grateful for that. I hope there will be a Lenten course too!

1,148 - Miriam W.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

A very beautiful and enlightening insight of the Christmas gospels.

It taught me things I wouldn't have comprehended on my own and brought light and clarity over the Lord's word for a deeper understanding and, more than that, a deeper relationship with God.

I recommend this course in conjunction with the Timeline Bible Course, one complements each other and adds to the other giving you a deep, necessary understanding of the love of God for us.

Without studying the Lord's word, truly there is a missing important, fundamental part which is the direct and fastest link to God. Essential for our Faith. His word is Life and He really wants us to come to know Him better through It. God bless.

1,147 - Sandra M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Your series have been illuminating, so easy to understand particularly in areas that were totally unknown to me.

Discussing the Gospels just a few days before Mass has helped me gain so much more from the readings.

I have looked forward to each session as I knew that I would be gaining more knowledge of my beautiful Faith. Thank you and Janet.

1,146 - Veronica P.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

We found the course really easy to understand. My son joined in as he has a learning disability and he is on the Autistic spectrum. I was very surprised in how much he enjoyed it as well. You have enriched our lives. We cant thank you enough.

1,145 - Celina H.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

This is deep. So interesting to uncover layers I didn't know were there. Gives Advent a new dimension instead of it rushing past in a blur of commercialism. Make our paths straight!

1,144 - Catherine T.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

This Advent series has been very interesting and explained in greater depth the Sunday readings in preparation for mass.

I have learnt many new details about the meaning of the scriptures.

1,143 - Berniece S.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The course has been enlightening as Mauro examines symbolism, cultural practice and language to explain the meaning of the gospel and make it available for application to our life now.

1,142 - Annette B.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The Advent course was excellent, it provided me with the necessary boost I needed to open up the scriptures.

As Mauro put the gospel reading in context, I could see the bigger picture and also appreciate more what God was trying to communicate. I felt equipped and ready to fully participate in the Sunday liturgy and encounter Christ once again!

So thank you Mauro! God bless your ministry.

1,141 - Anne J.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The Advent Bible Study Course has greatly enriched my spiritual life and my understanding of each of the Sunday's Gospels, and of the Old and New Testaments.

I would encourage every Catholic to follow the course, and anyone wanting to know more about the Bible and the Catholic faith to take part.

1,140 - Melvin S.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The Advent Bible series is written in an excellent inspiring format, presented in a very easy to understand teaching by Mauro by interfacing the relvent gospels.

Giving full explanation of the diffrent passages fragmented in the Bible, Mauro has condensed the story of Advent, making the message proufoundly alive for today.

1,139 - Ailish D.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Thank you so much for wonderful Advent Course Mauro. I am throughly enjoying learning more about this beautiful season.

Thank you for all your hard work & the obvious love, care & thought that goes into each lesson. May God bless you & Janet in your enlightening ministry.

1,138 - Anne N.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Thank you so much for the wonderful gift of your teaching. You broke open the mystery of the Gospel reading and broadened the horizons of my understanding greatly.

1,137 - Margaret F.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Thank you so much for the insighful Advent course. It as made me think more deeply about the readings, and have discovered things I did not know. It has helped my prayer life, and I have recommended the courses to family and friends.

1,136 - Harris A.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Thank you Mauro and Janet for a well put together course. I personal found it an inspiring course through the whole of advent.

Did it make the following Sunday gospel reading easier to understand? The answer is yes, the way you presented the course was brilliant.

I will definitely recommend any future courses to any one I know. Once again a big thank you. I whish you and Janet a happy Christmas and a happy new year.

1,135 - Julie R.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Mauro, thanks for the Advent Bible sessions, your teaching has made me much more open to the Sunday Gospels and more positive to prayer and reading.

I was fascinated by Mary been called the Arc of the Covenant, am looking forward to the Lentan Bible teachings.

Good health and god bless you and Janet for opening up my spiritual life and helping me to be positive.

1,134 - Ana M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I listened in to this talk about the Prayer with a rule of life and found it very inspiring. May the Lord bless you on this wonderful journey of evangelisation. You have certainly converted me and I will share your website to other Catholic's so they too benefit from these talks.

1,133 - Clare W.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I have been so surprised at the enjoyment gained from this Advent Bible Series. It has enriched the gospel for me and enhanced my understanding.

1,132 - Christine S.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I had been struggling with a topic spoken about during the very first week and I felt as though you were speaking only to me and giving me the answer. I would like to thank you so much for putting on this course as I have got a lot from it.

1,131 - David B.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

We have really enjoyed the Advent Bible Series. Thank you to Mauro and Janet for all they do in its preparation and delivery.

We have found it really helps us think more deeply about the readings at Mass and provides a point of reflection in the middle of the week.

The teachings are always clear and easy to follow and introduce new ways of thinking about the readings that we have heard many times before.

Thank you again and may God continue to bless your ministry.

1,130 - Michael L.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

This is a great way to get into the spirit of Advent. Mauro's talk on the Gospel readings makes it really come alive.

He delves deeply into its meaning line for line and has made profound sense of it all.

I thought I understood the readings before but after hearing Mauro I realise how little I know. I have learned so much and this has inspired me to read the Bible more frequently.

Thank you Mauro & Janet for all your dedication and good work. Really enjoyed it and I am sad it is coming to an end. God Bess you all and stay safe.

1,129 - Wanda F.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

This course opened my mind to the Advent narrative. It made me think more deeply and helped me with a broader understanding through seeing the wider context.

Mauro provided a clear, up-to-date (and fun) explanation.

He brought in the teachings of the Church and even these (which can be quite opaque) he made more understandable.

Summaries provided at the beginning and end of the session helped embed the teaching. Slides provided the right hooks with simply enough information. All in all a course I would recommend. Thank you.

1,128 - Celia L.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I am enjoying your teaching so much, and learning such a lot too.

I just wish we could have had this explained to us years ago and it certainly helps everything make sense.

I was a religious myself for 5 years, and although we studied the bible to some degree, we were never given the insight you have given, and this makes such a huge difference to everything.

1,127 - Jenny F.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The Advent course is excellent, every session I learn new things. Mauro delivers it with clarity, allows time for interaction, reflection and prayer.

He summarises the learning and keeps my motivation levels high and focused throughout. Thank you so much.

I highly recommend this course to beginners and for those who are not. Looking forward to further courses next year.

1,126 - Lois M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Thank you so much for very enlightening Advent Sessions Series.

I learned not only about how John the Baptist connected the Old and New Testament, but also how Zechariah, the levite priest handed over the priesthood to the High Priest, our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the priest of the everlasting covenant.

Something that was also very new to me was the fact that although John the Baptist was conceived with the original sin, he was freed of this when he received the Sacrament of baptism from Jesus Christ in the womb (from womb to womb).This was a miracle of grace.

The depth of knowledge I got from all the sessions is amazing. I am forever grateful. I will tell all my friends and family members about your courses.

Once again thank you so much for your commitment to teaching and sharing the gospel.

1,125 - David B.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

It is always worth listening to Mauro even when we think that we know a lot about the familiar stories in the New Testament.

For example, when John the Baptist lept in Elizabeth's womb, when Our Lady visited her cousin - which we have read and heard many times. It never occurred to me this was effectively John the Baptist receiving his baptism from Jesus who was in close proximity to him in Mary's womb.

The early church fathers came to this conclusion but I had never heard this being mentioned before and thanks to Mauro it is quite obvious that is what happened. Although John was conceived with Original Sin his birth was without Original sin, which had already been taken away in the womb.

Thank you Mauro for shining a light on this particular point but also on many helpful interpretations of the old and new Testament you have brought to light by your teaching.

Cradle Catholics especially have a lot to learn by following Mauro's well researched and prepared lessons.

1,124 - Anonymous
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I was not sure what to expect, but I actually found that I tried to connect more of what I had picked up from the session on Wednesday to what Father was saying in the Homily on Sunday.

Previously, I would listen during mass, but possibly not remember everything afterwards, but by attending the virtual session on the Wednesday where I had a a 'preview' if you like of the Gospel reading, I was more in-tune with the actual reading on Sunday.

Thank you for a useful and fruitful last few weeks. I wish you both a Happy and Blessed Festive Season and New Year!

1,123 - Brenda T.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I really enjoyed the Bible timeline course and was keen to join the advent course. This has been a great experience for me as I am still learning so much that I really was unaware of.

This has given me a better understanding of key events in the gospels, and at Mass I am more attuned to the readings.

Now I am trying to spend time in reading the scriptures daily and seeing what insights the Lord is giving me.

Thank you Mauro for opening up God's word to me and everyone else on the course. May you and Janet receive an abundance of heavenly blessings in your lives and ministry.

1,122 - Jacqueline D.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I have completed the Bible Timeline course which was most illuminating - loved the colour scheme which really helped my understanding and in finding my way around the Bible - which I find difficult at the best of times.

Also the latest Advent course in preparation for Christmas and opening my mind further to the coming of Christ.

The teaching for both courses was pitched at a level for beginners like myself plus informative enough to stretch the more enlightened and knowledgable among us.

So many thanks to you both - keep up the good work. I hope you will run a course during Lent and if so I will aim to join you for that.

1,121 - Marco D.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I enjoyed attending to this course as it helped preparing for each Mass during Advent.

I could refresh my knowledge about the different Gospels I had from school, and learn new aspects that I did not know before.

Mauro's teaching is really good, I feel it easy to follow and understand and it helps a lot to be more involved during the following Mass.

I really recommend to attend this course, and also the others courses offered by Mauro!

1,120 - Anna Z.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Excellent course as always. Not only contextualises the readings but makes you see and think about the wider picture, spiritually and practically.

Teaching style is fully engaging, which is a rare thing compared to a lot of homilies I have listened to.

1,119 - Eryl D.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Advent is my favourite season in the Liturgical Year, so I was very interested in attending this series.

All the sessions were very interesting. It was an excellent way of studying the Gospel on the Wednesday in such detail, as when I attended the Sunday Mass each week, it made the experience of the Mass more meaningful and I understood the deeper significance of the Gospel.

I can appreciate it takes time to prepare these talks as they are so content rich. I have learnt a lot from this series. It has further enriched my faith and deepened my love of the holy Season of Advent.

Thank you Mauro and Janet for your ministry which is very powerful. It has been a real privilege to be part of this prayerful community.

Wishing you both a Happy and Holy Christmas and every blessing for the wonderful work you do. Many thanks.

1,118 - Sally L.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Your style was so relaxed - it felt as though you were sitting by the fire with us, and we continued discussing your views long after we switched the TV off.

Please Mauro - give us more! Our kind regards to you and Janet at this special time of year. God bless you both.

1,117 - Mirella L.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Your ministry has come at the right time for me! Thank you Lord for this need and for giving Mauro the skill to teach and Janet for support!

Masses are so much more interesting as was the Bible study teachings. Been looking for a Bible study for a long time!

Pity every church doesn't offer it on a yearly basis. Lovely to see Janet, also graced with skill. May God keep your ministry flowing with teachings and food for thought!

1,116 - Shirley B.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Your Advent Bible Course gave me a greater understanding of the connection between the old and new testaments and the Last Supper and the mass.

It has brought about a deeper feeling when saying my prayers.and reading the scriptures.

The online course in the comfort of my home and the "one to one " setting allowed for better concentration. I would certainly recommend it.

1,115 - Susie B.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Very enjoyable and inspirational series. It has helped me to deepen my understanding and contemplate the different events of Advent.

I think Mauro is a great teacher as he clarifies things for me and gets us all thinking!

1,114 - yvonne m.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Thoroughly enjoyed the advent bible series I learned a lot and now I can now understand the gospel reading and it has deepened my faith .

1,113 - Christine L.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Your talks/lectures are very well delivered; they must take a lot of preparation. They help me to appreciate and understand the Sunday gospels greatly.

Your style is engaging and you hold my attention. I would recommend your talks as it is a form of evangelisation.

I have contemplated for decades, however last year with the onset of the corona virus I lapsed. You gave an evening's talk I think around Lent/Easter this year and from that I have resumed my daily contemplation. So...thank you for that stimulus!

1,112 - Lesley B.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

This was an interesting, well prepared series, given with enthusiasm and friendliness.

Ideal for everyone as ideas were explained clearly and simply but not in any way patronising.

Looking forward to the next series, thank you for your commitment and love.

1,111 - Mary C.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

This course is excellent. It helps to enrich Advent in that it delves into the Sunday readings and opens them up in a new way.

I have learned so much from this course and been inspired and also challenged by the presentations. I would highly recommend it.

1,110 - Jan B.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

This course has helped both with my appreciation of the Sunday gospels but has also improved my reading of other bible references in the advent daily spiritual guide I follow.

It has helped me to read the bible more prayerfully and I frequently find myself reading around the selected passages to out them in context.

1,109 - Jena A.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

This advent course is an eye opener for me. It explained the bible of this critical period very well. Mauro explains the verses very clearly. Really enjoy it and I always look forward to Wednesday 7pm.

1,108 - Louise H.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

This is our second course, the last one was for Lent. The time 7 pm fits in with our timetable, the one hour teaching is just right, we love the time out for the questions, they make us think.

Importantly the Sunday readings are so much more alive at Mass. Each week you crack them open in an exciting and accessible way.

Our faith is very important to us, and your ministry has deepened and enriched our understanding of the gospels.

We were told about you from a fellow parishioner, here in Macclesfield. And have already told others about you. God bless you both.

1,107 - Edith A.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

This free course conducted by Mauro was very inspiring. Each session of the series awakened and revived a deeper understanding of the Gospal for each Sunday of Advent.

The course was well thought through and delivered with true Catholic fervour.

I was recovering from surgery and eagerly awaited each Wednesday session.

It will definitely inspire those looking for a fervent meaning leading to the birth of our Lord Jesus. Thank you Mauro for this wonderful opportunity. God bless,

1,106 - Y.D.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

This and the Bible course enhanced my understanding of the Bible and made me want to explore more.

If possible, I would sincerely like to repeat the Bible course but found what I had to read before each session was too much to fit in. If there is any chance of breaking up some of the longer sections or even splitting some of the 'coloured' sections into separate but consecutive courses, I would find that much easier.

I would like to make the time to know and understand the Bible and hence scriptures more but have not been successful so far. In each episode when something I didn't see or know is revealed it is quite an inspiring moment, e.g. the link between the old and new Covenant during the Visitation

I would highly recommend these online courses to others because they are so convenient and accessible. They have been a great addition as a time for reflection during the pandemic. There is a problem for those who do not have access to the internet. No problems with the teaching style.

Thank you for all the hard work that you and your team put in to produce these sessions and increase our understanding. I feel there is a great need you are tapping into.

1,105 - Tina K.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The course was very inspiring. Mauro explains things well and his diagrams and bullet points help during the delivery of the lessons. I learnt a lot and it deepens my understanding of the Gospel. The lessons are of excellent quality and the right length to keep the concentration. Thank you Mauro .

1,104 - Carol K.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The course was a very helpful and informative preparation for Advent. The discipline of making sure I was ready each week for the start helped me make time and enter into the season more fully. Thank you for helping to bring Gods word alive.

1,103 - Carole W.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The course has improved my understanding of the bible readings. Very easy to follow. Very relaxing and clearly explained.

I really would recommend this course and to support Mauro and Janet with your prayers.

1,102 - Jaydev C.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The Advent Gospels have come alive for me thanks to Mauro's fresh insights. And these new insights reveal the depth of God's love and plan for us, thereby endorsing what a truly amazing God we have.

I have been energized with greater faith after every session, and hence I am so thankful to Mauro.

1,101 - Justin K.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The Advent 2021 Bible Series was a most excellent course to follow, during the lead-up to Christmas. I have also previously completed the Bible Timeline Course and purchased the course resources available for each course. Thank you most kindly!

1,100 - Gillian R.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Thanks so much for the course which I found very useful and sometimes humorous.

It certainly helped me understand the readings at Mass.

I did prefer the New Testament and the Advent courses to the Old Testament, although I realise an understanding of the Old Testament is essential if we are to understand the New.

1,099 - Mary S.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Thanks for changing my life.

1,098 - Anthony M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The Advent Bible series was very educative, informative, USEFUL, inspiring, addictive and a faith building experience.

Mauro and Janet are committed, dedicated and excellent in presenting biblical knowledge. Well done to both. I will continue to attend any future sessions.

May God continue to bless you and protect you and GUIDE you and give you strength and courage and fortitude and LONG and HEALTHY and ENJOYABLE life.

1,097 - Killian K.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The Advent Bible Series of 2021, have considerably added to my Bible Knowledge.

Unfortunately, I missed 2 sessions but I am going to watch all over through the video. I will also carefully read the 5 Sessions again and answer all the questions for my own personal use.

The Sessions were well explained and I very much enjoyed the studies of John the Baptist and Jesus' Incarnation. Jesus descended to us on Earth, to make us ascend to him in Heaven.

Many thanks to Mauro & Janet for preparing the teaching materials.

1,096 - Ailish D.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Thank you so much for your wonderful Advent talks, I have learnt so much and Christmas is now even more beautiful for me.

1,095 - HeleN K.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Thank you so much for another hour of enlightenment. Your presentations always have me captivated and I log out each time with a richer faith than I had when I logged on.

1,094 - Hilary T.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Thank you Mauro for your sterling work putting on the Advent Bible Series. I learned so much. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to go deeper into their faith.

1,093 - Moira A.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Thank you Mauro and Janet for providing these courses. I appreciate all your hard work and dedication.

This Advent Bible series has helped me to better understand the readings and when I hear the readings at mass I feel more connected to them.

Previously I took the readings at 'face value' not really understanding the deeper meanings of these readings. I do feel that the course has helped me with my spiritual journey and I would recommend the courses to others.

I found the course easy to follow and as I have not been able to attend the course on the dedicated day, being able to access them on a different day before Sunday mass has been very helpful.

Thank you once again for your dedication and may God bless you with peace and joy. May He keep you safe and well. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

1,092 - Najra C.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Thank you for your ministry, it is really deepening my understanding of the scripture. I went to Mass on Sat and Sun so had a good opportunity to ponder it.

1,091 - Susan H.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Thank you for this brilliant course. It really helps me to see how to interpret the gospel, seeing it fit in with my priests homily.

The course, along with the bible timeline, benefits so much from the way you narrate it.

You bring it alive and also for some of us (like me who has only being a catholic for 4 years) clear explanations of some of the mysteries. Thank you again.

1,090 - Eryl D.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Thank you for the wonderful session. Advent is my favourite season in the Liturgical Calendar. It's really useful to be able to focus on the forthcoming Gospel, so that when I hear it on Sunday it becomes a more meaningful experience.

1,089 - Sharon W.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Thank you for bringing to life the gospels and helping me to understand them in more depth. This has been a wonderful experience.

I have heard a lot about the bible timeline too and hope that I can listen to this course soon.

1,088 - Christine W.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Really interesting insight into the Advent Gospels, delving far deeper into their meaning and context. Thank you so much and may God continue to bless your work and spread his Good News.

1,087 - Gonzalo G.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Really good course; filling up many holes on my knowledge of the bible. I recommend it to anyone.

1,086 - Veronica B.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Thank you for the Advent course. I learnt a great deal , particularly about the lives of Mary and Elizabeth and Original sin and why God chose these special women.

The lesson regarding 'No Man's Land' was excellent and certainly drew my attention, encouraging me to dig deeper, spend more time in the word and in prayer.

I enjoyed your presentation and lesson. Fascinating too, was your illustration of the 'Ladder'.

The online sessions are so helpful and convenient especially in the dark winter months and being able to participate in the comfort of our homes and most of all be blessed with midweek Bible Study.

1,085 - Michael M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Overall I enjoyed the course, I felt it was easy to follow and informative. I particularly enjoyed the pace of the course, illustrations, having the opportunity to answer questions with a study buddy and I have discussed this course with family and friends.

1,084 - Mai P.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Once again I found the Advent Course educational, enlightening, and held my complete interest throughout. Please try to continue your good work, my most grateful thanks and a Happy and Blessed Year to all involved.

1,083 - Emmie G.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

My Advent Sunday Mass became more significant through your explanation.

The learning experience widens the knowledge because the desire to know more of the mission of St John the Baptist encourages to deepen our understanding especially he was freed from original sin during The Visitation. Thank you, God bless!

1,082 - Francis K.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Mauro seemed to appear just as I was searching and praying for guidance in my journey of faith.

I have learnt many things since engaging with his spirituality - the bible timeline courses and his reflections on the gospels at Lent and Advent.

I've been pleased to pass on his events to my parish priest, and he has provided links in our parish newsletters.

The recent prayer talk on how to pray has been life enhancing.

1,081 - Theresa B.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Mauro has cast a new light on the Gospels for me, revealing things which I could not have understood by merely reading for myself.

1,080 - Maurice S.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Mauro does have a touch of excellence as he explains his course.

1,079 - Jadwiga C.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Mauro and Janet, thank you very much for this inspiring Advent course.

I have learned how much more one can deepen the daily prayers and Bible reading by meditating on God's word.

Therefore I highly recommend this course to everyone, who is searching for Lord's guidance and grace of discernment. God bless you.

1,078 - Sue M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Many thanks to Mauro and Janet for another excellent series.

It was especially helpful to be shown the connections between the Old Testament and the New Testament through the in-depth study of each week's Gospel. The texts are familiar and well-loved but it felt as though I was seeing them through new eyes.

1,077 - Anne D.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Many thanks for your enthusiastic and engaging preaching! I started this course with the desire to increase in Faith and grow closer to God.

1,076 - David K.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Loved every chat and have had some amazing conversations. So blessed by what you have said and the words which have come from your videos.

1,075 - Anita D.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Knowing about the Advent Bible Series in detail for the first time is a wonderful experience for me.

Your way of explaining is admirable. My friend introduced me to this course as she has been following it since last year - I am glad that I found time for this. God Bless!

1,074 - Biatar N.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Its evident you put so much research and prayer into it Mauro thank you. Its great to have the biblical background of the time then bringing it to address our lives today.

Really draws one to reflect deeply on the scriptures. May the Good lord bless you Mauro and Janet.

1,073 - Sheldon B.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

It's always good to be part of the wider Church. Where two or more are gathered in my name, there I will be present. Especially during these times where the church has restricted various ministeries from meeting due to the pandemic, meeting online has really helped me in continuing my faith journey.

I find myself been more prepared and focused during the Gospel readings. It is amazing when you meditate on the readings, how the Holy Spirit speaks to us and how the readings apply to all us in a different and special way.

Faith is a journey, and the Lord has blessed me with amazing people on this journey.

Thank you for the talks Mauro, and for all the hard work you have put into this. May you and Janet be blessed in your ministry, and may you have a joyful Christmas.

1,072 - Anita C.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

It was inspiring to begin to understand the depth of meaning in well known stories, especially The Visitation.

The last session was hard to take in as it was profound theology and needed more time than was available to appreciate the content. It was an eye opener.

1,071 - Francisco M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

It has been very helpful in my side as before I never really looked into what Advent really meant or to say I never had interest to dig deep on how important this is, maybe I was too busy working or busy preparing Christmas the wrong way.

I'm very greatful and thankful that I attended these Advent Bible sessions, as this has given me a different perspective in understanding.

Now I'm preparing Christmas the right way by being more prayerful and being thankful of the blessings and grace that the Lord has provided for us.

1,070 - Chris B.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

It has been a very thoughtful approach to the Gospel in Advent. My wife and I have found it enlightening and enjoyable, new ideas about Jesus and his coming. Thank you very much for all your hard work.

One correction of English: it would be "rid of sin", not "rid from sin". And the word "proximate" is not in common use; perhaps "imminent" or even "near" would be better. God bless you both.

1,069 - Patricia V.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Informative and illuminating - especially week 4. Thank you for new insights into the events (with their contexts and implications) leading up to the immaculate conception of Mary, the birth of Jesus Christ, and his 'herald' John the Baptist.

1,068 - Melvin S.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I would recommend this course to anyone interested in studying the Bible. I was surprised and enlightened by the depth of research and explanations about The Advent story.

1,067 - Sandra H.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I would recommend anyone to follow any of the videos Mauro does.

The Advent course was very enlightening, helpful and gave me time to process what the Sunday Gospel was all about.

Thank you Mauro for all the hard work you do to bring the Gospels alive for us.

1,066 - Yvonne H.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I really enjoyed this series. Made the Sunday Gospels on Sunday more meaningful and relatable.

Many thanks for your many research and examples on how to apply the readings to our life's journey.

1,065 - Anne J.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I just want to thank you so much for this Advent Bible Study course, which I am finding very enriching and informative.

Thank you both for your hard work both behind the scenes and preparation of the content.

You are a great blessing from God to the Church, and in the work of Evangelisation. May the Holy Spirit continue to inspire and sustain you.

1,064 - John C.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I have thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated the background information which Mauro has provided during this series.

This has helped me understand the real meaning of God's word, in the gospels, to a much deeper extent than ever before.

1,063 - Glynis C.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I have found the course useful and it was at a suitable time for me. The presentation was good and enjoyable. I do read my bible regularly and this has helped me to explore it at a deeper level. Many thanks for the work involved in your research. I have already recommended the course to my Parish Priest.

1,062 - Theresa E.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I took the Advent Bible sessions because earlier courses had meant so much to me.

I try to educate myself in the deeper layers of the faith. I wish to understand more and approach the world-to-come with laughs rather than fear. It is a gradual journey. Listening to Mauro helped me to build a better disposition towards acting on this. I feel more tolerant.

I liked the expository method of explaining. It has appeal to all levels. I share with my family. The message is the way to salvation, how to increase our own holiness and the impact on the way we live.

John's preaching for us to "be fair" is as simple as it comes. It makes sense. This advent I focused more than usual on preparing for the "coming again".

This is my 4th course. I have enjoyed them all and recommend to anyone wishing to learn from someone who has studied these in greater depth and is willing to share his wider pertinent reading.

The 2020 bible timeline course was a springboard for me to do the 2021 Bible in a Year (BIAY) daily podcast, purchase the Ascension resources; Great Adventure Bible/Timeline/Companion/Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible. I am now preparing to do BIAY 2022.

1,061 - Suzan E.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I really appreciated the depth of reflection on the link between the Annunciation and the Visitation, the relationship between Our Lady and her cousin Elizabeth, therefore between Our Lord and St John the Baptist, the significance of the extra Beatitudes, being "Blessed", and our need to respond.

For me it was a Lectio Divina exercise which I pray and I will be able to put into practice.

Thank you very much Mauro and Janet for everything you are doing to make the Word of God more accessible to so many people.

1,060 - Patricia W.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I look forward to joining the Advent sessions. Especially in Covid times it is good to join in with other believers wanting to explore more of their faith.

I would not have looked online for material in the way I do now. This pandemic has made me more aware of what wonderful material is available. I love seeing people from all over the world are sharing the teaching.

I have been a Catholic all my life and still find something that I never noticed about a bible passage.

I love the way the passages are explained in the context of the time of Jesus. The bible timeline has been most useful in linking the Old to the New Testament readings .It has been good to link the prophesy of the Old Testament with the Advent story.

The course has made me stop and think more and prepare for the Advent Sunday reading ahead.

I do not have a study buddy and use the break to reflect on the questions or get a drink. I like the style of reading, then reflecting and questioning. I appreciate Mauro's relaxed presentation and his accent.

I do recommend the course to those I think who are looking for more from their faith. It is sound teaching. Thank you for doing this Advent course.

1,059 - Arthur S.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I haven't seen any of these courses before so when someone advised me to watch The Bible Timeline Series I wasn't sure, but was very pleased when I did as I thought the series was excellent.

Because of this I also went on to watch The Advent 2021 Bible Series which was just as good.

I thought Mauro presented both courses exceptionally well and the preparation which must have taken a lot of hard work was brilliantly executed.

Well done and thank you very much, God bless you Mauro and your lovely wife Janet. Keep up the good work.

1,058 - Teresa W.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I have enjoyed your well prepared and presented analysis on the Sunday Gospel. A real aid to proper Advent focus. Thank you.

1,057 - Frances O.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I found this course very helpful & enlightening. The style of teaching was just right for my level. It was very clear & explained things comprehensively.

I learnt a lot I did not know. I had never heard that Jesus baptised John the Baptist in the womb.

I hope to join future courses. I would certainly recommend the course to others. It would be very helpful if some of the content could be available in written form, where required, especially the one on prayer. God Bless you & Janet.

1,056 - John M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I found this course very good, it is well presented and many things in the Gospels I never even thought of, even when I read the Gospels by myself.

They say you are never too old to learn, and that is so true in this case.

I highly recommend this course to everyone and guarantee you won't be disappointed.

1,055 - Aurelia M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I found the course to be helpful. I have learned a lot about the Advent Readings! To be given the reason for Mary's visit to her cousin Elizabeth was enlightening! I have always believed Mary went to see her to congratulate her cousin and offer support. The course encourages you to read the Readings again.

1,054 - Pat P.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I have enjoyed the first 3 sessions. I feel I understand those scriptures better. There seem to be numerous Advent courses on offer, so much so that I got a bit mixed up! But your Advent course is clearly involved with understanding the scriptures better and their background.

I would love a course on Jewish culture and practices at the time of Jesus, an overall view of how life was lived at that time, the Esthenes, the Zealots, where did they all fit in. What did the buildings look like, what clothes did they wear etc.

1,053 - Milena P.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I found the sessions very informative and delivered with infectious enthusiasm.

The Gospels are very familiar to me and I thought I knew everything about them. However, I discovered that there was more to learn and that deeper knowledge helped me to feel even closer to Jesus and to appreciate more the Mass readings.

It has been a very positive and rewarding experience. Thank you.

1,052 - Angela L.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I found the Advent series very enlightening and helped me to appreciate the readings at Mass each week.

I also watched the video on prayer and have tried to put that into practice, ie praying first thing in the morning and have felt more disciplined and connected to God. So thanks for everything and God bless you.

1,051 - Angela B.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I found the Advent Bible Study very stimulating and a great help to my preparation for the Sunday readings.

I appreciate all the research and prayer that went into the preparation of each presentation and I applaude Mauro for his painstaking and sound presentation.

1,050 - Lorena S.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I followed the Advent course for the first time and I found useful to understand the Sunday Gospel. Mauro is a great teacher and passionate about the topic.

He explained each Sunday Gospel in details, giving information about the context and more, and helped me to deeply understand the reading.

1,049 - Michael W.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I find the whole series to be greatly beneficial in understanding the Bible/Gospel message.

Particularly the point about untying the sandal strap. this is the first time it has been explained to me.

1,048 - Claire P.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I feel that God has graced me with his tender Graces this Advent, by blessing me with this Advent Bible study.

It is wonderful to know that my family, my brothers and sisters in God reach back as far as the Old Testament. It makes me humble and at the same time fills me with gratitude and joy for Our Holy Mother's 'Yes' and the 'Yes' of St. Joseph, John the Baptist, Elizabeth and others right back to Abraham.

This Advent retreat has helped me to deepen my life and roots in my Catholic faith.

Grazie tante Mauro for your mission, what a blessing you are for us.

1,047 - M. C.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I enjoyed, I learned new things. You should run this class in a seconday and third level.

Many young people are lost, because the have a lack of knowledge. You can open the windows for many. Good bless your work.

1,046 - Mangala F.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I enjoyed your explanation of the Scripture very much and learnt a lot. Yes it makes a difference at Sunday Mass now not only to hear and reflect the Word of God speaking to me personally but also to live it.

Yes I would certainly recommend it to others, starting with my family members. Thank you both for your time and hard work. May God bless you both, your family and all those who help you in anyway.

1,045 - Sheila M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I enjoyed the course. It introduced some new ways of looking at Advent and the events around the Nativity of Jesus.

The final session on the beginning of John's Gospel was especially interesting and informative and helped to clarify what can sometimes seem slightly obscure concepts.

1,044 - Angela D.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I enjoyed the advent course on the Gospels. It really highlighted the gospel readings for me and when I went to mass the following Sunday I was able to appreciate the readings.

Well done Mauro and Janet for putting this whole program together and helping us to understand the gospels.

1,043 - Patricia M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I enjoyed spending time with the readings associated with the each Sunday of Advent. A wonderful preparation for Christmas. The readings brought out many things that I had not known before. Thank you for your wonderful delivery. God bless you and Janet.

1,042 - Sue M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I enjoyed spending time with the familiar Gospel accounts for Advent, which gave me space to be with God, both learning, and somehow in prayer too.

I particularly valued the way that the Catholic theology and doctrine was drawn out of the passages. I learned new links from this which I found exciting.

1,041 - Mark M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I co-ordinate a weekly ecumenical (Anglican-RC) Bible study group that looks at the Sunday Mass Lectionary readings each Thursday, so watching the Wed. night session with Mauro was part of my preparation during Advent.

As Catholic homilies can sometimes lack depth, the course also helped to plug the gaps this Advent.

Yes, I have gained some fresh insights from the course and it was good to have such an in depth look at the Gospel readings. One week also incorporated insights from the other readings which I liked.

However, last week I did not agree with the observation about the Catholic Church being the only one to have the faith/works balance right, as the Eastern Orthodox also take a similar approach. Moreover, since the joint Roman Catholic/Lutheran statement on "Justification by Faith" I thought that this issue had been largely resolved?

I'm currently using the Ordinariate DW Daily Office in the Evening most days and this has longer Scripture passages (1961 Anglican Lectionary). This can be challenging, but is also rewarding. So engaging with this course also helped me to engage with Scripture elsewhere.

The teaching style was fine, with good content, but an hour is quite a long time to concentrate for some folk.

I did recommend the Advent Course to my fellow Legionaries in the Plymouth Legion of Mary and I also mentioned them at a couple of our ecumenical Bible study groups. I think that any Catholic resource that helps our people to engage with Scripture is a good thing and is to be encouraged.

I'm pleased to say that the Advent Course was promoted in the Plymouth RC Cathedral Newsletter. Keep up the good work!

1,040 - Judy R.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I chose to take this course having really enjoyed the Bible Timeline course back in Lent this year. It's been a great follow-up. it's given a few more snippets of information as well as enable me to really focus on the season of Advent despite all the difficulties and darkness of the current times.

One thing that might be more stressed is that Jesus's first coming is as a result of God's plan, of a few of Israelites remaining faithful to the Lord through all the trials and deportations. He comes very much as a Jew, remains a Jew, and followed the Law throughout His life. Whether people like it or not - Jews are still the chosen people of God (Paul makes this very clear in Romans 9-11) - and remain so to this day. Chosen to be a blessing to all of us - not for their own benefit, or because they are better or worse than anyone else, but simply as part of God's plan.

1,039 - Susan P.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I am thoroughly enjoying the Advent Course, only the final session left. It is very informative and easy to follow. I believe I'll have a deeper understanding of the Gospels now.

1,038 - Vlasta B.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I am Roman Catholic from the cradle, but I still learn something from these course. They are well prepared, well presented and truly passionate about our special gift of faith. Keep rolling on.

1,037 - Teresa N.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I am not academic and I always thought courses such as Bible Timeline and Advent courses were really meant for theologians or very clever people, but Mauro Iannicelli puts it together in a simple way covering the Bible with references in all his sessions.

His explanations and examples are really very explanatory and leave me with wanting to know more. I love his coloured shirts with every theme. Very novel.

Molto interessante. Modo molto diverso di insegnare. BRAVO!

1,036 - Ann G.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I am finding it very useful. The links between the Old and the New Testament are thought provoking.

1,035 - Beverley P.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Great way to break down the interpretation of the Holy Gospel and get a clearer understanding of it.

Thank you for helping me to grasp this. God will continue to bless you for your service and your grace.

1,034 - Teresa S.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Excellent teaching. I learned a lot. Deep insight and research. Much appreciated.

1,033 - Hildegard C.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Every week I have been looking forward to the Advent Bible Session. It has increased my knowledge and the desire to take part in another session.

The teaching style was clear and the short question breaks are very helpful for reflection and concentration. I would certainly recommend the course for the above reasons.

1,032 - Alison C.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Dear Mauro and Janet. Thankyou so much for your preparation of this course. It was a beautiful course that helped me to understand more and be inspired.

Mauro thankyou for your presentation, you make it a joy to listen and learn.

I would highly recommend courses from this ministry. God bless you both.

1,031 - Danny K.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Dear Mauro and Janet, thank you for this course which I have found to be both spiritual and informative. The short period of prayer to start and end each session is very important and sets us up for the readings. As a catechist, courses like this are like manna from Heaven. God bless your work.

1,030 - Alice B.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Brilliant course which helped me appreciate the Gospel readings at an even deeper level than before. I highly recommend it to all Christians, Catholic or other denomination.

1,029 - Jhay W.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

As per usual expectations, the presenter, presentation, explanation, program format, delivery of the program is absolutely excellent. I learnt so much about the gospel during advent. Thank you very much Mauro, more God's blessings to you and Janet. Happy Christmas.

1,028 - Frances H.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

As Catholics, I do not think we have been taught the Bible well, especially the Old Testament. This is a great way to correct that, with Mauro.

The Advent Bible Series has been an inspiration, a wonderful way to approach Christmas in a prayerful way, the true meaning of Christmas.

1,027 - Manuel D.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Another inspirational talk from you Mauro {as basically all you talks are) . Bravo. It was nice to see and hear Janet as well and to pray with you both. Keep up the great work you both are doing. We certainly need it.

1,026 - Antonia M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Advent Bible Study 2021 - Once again Mauro opened up the Advent Gospels for us in an illuminating, interesting and engaging way.

He broke open the Word of God in a way which spoke to my hear and illuminated my soul to prepare at a deeper level for Christmas and the celebrations beyond.

Thank you and may God continue to bless you Mauro and Janet in this precious ministry for our times.

1,025 - Una P.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

A friend emailed me about the initial course for the Bible studies and this advent course. I am a practising Catholic since my birth but had never studied the Bible.

I found the course very interesting and it has strengthened my religion. My faith and belief are much more knowledgeable now and I feel in a better position to share my understanding of the history of our catholic religion.

1,024 - Bella D.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

1. It was good to look and study the Sunday Gospel in advance.

2. It was an opportunity to reflect on the Gospel and see what God was saying to me.

3. It was interesting as I learnt some new facts viz. The fact that John the Baptist was born without original sin.

4. I liked the questions as they encouraged me to really let the Scripture touch my life.

5. Thanks very much for presenting these Gospel teachings.

1,023 - Wioleta A.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

You are doing a truly fantastic and inspirational work and helping so many of us come closer to God.

1,022 - Najra C.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Very good, clear and deep. Linking the New with the Old testament, looking at things from various angles, all leading to a deeper and better Bible passage understanding.

1,021 - Ann G.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

This course is invaluable to me as I am temporarily housebound having jarred my back last week. I am sure other housebound followers appreciate it too. Also I do not like turning out in the winter evenings. Old age taking over!! I will also be able to livestream midnight mass this year and with a greater understanding of the gospel reading. Wonderful.

1,020 - Catherine B.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

This Advent Bible Series has been lovely. Mauro engages with us so well, and is so informative.

I have understood more about the Sunday Gospels because of his course. Mauro and Janet produce excellent courses.

I have previously taken part in the Bible Timeline Course and also the Lenten Bible Series.

I can highly recommend "Come and See". God bless Mauro and Janet for their ministry.

1,019 - Angel E.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The expository method of teaching was very good enabling us understand the passages in detail.

A new perspective to my understanding of the concept of original sin; that John was baptised whilst in the womb when Mary visited Elizabeth, hence was born without original sin. The final teaching of the 22nd clarified the relationship between God, Jesus and man.

Thanks Mauro and have a blessed Christmas with Janet.

1,018 - Gloria G.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The course was very informative and has very much improved my spiritual life.

Learnt a lot and understand different parts of the Bible better. I like the questions and answers asked during the session.

I would highly recommend it to my friends and family. Thanks Mauro for your exceptionally great teaching. I look forward to hearing other sessions.

1,017 - Ilaria G.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The course is really interesting, even though I appreciated the question to be sent prior to the course via email to start mediating before.

1,016 - Anonymous
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The course as always was very informative and I learnt more about the different parables in the Bible and also reading it and listening to the explanations it gives a new insight into the readings and when at Mass on Sundays it makes it more clearer.

Thank you. I look forward to the next course. I wish you and Janet a very happy and Blessed New Year.

1,015 - John H.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The Advent Bible series brought the Gospel to life for me and while listening to the readings at Sunday Mass, I felt I knew them inside and out.

1,014 - Melanie S.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Thank you, Mauro, for this course which I find so interesting and instructive. I look forward to future courses. May our dear Lord bless you and Janet and your family.

1,013 - Margaret E.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Thank you so much, Mauro for reinvigorating my reading of our Bible. You have put a lot of thought into this course and it has been a great blessing to me, particularly in the way you have ensured easy access to the different sections for ongoing revision.

1,012 - Mary B.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Thank you Mauro for a more in depth exploration of the Gospels during Advent. I have found them very insightful and helpful in understanding more of the Scriptures. It has certainly helped me as I approach the holy season of Christmas.

1,011 - Betty H.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Thank you for your incredible work, and for helping our lukewarm hearts burn with love for Jesus.

1,010 - Margaret M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Thank you for making this course available to us. I very much enjoyed it. It certainly gave me a deeper understanding of the contents of the Advent Gospels, and it helped me appreciate much more what I was listening to on a Sunday morning.

I have not as yet increased my reading of the bible, or other scripture, but this is something I certainly intend to do in rhe future. Thank you once again!

1,009 - Shona M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

So refreshing to have teaching series on Advent. Loved that the teaching happened in advance of the passages being read out on Sunday.

Definitely helped me to appreciate and get more out of Church during Advent. I have also been very inspired to pray to God more after your teaching.Thank you.

1,008 - Neil W.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Really good teaching on Advent. I learnt a lot and my faith was strengthened.

1,007 - Paul D.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

My wife and I have really enjoyed the Advent talks. They have opened new horizons for us in our understanding of the Christmas story and what the Bible verses mean.

Mauro's delivery is excellent and uses appropriate humour to help the process along.

1,006 - Anthony M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Mauro, you have gone to a lot of trouble with your Advent talks on the gospel each week and I have found them all very helpful and inspiring. I have learned a lot from you and I thank so much for that.

1,005 - Raynette. D.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Love to be a part and listen to the information conveyed with scriptural back up. My sister in law spoke highly about the previous courses and this inspired me to join.

I've missed the last two sessions in view night work, however would endeavour to continue to learn and be inspired by the word of God. We need God all the time!! He's my hero.. Thank you for your love to deliver the message and meaning of Advent.

Gods blessings!!

1,004 - Anonymous
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I've really enjoyed the Advent course and look forward to it each week. It has challenged me to pray for longer each day.

I loved the teaching about John the Baptist as it related to a Levirate marriage - that was a beautiful revelation! I seem to learn something new each week which I have gone on to share with others.

I have already recommended your courses to others and I hope there will be other courses to join (I already did through the Bible course).

There are some things you say that I'm not sure are found in the Bible though, like Mary being born without original sin. I have not heard that before and don't know where in the bible to find that.

I really enjoyed the Bible course - you were really funny in that one, especially with the different shirts, and the chart was always giving us something to look at.

The Advent course is not as engaging and I'm finding an hour is too long for me to concentrate in one sitting. But I am finishing it each week and really finding value in it.

Thank you for all the effort that has gone into preparing it and delivering it. It's a wonderful course, drawing me closer to the Lord.

1,003 - Mike R.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

It was very good indeed and definitely worth viewing / sharing in.

1,002 - Philippina W.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

It has been a great journey in faith for me. The time wasn't ideal for me due to rushing around with children activities all the same - am looking to watching all the sessions again. During the 3rd week as I sat in mass and heard 'Gaudete' I smiled knowing your teaching has enlightened me. God bless you Mauro.

1,001 - Virginia W.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I've really enjoyed the advent course; last Sunday I attended mass and new the answers to all of the questions of the priest.

1,000 - Michael M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I really enjoyed this course as I found the pace of the course easy to follow and I thought the course in general was extremely informative and interesting.

999 - louise C.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I have thoroughly enjoyed the sessions I have attended so far. I have found the course informative and interesting.

Due to family commitments and generally I would have liked to attend pre advent to be more prepared for Advent itself. Many thanks.

998 - Alison J.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I have learned a lot, this course has helped me to read and understand the bible much better.

997 - Florence M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I very much liked and enjoyed the Advent Bible series. My Sunday masses were deeply enriched.

The presentations were excellent, easy to understand and applicable to life situations.

I also appreciated very much the presentation on prayer. A great collection of what prayer is. I was challenged to revisit my prayer life and deepen it.

Thank you very much for everything. I look forward for more. Keep the good work and God bless you.

996 - Gerry D.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I heard of the series on the Bible Timeline course which I had found out about by online search. I did it because I had always wanted to read, learn more about and perhaps understand the Bible. I have failed to fully read the Bible but the content of that series was so helpful I wanted to get similar insight and understanding re Advent.

I am not sure if it has improved my Sunday Mass experience but it has certainly given me more insight to the readings and gospel, increased my understanding of them and caused me to think more about them.

No surprises but realise I should give them deeper consideration and reflect on them.

Overall I have enjoyed the series, found the content and the style helpful to satisfy what I considered my needs and wants about Bible content in Mass.

I certainly would, if asked or in right circumstances, suggest to others who had expressed a desire or need to learn more about the Bible and/or the Bible in the Mass.

Thank you for your course. I shall keep an eye open for similar in time to come.

995 - Michael D.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I greatly enjoyed the course and ended with a greater feeling of gratitude for and understanding of the events we celebrate at Christmas.

I learned things I did know before. For example in session 1 I learned there were different degrees of beatitude (proximity with God) in heaven.

In session 3 I learned more about the meaning of the words "not fit to undo the strap of his sandals".

994 - Elizabeth C.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I found the information on St John the Baptist in the 2nd and 3rd sessions very enlightening. The Gospel of the first Sunday of Advent was very well explained as to why it was relevant even though it ostensibly had nothing to do with the Nativity.

993 - Michael C.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I found the course very useful in understanding the gospel readings more fully.

I think I would have preferred to look at all three readings in less depth and how they link together, rather than just focusing on the gospel.

992 - Geraldine R.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I found the Advent course riveting and inspirational, learning new things and an understanding of the Gospels that I didn't have before.Thankyou so much Mauro and Janet and God Bless you both.

991 - Carole C.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I enjoyed your Advent Bible Series very much. You explained the meaning behind each verse so well. I also learnt a great deal from your Bible Timeline Series earlier in the year.

Thank you so much and I hope you and your wife have a very blessed Christmas.

990 - Mary C.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Having been a Catholic for almost 80 yrs with catholic education, I have found this course quite eye opening.

989 - Ana Y.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Firstly thank you very much for enlighting the hidden meaning behind the Gospels of advent. It has made me really listen to what it is said and apply it into my own life in some way.

988 - Nisha d.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Engaging and interesting course. Helped with focusing on the Advent season and delving deeper into the Gospel readings.

987 - Harry I.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Dear Mauro, sincere thanks to you for an inspiring build up to the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Thanks too to your wife Janet who is so good at helping things go smoothly. My wife joins me in these thanks.

986 - Anonymous
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I enjoyed listening to the Advent Series. I have learnt so much about the Gospel readings from Mauro.

It has helped to dig deeper into the readings and it prepares me for the Sunday mass. I like the format used but it can be a lot of information to process.

I liked that readers commented in the chat about scripture we could refer to as well. I tried handwriting my notes in a session. Another time I had PowerPoint open to write notes.

985 - Dorothy M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Dear Mauro, I always enjoy your courses, and I know that you prepare very thoroughly for them. Every time I participate, I am interested in what is being said, and my attention is fully held.

984 - Ricardo A.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Congratulations for your brilliant work of evangelization.

983 - Annette M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Brilliant series. Mauro's hours of preparation really paid off, thank you.

I learnt new depths and insights into the Gospels that we studied and helped me to enter more deeply into the Sunday Mass. Thank you!

982 - Janice A.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Attending the Advent Bible Series has made a difference to my Advent this year. It has made it more holy and meaningful. It has made me think of the next coming of Jesus Christ.

981 - Gabrielle H.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Another wonderful experience of scripture being explained and shared with others.

A great way to prepare for Christmas.

980 - Dominic O.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

An informative and well presented series. Helped me to think about the Nativity more.

979 - John H.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Yourself and Janet should be proud of your work and Yes, I most certainly would recommend your on line courses. May God bless you both.

978 - Salvina B.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

You are an interesting and clear deliverer of God's Word in unpacking it in a personal way for each of us.

977 - Anita S.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

With God's wisdom and your perfect teaching, I can say I am learning a lot about the deep meaning of the scriptures. Thank you very much Mauro. God bless you both.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

976 - Les O.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Very moved by the series of Bible teachings. Mauro goes through every session with great passion and simplicity that makes you understand.

Thank you for drawing me closer to God through your teachings.

975 - Julie O.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Very interesting and inspiring to many people. I like that it prepares us for Sunday Mass.

974 - Martina B.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Very informative with good opportunity for discussion with a study buddy. Great to be able to see the chat box and other people's thoughts.

973 - Shirley R.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

This series was helpful and raised issues I had not considered.

Likable and informed lecturer. Enjoyed the comments from others in the chat.

Glad I did this and the previous course. God bless you, Mauro.

972 - Barbara L.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The lessons are interesting and the Gospels are explained well. I have learnt a couple of thingsI didn't know. I found the lessons a good preparation for Sunday Mass.

971 - Laurance G.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Very interesting series which explains clearly the importance of advent and its place in our Christmas celebrations

970 - Jane G.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The course wasn't what I imagined but I did enjoy most of it. Even though at times it was quite thought provoking. It didn't it improve my Sunday mass experience but it did make me think about my faith in general and how many things I didn't know.

969 - Katarína H.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The course has given me another view of the Sunday readings. I like Mauro's style, I always learn something new.

968 - Joselito P.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The course has a great impact in our lives in terms of spiritual journey - it enriches our knowledge about Jesus. I hope you continue what you are doing at the moment because I am pretty sure you inspired a lot of people out there, especially those who continually seek Jesus. God speed.

967 - Anne S.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The course did help me prepare for Sunday Mass. It was the part I liked best. I didn't learn much except the info on John the Baptist being born without original sin having been baptised by baby Jesus. I found this very surprising.

The course has helped my spiritual life as it has encouraged me to pay more attention to the Mass readings and bring them to prayer.

I have found Mauro's enthusiasm and obvious deep faith stimulating, making me want to emulate his deep love of God.

966 - Gary R.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The Bible Time Line coarse & Advent Bible series are excellent, this has helped me have a better understanding of the Catholic Faith. I have over the last two years been attending Sunday Mass, Thank you.

965 - Gerard P.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The advent series helped me to understand the Sunday Gospel in a deeper way during mass.

964 - Philomena M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The Advent Bible series is helping me to be engaged and to listen more to the Gospel reading at mass on Sunday.

963 - Moira T.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Thank you for dedicating your life to the education of people in what really matters.

962 - Hilary T.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Mauro and Janet, thank you very much for your Advent Bible series. I thought it was well planned and executed and learned a lot.

961 - Indranee F.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I've only been received in the church this year. I found the Advent bible study extremely helpful. Thank you Mauro and Janet for all the hard work you put into this.

960 - Agnes G.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

It was so good to hear everything that was in the text as well the enhanced understanding through the writings of the Fathers of the church.

It helps in my meditation on these passages during Advent as well as when I meditate on the Rosary.

I marvel at the depth of simple passages of the Bible. Thanks always for increasing our faith through your teachings.

959 - Daniella W.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

It was a very good Advent Bible series course - thank you very much.

958 - Guillaume L.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

It is a great series that is helping me to prepare the Christmas time. This is a gift of God.

957 - John R.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

It has given me a deeper feeling of the conditions and background. Reminded me of the proper sequence of events. Slightly surprised at some of the Church interpretations and the accepted beliefs, food for discussions. By spending more time and thought, it has improved my spiritual life. Yes I would recommend the course, it was commended to us. The teaching style kept me interested.

956 - Elizabeth K.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

It enhanced participation in the mass and gave great insight to the long awaited Messiah the faithful remnant of Israel longed for, and let you see how sad it was many didn't recognise him. We have the privilage of hindsight but must recognize him personally ourselves, no lipservice will do but only personal response followed by a committed life.

955 - David N.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

In-depth talk on the gospel for each Sunday - was well put.

954 - Michael M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I was fascinated to hear how John the Baptist happened to be born without original sin as a result of him being baptized in Elizabeth's womb by Jesus, also in his mother Mary's womb. This led me to realize why God had insisted on naming him, despite Zacharious's defiance.

During the talks, well-delivered by Mauro, I have not been able to keep up with note-taking. It would be helpful if you would make your notes available as you did with the Bible Timeline course.

These talks have helped me visualize events as I dwell on them as I say the rosary. Thank you.

953 - Bernie M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I really looked forward to each session. They made me think more deeply about gospel readings that I thought I knew well.

952 - Agnieszka N.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I really appreciate the course. I've learnt a lot. It helps to understand some deeper meaning of the scriptures. I was more prepared for Sunday Advent Mass. Thank you very much.

951 - mary m.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I have enjoyed this spiritual experience and to continue to read and listen to any spiritual programs. Thank you opening my eyes. God Bless. Amen.

950 - Christine D.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I have enjoyed following this course as preparation for Christmas. Mauro shares his understanding and knowledge in a pleasant friendly manner with humour while still retaining respect and devotion to the subject matter. I particularly like the historical context which I didn't know before

949 - Eileen M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I have been nourished spiritually by your bible courses, sadly I forgot about last week's and may not be able to tune in this evening either.

Your course helps me to savour Gods word, and think more and turn myself in prayer to Abba Father, sorry I am not good with words, but thank you to both you and your wife and May God bless you in this ministry, Will keep you both in prayer today.

948 - Robert L.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I found your Advent and Bible courses excellent.

Unfortunately I didn't attend them all. But they are very well prepared, very well delivered, clear and inspiring.

Best Bible course I've attended and I really mean it.

947 - Julian S.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I found the commentary on the forthcoming Sunday Gospel most informative and thought provoking. The sessions have helped me understand better the message of Advent and brought me closer to God. Thank you.

946 - Mike R.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I enjoyed most of the course. I had recently completed the Bible Timeline course, which I had done previously with Jeff Cavins.

I didn't learn as much on the Advent course as I had hoped although there were some points that Mauro introduced that I had not heard before.

945 - Anonymous
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I did enjoy the Advent Bible series. The teachings gave greater depth and meaning to the Sunday gospels.

I did not always find the explanations easy to follow and wondered if indeed they were teachings of the Church or were they your teachings Mauro? They certainly provided food for thought and were excellent material for group discussion.

I now feel the need to pay greater attention to the gospel reading at Mass and will try to make time to read it again after Mass or better still, before Mass. Thank you very much for the series.

944 - Virginia W.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Fabulous way of really getting "into" the gospel texts. I see Jesus in an entirely different light that has deepened my relationship with Him.

943 - Anonymous
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Dear Mauro & Janet, we did the Timeline Course now we have done the Advent Course.

We think your format and the way you deliver the course are great.

We don't think you need to change anything for the time being, at the moment it is working very well. We looking forward to the Lenten Course. God Bless you.

Ps:a lot of people need to hear the good news message, sometimes is painful, but it is true. Keep the good work you're doing.

942 - Donna C.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Brilliant course as always, really loved it!

941 - Margaret P.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Break-opening up the readings makes me understand and digest them better.

940 - Benedette A.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Being spiritually healthy involves the practice of disciplines, such as prayer, reading/understanding the bible, confession and building a loving relationship with God. This is what this course is all about.

The course is well taught with teaching aids (bible references) by a wide read and knowledgeable Mauro/Janet.

The course has actually deepened my spiritual life and has improved my Sunday mass worship.

I sincerely recommend to attend course for spiritual up lift. I look forward to other courses. Thanks to you Mauro and Janet.

939 - Bridget F.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Another excellent course. Thank you Mauro and Janet.

938 - Gillian M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

An amazing insight into the Gospel. So interesting.

937 - Jacky H.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

A wonderful gift for Advent. Truly inspirational.

936 - James Geoffrey H.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Your work of preparation for the Advent course has not only been thorough but inspiring as well. As an exegete myself I have learnt something new every session.

935 - Joy H.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Very helpful and so well presented.

934 - Tony and Olive M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Very helpful and full of interesting aspects such as three persons born without Original Sin but only two of them conceived without Original Sin. Many thanks.

933 - Pip P.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Very enjoyable.It helps me keep the faith.

932 - Nicola J.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The course has given me new insight to Advent and allowed me to see the readings in a different way. Helping me to make my journey to Christmas in a more enlightened way. Thank You.

931 - Elizabeth A.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

The Advent Bible series was great and it has given me more understanding of the gospel of LUKE.

930 - Phebean J.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Thanks again, these sessions are very enlightening and making me understand the scripture more, and I can now read and know what the content is about. Thanks and God bless you.

929 - Fridah K.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Thank you very much Mauro and Janet. This series has really made Advent be meaningful and prepare me for the coming of our Lord on Christmas day. This was very enlightening and may God bless you abundantly.

928 - Oyiadika Victoria O.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I quite enjoyed the Advent Bible Series. It is very informative and also, it gave me insight on how Mass is conducted during the Advent season. I understood the meaning of Advent Candles. Thank you very much

927 - Noel T.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I found the lessons very interesting. The content and presentation were all very good too. It made me aware of a lot of things that at that time I did not know. The sharing in general in your sessions were also very good. Thank you for all that.

926 - Roger P.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I found the course very helpful in looking deeper into the gospel account - how it is related to my own life and how it prepares us for the birth of our saviour at Christmas.

I found it very interesting how the gospel can relate to the old testament, and how we can read it in accordance with how the prophets were aware that in the future there would be an appearance of God on earth.

925 - Lorna L.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I enjoyed the course , it makes you think in different ways.

924 - John P.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Thanks for your sharing. The contents can inspire us to a deeper understandings of God's grace through your lessons, I don't know how to say thank you to all of you to prepare this lessons for us. Many thanks and God bless this stirring world.

923 - Eileen M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Thank you for this course, I am enjoying the content, and is helping me on my Faith Journey. God bless and kindest Regards.

922 - Anna R.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Lovely but don't make more than an hour at a time and please not later than 7 or I drift off after work!

921 - Pete I.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

It is very good.

920 - Simon D.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

I have truly found the light and advise given through these teachings help me on a daily basis.

919 - Michael P.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

Enjoyable and informative.

918 - Nenita G.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

All your bible series were very informative. I hope I can join you in the future. God bless you.

917 - Francisco M.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

It has been enriching to really pray during Advent, this is the first time that I really took time to learn about Advent, before I never really understood the importance of prayer during this time of the year.

916 - Mary B.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021


915 - Michael and Mary A.
Advent Sunday Gospels - Nov 2021

To put our comments into context, we are both cradle Catholics and attend daily Mass at Effingham, where we are lucky to have a wonderful homily each day from Fr Stephen Dingley, who you know from Chantal's Requiem. We also pray the Divine Office each day. So we have a good knowledge of the Old and New Testements.

Having attended the Bible Timeline series which we found very instructive, even though it covered much of what we already knew, we thought we would follow the Advent course. However we found this quite 'lightweight' and didn't add to our understanding of the following Sunday's readings.

In the past, we have held bible study meetings at our house which were led by a retired priest and which looked at the following Sunday's readings. His extensive knowledge of the bible and the discussion which followed, did deepen our knowledge of the readings and help with our preparation for the following Sunday's Mass.

The course is probably more suited to Catholics who do not have an extensive knowledge of the Bible.

914 - Virginia W.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Bible Timeline!

An amazing opportunity to really LEARN in depth about The Bible and all of the characters and stories leading to a far greater understanding of the people, the times and the importance of God in and through this life for everyone!

Mauro just oozes his love for the Bible, God and life in general that it's contagious.

I find it hard to imagine a more informative and dynamic presentation of the Greatest Story ever told..

Anyone who joins this course can't fail to be changed in even a tiny way it's just SO positive and entertaining!

I'm going to join the Advent course in a couple of weeks and I'll probably do a third Bible Timeline course next year!

913 - Esther H.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Both my husband, Matthew and I are cradle Catholics, and also leaders in Ministries in our own Parish Church in South East London, where we were married a little over 25 years ago.

I have never experienced such outstanding and excellent teaching of the Bible and explanation of key scripture quotations and how it all links and fits together!

Mauro is a teacher of absolutely the finest quality who makes the recipient hang on to every single word and most certainly made me hunger and thirst for more. Mauro' s ability to enable learning and understanding is of a style of relaxed "informality" including humour (!), while maintaining the serious nature and teachings of the Catholic Church and the Word of God.

He is clearly anointed by the Holy Spirit - that is very evident indeed and in my opinion, Mauro is a humble disciple of Christ, spreading the Word of God with an anointed clarity. I know that this is the case because nothing on earth could have distracted me (or Matthew) from missing even one second of this Bible Timeline teaching. No other thought entered my mind all the way through this teaching for even one second!

I have, even very early on, from the very first session, in fact, been recommending it to my family (who had in fact already done it!), our Parish Priest and also all our Priest friends and contacts, including our Deacons.

I am only saddened that the course has finished, however, all good things must seemingly "come to an end" so to speak, nevertheless, I/we certainly intend to go back and review and listen to the recordings. We intend to perhaps to do this live session again sometime next year.

The Come and See Evangelisation Ministry is an amazing and anointed one and is clearly a calling from the Lord and there is such an evident outpouring of the Holy Spirit over both Mauro and Janet in answering this call so faithfully.

It has helped me and also Matthew, to realise so many things about Salvation History and God's plan for our Salvation and has most certainly without doubt, lifted the fog or mist from my eyes in so many areas and aspects where even as a cradle Catholic, I was unaware of how parts of the Old Testament even remotely fitted together.

Through this teaching, Mauro has enabled the parts of the jigsaw puzzle that were still left to "miraculously" just drop into their correct place! This will enable me to answer questions from anyone who may question me, at random, about God's Plan for us and the Bible as a whole.

For that, I am so thankful and grateful for this excellent "jewel" in the "crown" presented by Mauro (and supported by his wife Janet) who are such dedicated and inspirational disciples of evangelizing the Catholic faith - my faith and belief in the "One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church" has never been more enriched and nourished than by Mauro's teaching.

If you are reading this testimony and heartfelt feedback, then I/we would strongly encourage you to register for this and in fact, any other courses that are/will be forthcoming! You can be more than 100% assured that you will not be disappointed at all!

912 - John B.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

It is one of the best courses I have seen. I heard of it first some years ago at New Dawn when Jeff Cavins came to talk about it. You still have to read the suggested books of the Bible to get the best from it but for many Catholics who have no idea of how the OT fits together or if it's importance for the whole, it is ideal.

911 - Maureen K.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I found the course hugely informative. Mauro has the gift of delivering the message with great clarity, yet hugely thought provoking, I have found myself reflecting on matters that I had taken for granted for many years.

May God send him and his wife many blessings, he is so talented and spiritual, I feel blessed having followed the course, this has had a hugely spiritual uplifting on my own faith journey, thank you so much.

910 - Anonymous
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

This Bible Timeline course is just extraordinary. I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed viewing it (including the humour!!).

Well done to Mauro and Janet and I wish you many many blessings in your work and long may you continue!!

909 - Louise S.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Really enjoyable, informative and engaging. The presentations are excellent. The timeline is such an interesting 'way in' to the Bible - so very accessible, and brilliant for understanding the historical and geographical context. Well done Mauro. Bless you and Janet, and Jeff, for all your work. This spirit-filled teaching is just what we need. Thank you!

908 - Catherine M.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Hugely enjoyable and informative course. I would recommend this to anyone who is interested in finding out more and understanding the Bible in greater depth.

907 - Eva P.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Dear Mauro, thank you so much for putting this course together. When I found out about it, I got very excited as I always felt like I had parts of the puzzle but not the whole picture.

Your course was easy to follow and very educational but also fun and very enjoyable. I was always looking forward to the next session and never missed one!

906 - Albertina S.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Throughly enjoyed the Bible Timeline Course. I now enjoy reading the Bible. I am able to connect the narrative and the gospel messages. I highly recommend this course.

The way Mauro delivers the course material is fantastic. He explains the key messages of the books of the Bible with enthusiasm, energy and humour.

Thank you Mauro I now enjoy reading the Bible. Using the Great Adventure Bible colour coded Catholic Bible made it easy to find a page to read.

905 - Marie D.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

This course is amazing! I feel so blessed by God to have gotten to experience this! It is truly life changing and I couldn't recommend it enough!

It has answered all my questions about Gods divine plan, taught me so much about God, his plans, ways, laws, precepts, mercy and so much more! It has completely changed the way I read the Bible and enabled me to be able to read and reflect on Gods word!

I have loved every minute of this course, it is fabulous! Mauro and Janet are such amazing people and God is truly doing such amazing work through them! It has truly made everything in the Bible make sense! It has also taught me so much about myself and really helped me in my Catholic journey and with relationship with God! I cannot recommend it enough!

904 - Carmel M.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

This Bible Timeline course was absolutely FANTASTIC. I have been trying to understand the Bible for years and finally with your help Mauro it all makes sense.

Thank you so much for enlightening us with this course and the work which must have gone into it. The chart is an absolute MUST. I have kept all my notes so that I can look back on them and try to help my kids. Thank you.

God bless you for all your work and I hope many more people will gain from all your knowledge. I am looking forward to the Advent Course. Thank you again.

903 - John M.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

The greatest story ever told! I have spent a lifetime seeking, asking, pleading to see God in Holy Scripture. Unable to understand the people and events of the OT, it was all about 'them' and rather boring.

The Bible Timeline Course has changed my perception: it is my story too in which I play a prominent role. And God is leading me, He has not finished with me yet! I am 90 and feel very humbled and blessed.

Thank you Mauro for making the Course so gripping and enlightening. At every session you seemed physically very close to us, like a personal teacher.

Bible reading and our prayer life have reached a higher level and will continue to grow.

Thank you, for your patience and help, Janet, when I had problems logging in and for all you do as Mauro's helpmate.

902 - Beverley P.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Imagine... the privilege to learn and understand the content and precept of the Holy Bible in eight 1hr:30min sessions - its genius!

Mauro, you have been concise and entertaining with the delivery of the Timeline between The Old and New Testaments and, although their methods were different, their aims and results are the same... that by serving God - love is the greatest... to love God with all our hearts, all our minds and our souls and with all our might... that leads us to salvation.

I love your sessions and will be recommending, promoting and evangelising your course to my Church, friends and family in the U.K. and abroad. God bless you and your Ministry.

901 - Kristina C.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I thought it was an excellent course and Mauro is a thorough and engaging speaker.

I have already done the course several times with originator Jeff Cavins but while remaining true to the content Mauro brings his own spin and humour ans detail.

I particularly appreciated the way he really showed how the biblical events linked in with world events and the development of the covenants, and the different coloured shirts for the different periods!

Cavin's Bible timeline is rich enough to merit more than one viewing and one interpreter and Mauro's is a particularly good one. The course is one an ideal one for Catholics wanting to understand more about the Bible.

900 - Carlo P.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Excellent content presented in an excellent way with an outstanding video skill. Mauro is a fantastic host and he is able to share the right emotions and the proper approach to the audience.

I started reading daily the Bible thanks to his video course. God bless you Mauro!

899 - Ingrid G.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Absolutely brilliant. I have learned so much and it has put so many things into place and answered so many questions. This course should be a must for all practising Catholics.

898 - Felicity and Malcolm S.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

This is a wonderful, inspiring course which has taught us a huge amount about the Bible and Salvation History which we didn't known before.

Absolutely fascinating.

Mauro has a lovely, engaging teaching style and we really looked forward to our weekly sessions with him. We'll be joining up for more of his courses.

Thank you so much! We are recommending this course to all our Catholic friends.

897 - Valerie L.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

This course is fantastic. It's filled in all the gaps in my understanding about the chronology of the Bible. I am particularly pleased that I now understand who some of the Biblical characters are and their role. I'm really happy I understand the geography of the region and about the divided kingdom and the line of David.

The readings in Mass is so much more real now that I know who the prophets are, how when and why they were sent.

896 - Sheri A.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

This course has been a true revelation into the world of the bible for me.

Having the bible divided into twelve (12) periods has helped to further cement the little knowledge that I have of its context. In addition, it has also revealed and brought to light the ins and outs of the bible that I have struggled to comprehend.

The way in which Mauro explains each periods has been outstanding. I will definitely be doing this course again God willing.

Thank you Mauro. I pray that Almighty God continue to shower you and Janet with the grace of wisdom and knowledge that surpasses all understanding in Jesus Mighty name. Amen. Thank you once again.

895 - GRACE N.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

The Bible Timeline Course is absolutely brilliant in bringing the wonderful salvation story to life in a clear way that leaves one mesmerized by the events that took place in bringing us to God's eternal plan for humankind.

I would recommend this course to everybody and most especially people who have been discouraged from reading the Bible because of the confusing backwards and forwards storytelling style in the Old testament.

This course makes one eager for each weeks session. It's really great!!!

894 - Rose A.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Mauro's Bible Timeline course is worth each and every minute of time spent on it.

The course is very well researched with extremely useful study guide given before each lesson. This coupled with Mauro's "spiced up" sense of humour in his style of delivery keeps you glued to the screen from the beginning to the end!!!!

This course is such an eye opener and it has increased my appetite for bible study now that I have been able to appreciate more the "themes" and "timelines" in the Old Testament.

Thank you very much Mauro and Janet. What a blessing you are!!!

893 - Sydonie F.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I think this was such an insightful course. I have attended a few bible study courses which are much detailed like 6-8 months, but this one was really good value for time invested.

I particularly liked the timeline and the Great Adventure Bible (I highly recommend you buy one if you haven't already!).

This makes it so easy to read an entire period linked to various books of the Bible which puts the narrative in a solid and concise manner.

Mauro is outstanding in his clarity of speech and his style of communication. His method of explaining is very simple and effective.

All in all if you love scripture or if you are on a beginner journey or just curious this is definitely a course to sign up for. All it needs is one hour of your time.

Thank you Mauro for a wonderful journey and hope to hear you on the Advent series soon.

892 - Kitty H.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I am so pleased that I attended the timeline bible course.

Prior to this I only had limited knowledge mainly of the New Testament. The vastness of the old and the new seemed so daunting and unattainable whereby attending mass which included the readings and the Gospel encompassed my knowledge to date.

NOW I have been given the gift of this wonderful insight into my developing faith.

Truly the whole experience of the Timeline course has been invaluable.

I can relate everything to my daily life as well as current macro political situations world wide. What is phenomenal is God is with us

throughout and now we have the HOLY SPIRIT in helping us on our journey.

Mauro has led and presented the course in a simple but thought provoking way as well as having a sense of unique light hearted humour.

Each week I looked forward to the next period accumulating what to what I now know about world history and Gods plan. Including the time from Adam and Eve to the coming of Christ and leaving us the Holy Spirit to guide and support us in THE NOW in our daily lives. Truly inspiring.

I also enjoyed the chat on line during the presentation. It gave me further support as well as joining in the diversity of thinking by other participants.

I would highly recommend this course.

891 - Annette B.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Hi Mauro, I will start with saying 'thank you' for presenting this course to us. It has truly been a much needed eye opener for me.

I always wanted to know more about the Old Testament and the connection with the New Testament and how it relates to my own life.

You have so brilliantly explained with great clarity much more than I had ever expected. So thank you for this.

I feel rooted now in the History of Salvation and can at leisure study on all you have shared. I bought the book you recommended and the bible time line chart which will be with me for life and I can now help others to grow in knowledge of the Bible.

I look forward to the Advent sessions coming up and will share this with my prayer group so they also can join in if they want.

I will highly recommend people to have a go at your bible study. God bless you and your wife and your ministry.

890 - Mai P.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

This is my second time watching and learning so much from this course, it is so well organized and it makes all the events so much easier to comprehend, and help bring us nearer to the understanding of our faith and community in God.

Thank you for all the hard work that has gone into the making of this most enjoyable program, it has been delivered each week so reliably without hitches and I have looked forward to it.

889 - John F.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Thank you Mauro for delivering the Bible Timeline course with such enthusiasm. I always look forward to the forthcoming delivery to pick up snippet of information that I didn't come across.

You have certainly put in a lot of work to get the information together and make it interesting. The time line events certainly help in placing the daily Mass readings in their respective period. Thank you once again.

888 - Cecilia D.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I have enjoyed the course immensely. Mauro is enthusiastic and has enabled me to see the links between the various books. I would recommend the course to others.

887 - Ted W.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Certainly I recommend course having finally understood the Bible structure, the threads that run through the 73 books and learnt how to navigate them.

886 - Isobel F.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

This is the second time I have attended this course. I was just as enthusiastic compared to the first.

I was able to get even more understanding and love as God spoke to me through this collection of books which He inspired.

This time around I did do the readings you so kindly gave us before we gathered each week. It made a big difference in my understanding and I felt very uplifted by the Holy Spirit.

885 - Maria L.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

This is the 2nd time that I have registered for this course, and it is even better than before.

As I listen again to what was said in the previous course, I am able to recall and remember what was stored in my memory. There are also some new information added by Mauro which are fascinating.

I was listening to the reading of book of Daniel and and King Cyrus at Mass yesterday....and my mind automatically to me to the time line chart, and I was mentally looking at the "Exile and Return".

It is amazing how fast the course starts to change my approach to reading my Bible or listening to the readings proclaimed at Mass. You have to experience it for yourselves to know what I am talking about.

884 - John M.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

This is my third time of taking this course. It's so informative, well presented, and easy to understand. I seem to learn something new from the previous course, this is probably because at my age things don't sink in, the first time round.

I have recommended it to a lot of people, in the past, so I can confirm that it is the best way to read and understand the Bible, that will last a lifetime.

As it's Free, it excludes No One, rich or poor, just as Jesus intended his saving Word to be.

Gob Bless Mauro and Janet, for bring this to the whole World.

883 - Ann J.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

The Bible timeline courses have been fantastic. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to these sessions. The stories of the Bible were explained by Mauro in very simple and interesting and well paced dialogue.

I enjoyed the chance to partake with a study buddy in discussing the questions that Mauro put forward.

Mauro is a very good teacher, I look forward to completing the Advent sessions that he will bring and will definitely look for more future sessions as they arise.

Thank you and keep up the great work Mauro.

882 - Sam A.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

The Bible course is mind blowing and thought provoking. From the very beginning of the course.

The Bible comes alive and you get to feel all the characters of the Bible and feel their trails and challenges clearly in the light of God.

You will see and read the Bible in a new light. Highly recommend the course. Am disappointed that the course has come to end so quickly. The shirt change is very colorful and ties in greatly with the Bible timeline. Highly recommend the Course. God Bless to the ministry Keep up the good work!

881 - Stephen T.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Quite simply the best introduction to a Catholic reading of the bible that I have encountered.

I had never thought of tackling my reading using a narrative approach, as a consequence I had always found the non- narrative books an impediment - something to get through. The timeline chart is a most useful and informative aid in orienting the reader.

I managed to buy the book (an accessible and thoroughly interesting read) and, by making a donation, I have access to your notes (which I have run-off and read).

By giving a subscription, I can now re-do the whole course at my leisure and in my time - which is my full intention. When I come to re-do the course I will make sure to actually read all the bible references so that I do not have to rely on your excellent summaries. The purpose of this course is, after all, to get Catholics to read and re-read their bible. Why wasn't I taught like this at school?

One tiny piece of advice, Mauro, would be to go through your live sessions and remove the sort of glitch or pause that any real-time talk will have. God bless you in your mission.

880 - Siobhan M.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I thought your whole presentation was excellent! You covered a vast amount of scripture in a very clear, concise, well paced order. A very difficult task!

The Timeline teaching is Brilliant! It separates out the 'complexity' of the Old Testament in a way that really helps us to understand our Spiritual History, and demystify the Old Testament books which can be 'overwhelming'! So much so that you can 'give up' on them.

It is so important that we believers truly understand 'Our History', if we are to progress deeply into The Spiritual Life. It has been said that 'Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ Our Lord'. We need the help of courses like this to dive more deeply into The Sacred Scriptures, and deepen our knowledge of Our Faith! Just like Jesus did with the two disciples on the road to Emmaus.

The pace of your speaking was also very good, enabling the listener to receive all the information on a very deep subject, without missing something. This can easily happen when someone speaks too fast, and the listener is trying to catch up! I feel this is especially important when the depth of the subject is huge, as with Salvation History.

So Well Done Mauro, I think you a Very Good Teacher! I also liked the illustrations and maps you shared. Very helpful. I most certainly will recommend your on line course. God Bless You Both.

879 - Kenechi I.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I really thank God for inspiring Mauro and Janet to teach this Bible timeline course. I benefited a lot from it.

Before attending this course, the stories in the Bible appear so disjointed to me.

But now, Mauro has helped to streamline the stories and I could see the connections to Jesus. It is a story of creation, the fall of man and how God redeemed mankind through the promised Messiah Jesus Christ. Everything makes sense now.

I recommend this course to every christian. Thank you Mauro and Janet. God bless you. Amen.

878 - JohnPaul B.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I must say this has given me a better prespective of God's plan for our lives as a people. The Old Testament can be heavy going on your own but made much easier when someone can guide you through it in very clear and concise way.

I have enjoyed it very much and cannot believe it went so fast. This is to me the Dummies Guide to understanding the biblical events leading to our salvation through the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ.

877 - Caroline M.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I am so pleased that I signed up for this course. I am very disappointed that I missed last week's' Session!

I learnt so much and the minute parts of the Bible that I have managed to "read" and not being able to understand was explained in language that I could understand clearly.

Well done. I am going to save up so that I may aquire the recordings of the twelve Sessions so I may recount them slowly.

876 - Margaret G.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I am enjoying this course so much, Mauro is excellent and a natural for the bible timeline study course presentation.

I previously on numerous occasions started to read the Old Testament and just gave up, but now it is so clear to follow with Mauro.

I thank God that I was told about this course, I now look forward to the Mass, Gospel and the readings. Many blessings to you and Janet in this work.

875 - Letitia D.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I am enjoying the weekly sessions on the Bible Timeline Course with Mauro very much. Mauro has a very calm and personable style with a nice sense of humour which has me so looking forward to the evening sessions every week.

The Bible Timeline is an excellent framework for gaining a better understanding of the Bible, that has always been a mystery to me how the books are connected to each other and how they relate to society and theology through history. Having the Bible Timeline Chart and my Bible in front of me for the online sessions is a very effective way to appreciate and understand Mauro's presentation.

With access to Mauro's course notes, I intend to continue learning and referring to the Bible readings again in my own time, which is very useful. I have also subscribed for Mauro's weekly Advent sessions that will provide a wonderful run-up to Christmas.

I would recommend the Bible Timeline Course with Mauro to anyone who is keen to enhance their understanding of scripture in a way that will answer many questions about when and how the Bible came into being.

874 - Mick G.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Dear Mauro and Janet, your version of the Bible Storyline using the salient points to explain the important threads that run through the scriptures were so well put together.

God's plan for us "beings" made by Him for Him to share our lives with Him eternally was so well expressed you could feel yourself as part of God's family as the Timeline course unfolded. I say family because you begin to realise every family, past and present, turn away from each other from time to time and only when we return to God's ways of love and forgiveness are we able to move forward again. He is truly our beloved Father.

Thank you both for bringing this alive for all of us - always with the help of of the Holy Spirit. Thank you and God bless you.

873 - Helen K.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

What a wonderful, enlightening experience. I learnt so much. Links that were under my nose came to life.

Thank you Mauro for your wonderful presentations. Would recommend to anyone who would like the bible explained in a very simple and interesting way.

872 - Fiona Q.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

This is the second time I have attended this course as I did not receive my Bible Timeline for the initial course but have it for the second.

I have found the course truly inspiring. Mauro has taught us so many things about the Bible Narrative I could never have worked out without help.

I am so grateful for your wonderful course. Many thanks!

871 - Ann D.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

This course has completely developed my understanding and taught me so much about God, the Bible and myself! It is truly life changing! Thank you so much! May God bless you for spreading and teaching his word!

870 - Mercy U.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

The most sincere heart felt thank you both you Mauro and your wife Janet for the Bible Timeline course which is very inspiring.

The course has provided me with the knowledge and strength I needed towards my journey of understand the word of Lord and carrying my cross as Christ's disciple.

869 - Mary C.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Thank you for this wonderful course. I have found it really interesting and inspiring and I have learned so much about the bible as a whole which has been really helpful.

868 - Math Y.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Blessed ministry Mauro and Janet! This methodology has given me an understanding of the bible and a systematic approach to study it especially alongside world history.

It made me understand my life experience with a better insight and affirmation.

Please keep spreading the word, guide many more souls and grow as communal study.

867 - Sue M.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

A great course, crystal clear and very interesting all the way through.

Mauro helps us to see the 'big picture' of salvation history and encourages us to read the Bible itself as much or as little as we like to prepare for the live presentations.

His stimulating questions kept me thinking and wanting to explore the Bible further after every session. If you are curious about the Bible, give this course a try!

866 - Anonymous
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Your course is very informative and well mapped out.

As a cradle catholic who attended catholic schools I had followed and accepted all I had been told by family and school without questioning it very much. I have always had a deep faith and understanding with no need to follow other routes.

This course has confirmed my feelings towards my faith and strengthened my resolve. Thank you and good luck in your works. My prayers are with you.

865 - Esther B.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

We continued to be amazed at your outstanding teaching skills - you are really anointed by the Hand of God and His Holy Spirit! Please trust us when we say this.

864 - Celia L.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

This is a wonderful course which has opened my eyes to the History of Salvation. The thorough explanations of the Story through the Bible has made me appreciate much more fully what the Good Lord has done for us, and has deepened my love of reading Holy Scripture.

Reading the Bible itself is not an easy read, but with this timeline way of taking us through Salvation history has made me understand many things which I did not understand, and could not see where they all fit in.

It has been a revelation to me and I wish I had been able to take this course many years ago, but thankfully not too late, I hope, even in the seventies. This will also help me to deepen my Faith which over time had become dulled to some degree. How could we not respond when we are shown just what the Creator has done and is still doing for us.

863 - Amanda V.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Thank you so much for this inspiring and spiritual filled course. I heard about the Bible Timeline Course about 8 years ago when I was on another course but did not do anything about it then. I was so excited when I saw details of this course in our Parish Newsletter.

I have found it so interesting to follow, it has completely altered the way I look at the Bible now, especially the Old Testament. It has given me a structure I can understand and new depths to my faith when reading my Bible.

I thank you and your wife Janet for following God's will in the work that you do and I pray that you will be able to continue and grow in your mission.

862 - Kathleen L.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Thank you for presenting the Bible in such a fascinating, accessible and enlightening way.

I have really enjoyed the course and it helped me to have a much better understanding of the narrative and context of events in the Old Testament and how they relate to and prefigure the New Testament.

I also have benefitted from studying the "Walking with God" book by Tim Gray and Jeff Cavins alongside the course.

Thank you Mauro and Janet. God bless you both and your 'Come and See Ministry'.

861 - Maria A.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

So thankful to have found this course in my parish newsletter, nothing had been mentioned. I immediately signed up.

This course has been so informative, as most I suppose I have a good idea of my way around the Bible, however, this course has brought it all into perspective and brought it all together. I now have a greater understanding.

It has been a joy to partake in the course and Mauro has been a wonderful instrument of God. It has been a joy to listen to Mauro explaining the bible timeline to us. Loved the many humorous moments, love the shirts!

I feel so confident conversing about the bible now. And I shall be referring to the course notes regularly.

Thank God for the blessing he has sent us in Mauro. God Bless you and your ministry.

860 - PRISCA P.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

It was a very inspirational course and I learnt a lot about the Bible.

I am one person who would study reading the Bible with the view of finishing it but I always stopped on the way. This time, I got the whole story of salvation and it really made a lot of meaning.

I also always tried to understand the story of salvation, but could not put the pieces together but the Bibletime Line course has just done it for me.

Thank you very much for this course and may Lord continue blessing you and that many more Catholics may come to do the course.

859 - Clare M.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I would like to thank you very much indeed for running this fabulous course. My knowledge of Bible chronology was shockingly bad - I knew the beginning and the end, but the bits inbetween were sketchy, to say the least!

Thanks to your engaging manner and enthusiasm, along with the splendid Timeline Chart, it has all begun to slot into place and make sense. (and not forgetting the shirts of course...).

It has been brilliant. Thank you so much. I am just sorry that I can't sign up to the Advent course because of other commitments.

God bless you both.

858 - Anne A.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I would just like to convey my heartfelt thanks, to all of you for this BIBLE TIMELINE COURSE whatever your involvement may have been.

I attended session seven last night, and as with the previous session, enjoyed it thoroughly.

I am a 71 year old female and can honestly say this is the first I have been able to connect in some way the old testament and the new testament.Thank you so much to MAURO, for excellent presentation, thank you once again, take care, and God Bless.

857 - Elizabeth H.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I have found the Bible timeline to be extremely valuable and received a great deal from listening to the videos.

It is a truly valuable resource and has opened my eyes to the truth of salvation History held within our Bible.

I am really grateful to be able to keep all this for future reference and know that the easy access just introduced will be really helpful. I know I will come back to the course notes and video recordings in the coming months and years.

It was recommended to me by friends and I am very grateful to them for telling me about it. I thank you both for your generosity in sharing your knowledge and pray that you are well supported so that you can continue your wonderful mission.

I am looking forward to joining you for the Advent Bible Series but need to rely upon recordings of the sessions most of the time. This is because my Parish weekday Mass is on Wednesday evenings which unfortunately overlaps the live sessions, so I have been catching up with them at a later date.

856 - Alison J.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I have enjoyed this course very much, I have learned a lot that I did not know was in the bible. the course makes it very easy to understand the bible, which can be intimidating.

Although I try and read the bible most days, there have been times when I have found it very difficult to understand, this course has solved this problem, thank Mauro, keep up the good work. :-)

855 - Zenia W.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I found the Course very informative, factual and engaging.Personally I have learnt a lot from it.

The stimulating Bible stories told by Mauro is very engaging. I did opt for the Videos and notes as a back up so I could go back and listen and read his notes after the session, so if you miss a session you could refresh your memory via these methods. I highly recommend the donation in order to have this at hand.

Mauro made the timeline course easy to understand the Bible. I am very grateful and feel very blessed to have shared in this experience.I highly recommend the Course. Looking forward to the last session.

By the way a lovely picture Mauro of your beautiful wife.God bless you both.

854 - Nicola J.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I found the course to be very informative with clear straightforward explanations. It has given me a better understanding of the books of the Bible and where they fit into the 'story' of our salvation.

I have enjoyed the course and found it helpful.

853 - Sr Zaweria K.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I feel I cannot wait until the end of the last session, to express my sincere appreciation.

I have been determined to read the bible from 1st page to last page especially the old testament, but every time I begin to do this I have always found challenges before i even go to the 3rd book. So what i have been doing is to jump to the interesting stories in the bible but i had never thought that the whole bible can be an interesting story with such a wonderful flow as i have discovered for these few weeks i have been following this bible timeline.

I have been determined to follow every step and activity and also sharedwith my community members, who all have found it very interesting.

Mr. Mauro and family you are a gift to the world as you are such a wonderful teacher that you can summarize such a big book with just few hours. I assure you these sessions have an impact to current and future generations.

I have and will continue recommending more Christians to attend this bible timeline course. We all need it.

May God bless you Mr. Mauro and your family for this passion of Word of God and your openness to share it with others.

May the Word of God which is alive grant you and your loved ones the grace to live long with health of body, mind and soul so that you could reach to many more souls and make them love the Word of God.

852 - Arthur T.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I am enjoying the course all immensely. You make it such an enjoyable journey.

I have read and re-read the New Testament many times and heard many many readings from the Old Testament at Mass BUT for the first time in my 73 years it all starts to make sense. My gratitude to you.

851 - Anthony M.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Dear Mauro, your commitment and dedication to spread the understanding of the Word of God is a great tribute to you and Janet, your wife.

Behind a successful man is a woman who has sacrificed her life for the cause.

I really like your teaching so much so that I am addicted to the Course.

I was first introduced to the Bible time Course in April 2021. I liked it so much I could not stay away from the next course in September 2021. And I would like to participate again when it comes in 2022.

I am continuously praying for you and Janet to inspire us to gain knowledge of the salvation history and increase our faith in the Church.

God will bless you for devoting your time, energy and life for such a noble cause.

Accept my heart felt gratitude for your illustrious work.

850 - Miriam W.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Beautiful course, a very important step into understanding the main events of the Bible but not only understanding, it goes further into feeding your faith and taking it to the next level.

It was vital for me to understand more, not only the events but the deep messages behind all of them, that apply to our everyday lives and use them to better ourselves and our relationship with God and others around us.

It was very intense and rewarding especially into understanding the why Jesus had to die on the Cross for us, something that was always covered in mystery for me.

All the events, in the end, all connect beautifully and all become one thing, one big message from God and His infinite love for us.

God bless you and your wife, Mauro, for this beautiful gift you give us all. Who has ears, listen.

849 - Salvina B.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Absolutely Brilliant! Thank you Mauro and Janet - this has opened up the Bible in several ways for me.

The Bible has in many ways been difficult to follow, especially the Old Testament. The fact that you put it into time event order and broken it down into colour coding (matched with the dress code haha) of events is superb, making it easier to understand, seeing it as God's overall picture of Salvation, our part in this picture etc.

I have thoroughly enjoyed participating in this course. Wednesdays were my only free evenings so that is a bonus and a day I look forward to each week. Now with the Advent Course about to start - I see myself as very blessed indeed.

Thank you both again! I look forward to 'owning' this course asap!

God bless you both abundantly for making this enormous sacrifice and commitment for each and all of us.

PS I have even enjoyed the CHAT box - so many are so learned and still humble enough to learn further and give you credit for how you have explained so much so well.

848 - Penelope G.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I enjoyed the concept of being able to journey through the Bible more easily and the Bible I purchased - The Great Adventure Bible by Jeff Cavins - is a delight to use.

Because of a stroke I cannot retain information, personally I wish the course had been longer, nevertheless I have all the notes to re-read, which I am so grateful to have.

Thank you for giving your time and knowledge. I look forward to your Advent course.

847 - Rosemarie T.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

The Bible course by Mauro has been so enlightening and inspiring too. It has given me a renewed vigor for reading the bible daily with insight into the history and timeline of the holy scriptures.

Mauro made it very interesting with his extensive background knowledge, facts and accurate illustrations. I especially enjoyed the interpretations of the how the temple would have looked like back then.

After the course, I spread the word and several family members and friends have joined the course.

846 - Rose V.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

The course has enriched me so much & encouraged me to learn more.

Mauro explained clearly the stories which enabled me to understand the events in the Bible. I am now using the Bible more often.

845 - LILIANA M.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

A very clear, easy to follow overlook of the Bible presented with sensitivity and humour at times by Mauro.

It has given me the desire to open up the Bible more often and I have already noticed in readings at Mass that I can locate where they are read from.

The Bible Timeline Chart was very useful and I very much looked forward each week to the next session.

Thank you Mauro & Janet for all the work that has gone in the course's preparation & and presentations. I very much recommend this course to anyone who has an interest in understanding more about "God's letter of Love" - the Bible.

844 - Anne-Do B.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

We met with a few of us in a parish room, and enjoyed the course very much. We stayed afterwards to reply to the questions, and this was an amazing way to see the Holy Spirit working among us, and helping grow our faith.

The simple explanation of St Thomas of Aquinus's view on Christ's suffering was very compelling.

Thank you to you and your wife for giving up your city life for this ministry.

843 - GLORIA K.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Very detailed and informative bible teaching. Has enriched my understanding of the Bible and my spiritual journey.

842 - Mary B.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

This course has really helped to bring the Bible alive for me - especially the Old Testament and how the history of God's relationship with His people leads to Jesus and His ministry.

I am so pleased I have attended this course and would most certainly recommend it to everyone

841 - Edith A.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

The course was very inspiring and spiritually awakening. Would highly recommend the course. Thank you Mauro and may God bless you always in your vocation.

840 - Barbara O.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

The course was really good. It was interesting and uplifting. Thank you.

839 - Marie R.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

The course was an eye opener and I opened the Bible and followed what was taught. This was very helpful. Thank you very much for introducing so many people to the Word of God.

838 - Susanne S.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

The content of the course is well organised. I appreciate the care taken to script each lesson. It was very well delivered and I have learned and benefited immensely from each session of the course. Thank you Mauro.

837 - Frances G.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

The Bible Timeline Course was very informative. I have learnt such a lot. I have seen the Bible from start to finish as a similar story of each of our inner lives. Mauro is an excellent teacher and I'm reading Walking With God. What else can I say but thank you.

836 - Denise W.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

The Bible Timeline Course was interesting as I never knew enough about my Catholic faith. Now I can relate to events with more knowledge and understanding. Its enabled me to get an insight into what went on in those days several years ago. I purchased a book called Walking with God which was very helpful

835 - Bridget F.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Thank you so much for this wonderful course. Your time and efforts are very much appreciated. I have learned so much even though I am a practising Catholic. I highly recommend this course to EVERYONE be it 40, 50, 60, 70 or 80 years a christian you will definitely learn a lot.

834 - Alice B.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Thank you both for this amazing Bible Timeline course. It helped me understand and appreciate the flow of events from The Fall until the death of Our Lord, and through Him the establishment and growth of His Holy Catholic Church.

I wholeheartedly recommend this course to all Christians and to anyone who wants to know more about the Bible, the faith, or simply the background to The Greatest Story Ever Told.

833 - Tessa R.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Mauro explains everything very well in rough detail and spices the story up with jokes to keep us focussed.

I am registering for his Advent course as I now know I'll learn something new.

832 - Angela L.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I would recommend this course to everyone regardless of faith or not. Mauro is a gifted teacher who enlightens the mind with his Biblical knowledge and teachings, he brings the scripture alive! I've learnt a lot and it has deepened my Catholic faith, thank you.

831 - Cecilia V.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I have found the course immensely enlightening.

I really had no idea how all the periods and indeed the familiar names fitted together and already the old testament readings at mass are making so much more sense to me. Thank you so much.

830 - Michael P.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I have enjoyed the course for the third time and still learn more every time.

I have been unable to attend the Enfield meetings so far but may go to the last one.

I have recommend the course to the Life ascending groups and will do so again if a 4th is run next year.

829 - yvonne m.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I have been searching for this course for years and prior to been told about this course I had asked my parish priest to recommend a bible for me - he recommend the Great Adventure Bible.

I am enjoying the course as it is helping me grow closer to god and making a big difference to my life.

828 - Jan B.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I consider myself reasonably well educated with respect to the bible but at 65 years of age I have discovered things during the weeks of this course that had never crossed my mind and I find myself listening to the readings at mass with a different level of understanding. Thank you for giving me a new and revitalised perspective on the Bible.

827 - Ursula M.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Extremely interesting and informative. I learnt so much about the Old Testament which I have always found challenging to read but this course addressed it in a fascinating way. Thank you.

826 - Margaret E.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Enjoyed the course even more second time round. It presents the Bible in such an "accessible" and easier to assimilate way. Am looking forward to Advent! Thank you Mauro!

825 - Robert L.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Your Bible Timeline Course is excellent.

I am buying Jeff Cavins' book "Walking with God" as suggested.

The presenter Mauro does a very good job. It's clear and easy to follow and understand.

I enjoy it and I find it very beneficial. It's the best Bible Course I've so far attended.

824 - Lei D.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

This course has truly blessed me with a great understanding of the bible and drew me even closer to God.

This is particularly important to me as I serve my parish church as reader of the Word of God. I believe that I, as a reader, should understand what I read, so I can share the Word of God, in a better way - the way God wants it to be delivered to his people.

A very huge thanks to Mauro and his wife Janet for making this revelation of the word of God alive in a different way.

823 - Marion D.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

The course has given an excellent introduction to reading the narrative of salvation history.

I have attempted several times over many years to find my way and find the narrative and other themes through the various books so I know which story happened when and where.

The format of the course was:

- Easy to follow

- the questions allowed for thought and further investigation

- study partner was an excellent idea

- suggested reading gave an additional helpful guide

- purchasing the notes and videos enable one to revisit at one's leisure

- Mauro is a lovely presenter and I loved the shirts!

822 - Chona M.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

The Bible Timeline Course is as captivating as ever. It is my third time to join as I cannot attend every session of the course attentively due to work.

Mauro does exceptionally well in narrating the stories and I never grow tired hearing it including the reflections.

It has really made the difference understanding my faith as a Catholic Christian. Thank you, Mauro and Janet for always sharing your blessings with us.

821 - Mary-Ellen P.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

The Bible Timeline course has been incredible.

Have always tried reading my bible as a linear book and stumbled with this approach. The course allowed me to 1) Read the story of Christianity in a linear way making it easier to understand and 2) Piece together and refresh what I already know as a Catholic to the whole story.

Split into 12 bitesize parts has been great. As a result, my journey has continued beyond the course! I also love Mauro's wardrobe changes! Please keep this element.

Well done, Mauro and Janet. I can't thank you both enough.

820 - Theresa O.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Thank you very much Mauro for this wonderful Bible Timeline Course. I appreciate your generousity in giving of your time freely to deliver this course.

This is my first time of doing a course on the bible starting from Genesis to the end. I believe that I am now equipped with the spiritual insight to discuss the bible with confidence.

This is definitely a course to go on if you want to have a full understanding of the bible as a whole.

I wholeheartedly recommend the course.

819 - Sandra H.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Thank you for your wonderful ministry to Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. This the 3rd time I have watched your course.

I bought the videos the first time around - they are invaluable to help me understand the Bible better and easy to follow the line of Christ. I bought the notes this time round again invaluable to the course. If anyone wants an idea for Birthday/Christmas presents this is the one to buy.

Thank you both for the precious time you give to our Father God and may the Holy Spirit guide you in all you do.

818 - Jackie E.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Thank you for a very interesting and helpful course, presented clearly and with lighter moments!

The prayers at the beginning and ending reminded us that we need God's help to discern what He is saying to each one of us through the scriptures.

The questions/discussions/answers were a useful way to focus our minds and hearts on the important issues.

Having a comprehensive, understandable Timeline Chart made the Bible much more accessible and easier to navigate.

We are pleased that we have made a donation so that we can have the notes/videos available for future use and I'm sure we will continue to benefit from them.

817 - Anonymous
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Mauro is sincere and quite entertaining. His Italian style provides a more relaxed but smart delivery of the Bible Timeline course which is both informative and revealing of our Lord's word.

His background and devotion to our faith is so inspritional and I will hold him in my prayers that he continue to succeed in his current vocation.

I would recommend this bible timeline as Mauro exposes the written word in a more meaningful and logical way for all i.e the lay person (like me) and the more "religiously" educated.

At last we can enjoy reading the Bible and learn how we should be to live in peace. Thank you, Mauro.

816 - David F.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Mauro is a very knowledgeable and passionate Catholic. Mauro's Bible Timeline course is informative with sprinkles of humor (we love those colored shirts!).

My Catholic faith and understanding of the Bible has grown stronger. I look forward to Mauro's next course Advent Bible Series.

Thank God for Mauro and his wife Janet. The world is a much better place with the two of them.

815 - Arthur T.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

It is my pleasure to endorse your course. I hope that new students appreciate as much as I do just what it has achieved for me.

I am 73 years old. The last formal catholic tuition that I had in the faith was aged 11. I was confirmed and left junior school to attend a non catholic Grammar school. So you can see that all my life my faith has been that of child's.

I married a Methodist girl in 1971 and we have just celebrated our Golden wedding anniversary. Our 3 girls all now in their 40's were brought up as Catholics, thus my wife has honoured her vow to our then parish priest and to God. Despite all of this I am clearly not a very good evangelist as I have never been able to persuade her to make that leap of faith. However She has always attended mass with me and our girls when much younger and I still ask the Holy spirit to touch her. I live in hope.

That is the background to when I was introduced to the Bible Timeline Course. I have read the whole of the New Testament many times. I have gained much comfort from it. I have also attempted the read the Old Testament but I have rarely managed to get though the whole of Exodus as it always seems so complex and remote from the New Testament.

Having completed the course I now understand how the past flows so easily into the future of Our Lord's Coming.

For the first time I can appreciate who the Jewish people were and what their expectations were.

Just how disappointed the average Jew might be feeling they expecting a warrior to lead them but ending up with the son of God but failed to recognize what they had.

All this is delivered in a straight forward and very understandable format from Adam and Eve to the Cruxifiction and the formation of our Church.

It is told as a story for that is exactly what it is. Each Book moving through the various stages of the Jewish people's history problems, their fall outs with God all against 3500 years of political strife, rulers, cultures, wars.

It moves seemlessly though to the New Testament carefully explaining what changed, with Jesus coming and why. This all for FREE. Thank you so much Mauro and Janet.

814 - Julia D.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I was not sure if this course was for me but as each week went by I enjoyed it and meeting new people well some as I new a few all ready.

I would recommend this bible course to anyone who is looking to learn how it all began in the beginning of our beloved creator.

Mauro explains this very well and I must say we had a lot of giggles every time he came back from asking us to think of certain ways we would do things.

What was funny for me, I never noticed utill one of the lady said it - his changing his shirt every time he came back to go with the colour of the chart. Just to let you know Mauro - it was a very enjoyable course.

813 - Corinne J.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I thoroughly enjoyed this course and finally understand the 'plot' of the Bible which I had always battled to grasp. I now find reading the Bible enjoyable rather than a task.

Mauro is an engaging and knowledgeable speaker and I appreciated his sense of humour. I particularly liked his idea of having a 'study buddy' to converse with during the sessions as this made the online lessons interactive rather than one-sided.

I highly recommend this course to anyone who desires a greater understanding and knowledge of the Bible and God's plan for our salvation.

812 - Sabina S.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I really enjoyable the course. It made me connect my life to the biblical times and realised I am the same like the people in the bible.

The course has improved my understanding of the bible and linked old testament to new testament. The time out to discuss with study buddy was very helpful.

Mauro is an excellent teacher and his humour made the course enjoyable.

I had to live work early and rush home because I did not want to miss a single sessions.

I will be recommending the course to all my friends and family.

811 - Gillian R.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I loved the course and I have followed it every week.

I didn't know too much about the Old Testament and I have to confess that some of it is a bit boring but necessary to understand if we are to comprehend the New Testament.

I loved the idea of changing the colour of your shirt for each period. I did order The Timeline Bible, but I still haven't received it due to, I guess, hundreds of people ordering at the same time time.

I enjoyed your sense of humour and your commitment. I did however get a bit confused when printing off the notes, the difference between 'periods' and 'sessions'.

It was a lovely feeling to know hundreds of people were listening to you at the same time.

I thank you and look forward to the Advent periods/sessions.

810 - Stephen M.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I have never before been able to find a resource to study the bible as good as the Bible Timeline Course.

By breaking down the Bible into 12 distinct periods and reducing the number of books to "only" 14 to concentrate the study on the narrative is truly inspiring.

I purchased the Timeline Chart at the start of the course and would highly recommend this for anyone about to start this course. Several "lightbulb" moments occurred during the course thanks to Mauro's depth of knowledge and detailed explanations.

Mauro has an excellent, friendly, informal presentation style which was easy to follow and by making his course notes available for a reasonable fee, revision was easy.

During the course I also purchased "Walking with God" and am now using this and Mauro's course notes to read the whole of each of the 14 narrative books as during the course we were only referred to certain chapters of each book.

The combination of the course and the subsequent reading material has left me confident to read the narrative books in a very enjoyable and spiritually rewarding way.

809 - Elaine W.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I have found this Course very enlightening. I never really knew the full story of the Bible. This course has helped me understand the History of God's Salvation for all humanity.

The Course is set out in a simple and easily understood way. Mauro is a great speaker with a lovely sense of humour. I fully recommend it to all.

808 - Glynis C.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I have enjoyed the course and am very grateful for it. It was very easy to follow and was like a whistle stop tour of the bible.

I would have liked to have gone into more detail instead of the long periods of discussion but I realise that this was not possible, covering such a large amount of material in a short amount of time.

I did not have a study buddy as I only found out about the course a few days before it started by sheer good fortune. Perhaps I would have got more from the course if I had had a study buddy.

However, it has spurred me on to go into more depth myself and with other resources. I have enrolled on the Advent Course and told the Priest at my church. Many thanks for all your hard work in bringing this to us.

807 - Mary A.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I have enjoyed the bible study so far. As Catholics we are familiar with some readings from the bible that are read out at mass, but to get to know the main events of the bible explained in a chronological way is really good.

Even more important than this, has been the fact that for each event we have been given explanations as to what this event tells us about us and our relationship with God and the messages God wants to convey to us through the bible.

This course is the start of me being able to understand the bible, and it makes the idea of reading it and using the bible less daunting.

I have for years wanted to do a bible study which explains the meanings behind the stories, and now this course has done this and I am very thankful for those who both designed and delivered the course. God Bless you.

806 - Peter D.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I found the Bible Timeline Course a great source of interest and sound resource to learning how to study the Bible.

Every Roman Catholic would find enrolment on this course a great way to understand the story of the Bible from the beginning of Genesis to Revelation. I particularly found the Old Testament part very knowledgeable, also glad you mentioned Original Sin - a word you do not hear mentioned in homiles in these times.

Also enjoyed the study book, "Walking with God" by Tim Gray and Jeff Cavins, a good commentary of the mysteries of Sacred Scriptures.

805 - Julie R.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I am thrilled to have come across this free course to do in my own home. I have followed several faith courses in the past and each has opened my mind to a deeper understanding.

This course has answered so many lingering questions I still had about the Old Testament being so different and hard to follow compared to the New testament. I have purchased the course notes which I will be able to look back on and refresh my understanding as I listen to the mass readings.

It was a journey of learning about God's revelations with the Israelites. I totally recommend it to you.

Thank you Mauro and Janet for your time and missionary work in putting this altogether. It is a blessed and fruitful work. God bless you both.

804 - Tom C.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Dear Mauro, thank you, to you and Janet, for all your work on bringing the Bible alive for us.

We are of an 'older age group' and have practiced our faith from cradle to now and your course guidance has enhanced and clarified the background to what we know and love about our faith and how we try to practice that faith loyally to our Blessed Lord.

We are so pleased to have access to your new course format where we can readily search specific subjects.

And finally, we are very much looking forward to sharing in your Advent Course in the coming weeks as we look forward to Christmas.

803 - Stephanie H.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Dear Mauro, although it was quite a commitment to sign up for 8 consecutive Wednesdays, we are both very glad we did!

Of course we couldn't retain everything, but it gave us a wonderful basic outline and simple understanding of how during the various times since Creation there has always been conflict.

It shows us how the evil, selfishness and pride of the governing powers of the time caused division and eventual exile. The proof that God intervenes and overcomes this evil is demonstrated through his trust in chosen people over the ages and gives us hope and guidance to be constantly faithful to Him.

What a wonderful Blessing and Gift our Faith is! Thank you for your diligence and teaching Mauro and we wouldn't hesitate to encourage others to follow the course too.

802 - Conrad D.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

An excellent course recommended for all Catholics, Protestants and even others like Muslims, who have an interest in knowing more about the bible. We are not all experts. The bible is definitely not an easy book or collection of books to read and understand.

This course conveys the "story" very well and Mauro is excellent is getting the message across with his wonderfully "coloured" shirts. This is probably what the Catholic Synod should suggest that we all learn more about the bible.

After all our final goals are to become disciples of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Without making any determined attempt in knowing the bible that goal is certainly unachieveable. The foundation and encouragement that this course provides for individual personal development is immense. And taking those first steps with God should definitely become be a lot easier.

801 - Lucinda O.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I really enjoyed the last 8 weeks and I thank Mauro for his delivery. It has really helped in consolidating my new knowledge of the Bible timeline from following the Bible in a year program. These sessions have inspired me to learn more and I have signed up for the Advent Course

800 - Joe O.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Your teaching has touched my life. I have completed many Bible studies over the years and every week I still learned something new from you. The Lord is using you in such a powerful way to build His kingdom.

799 - Malcom & Felicity S.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

We just wanted to say that your course is excellent! We are thoroughly enjoying it and it is teaching us so much about the Bible and Salvation History that we didn't know before.

798 - Christina J.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

We have really enjoyed the Bible timeline course. It has been useful for understanding the story of the Bible and has given us a great insight into a new way to approach reading it.

The sessions have been engaging and we have leaned a lot. We would strongly recommend the course to others.

797 - Barbara L.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Very glad I did the course. I now understand the bible better. Bible timeline chart and bible were a good investment. I now understand why the Samaritan's were not liked or respected I didn't know why before. I found the course very informative and well explained.

796 - Paul S.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

This was a fascinating and far-reaching course, delivered by Mauro in a very authentic way with a touch of good humour throughout.

It has certainly made me more aware of the religious themes in the Bible and the relationship between the Old and New testaments. The Timeline chart is an excellent resource.

795 - Anne N.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

This is the second time I have done this course. I have learnt more this time and found it even more informative. I have thoroughly enjoyed the course and love the way it is presented. The Bible has come alive for me and I understand the story so much more. It actually makes sense!!

794 - Tony D.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

The course was very good. I have learnt a lot about the different period's in the history of our faith. We are blessed. I recommend this course to all catholics.

793 - STEPHEN D.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

The Bible Timeline Course has come at the right time to enlighten and deepen my faith and knowledge in the Salvation history.

The story of Creation especially, as explained, in the Bible has cleared all doubts.

I'm very grateful and appreciative for the opportunity.

792 - Ana M.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Thank you so much Mauro for bringing to life the Old Testament. I enjoyed the story and I have started reading the Jerusalem Bible and it makes so much sense.

May God Bless you and you family abundantly for your mission in proclaiming the Word of God.

791 - Deborah I.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Thank you so much for the opportunity to study the bible in a group. It was insightful and opened my eyes to certain truths I overlooked.

I do hope and pray for more sessions and possibly interactive ones. Thank you so much for making the word of God alive and active and during your part to spread Jesus' ministry. God bless you.

790 - Lourdes V.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Thank you once again for your awe inspiring sessions on Bible Timeline. Each time you learn something more.

I found it kept me interested and connected as I absorbed the whole journey once again with the chosen people of God.

Also interesting to know all the connections with the world powers/rulers at the time. It is most useful because the Bible comes alive as you attend mass, understanding the Scriptures that are read.

789 - Krys L.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Thank you for your excellent talk this evening. A great spiritual work of mercy; very clear, encouraging and inspiring! I think anyone watching will be a better person and a better Christian for having heard it. It is always so good to be reminded that 'end times' will come for each one of us and how our lives now and our relationship with God (which cannot grow without prayer) will affect our eternity. May God richly bless you for all you do.

788 - Rita W.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I've enjoyed the course, got a lot from it. Thanks for animating the Story for me. Well done

787 - Natalie H.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I'm sad to say that I've drifted away from the my Catholic faith recently and haven't been to Mass for a few months. Your talk and the scripture really spoke to me and gave me the desire to start praying again on a daily basis and go back to Mass.

786 - Michael M.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I really enjoyed the course as I've learnt a considerable amount and in a style that I find easy to follow. I find the illustrations and the interactions to be useful.

785 - Ignazio P.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I loved this extraordinary course. I got so much from it. Thank you for presenting the Bible in such an accessible enjoyable and enlightening way.

784 - Steve C.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I have found this course very interesting and revealing. I did not realise that there was a timeline and the books of the Bible tell a linked story.

Mauro puts all this into perspective and it has encouraged me to read the Bible and seek out other sources of information. Highly recommended!

783 - Patricia R.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I have found this course fascinating. Mauro explains the bible story very well with humour. To get the most out of the course it is advisable to read the parts of the bible recommended for the next session. I have learnt a lot and read about events I would never have tackled normally.

782 - PatM B.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I have found the course extremely helpful and easy to follow. Mauro has the gift of teaching in a very informative way. He has opened up the Bible to me and I am very grateful.

781 - ofelia M.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I enjoyed this course so much. Mauro you are a very good speaker. Very detailed and concised the way you have gone through from the start. Thank you so much and God bless.

780 - Sr Rosemary P.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

God bless you for the good work you are doing and making it so accessible to a large audience.

779 - Mary C.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Dear Mauro and team: my husband and I did your Bible Timeline Course together and we both really appreciated it. I thought I knew the bible and while I did know the stories and people I had not known the order and progression of things e.g. I never knew how the lost tribes of Israel came about and what happened to them.

Thank you so much. We laughed, we learned and we appreciate the old testament better.

778 - Anonymous
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

As a life long Catholic I have, regretfully and ashamedly, never studied the Bible - despite 14 yrs in a Convent school.

So this course is not only an eye opener but mind and heart as well. Thank you.

Whilst I read the readings before the session, the session itself consolidates and makes the readings coherent for me - indispensible.

Importantly the sessions are so engaging - I laugh out loud! Thank you again.

777 - Anonymous
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

All the bible sessions were very interesting and helped me to understand the Bible much much better as I recently completed reading the entire Bible .

I also enjoyed having the questions during the sessions , most so far I got only partially correct. Thank you.

776 - Barbara W.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

A very thorough, concise and relevant approach to becoming familiar with Salvation History.

Mauro's presentation is clear and personable. Thank you so very much.

775 - Tracy S.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

A heartfelt thank you to Mauro for taking us on this amazing journey through the Bible in 8 sessions, making it so much easier for me to understand.

I look forward to more of your teachings as you evangelise the world. So grateful to the Lord that this virtual platform has reached our humble continent. May the Lord bless you in this mission.

774 - Kate P.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

We have enjoyed sharing and studying with the Bible Timeline Course during our recent retirement and have enjoyed exploring deeper into the roots of our Christian faith with Mauro.

We have found the structure and presentation of the course informative and extremely helpful and we look forward to studying more with Come and See. Thank you so much .

773 - Laurance G.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Very interesting and enlightening course that made me curious to read the bible in more depth.

By focusing on the highlights of the Bible Timeline I could see the Bible as a continuous narration from Adam to present day.

This is a facility that I feel the Vatican should provide to all Catholics world wide as we seem to concentrate our religious training on children but fail to develop the spiritual education needs of adults.

Great course

Thank you

772 - David B.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

This is the third occasion that I have followed the course and on each occasion I gain further insight into understanding the AMAZING story of Salvation.

This is a view which I know from personal contact with others who have travelled this journey, that everyone experiences similar benefits.

Hopefully many others will discover the richness of undertaking this very well presented course. Excellent!!

771 - Gabrielle Regina B.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

This is a well structured course and was very interesting.

I learnt a great deal about the Old Testament and found it to difficult at times to see our loving and caring God but I accept that this is correct.

It was very informative and has caused me to read the bible regularly which has to be a good thing.

I am looking forward to the new course leading on to the birth of Christ and the New Testament.

The course was very well done and thank you for all you do for the Church.

770 - Karel Dipa H.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

This bible timeline course is really a useful means and a great help to understand more about the Bible.

Before attending this course I didn't in fact find the Bible interesting and didn't really read it. This course has really opened the horizon broader for me about the Bible and understanding the gist of human salvation.

Since attending this course I now approach the Bible from a different point which is a more interesting view and I now make efforts to read the daily reading during my personal morning prayer, and try to understand the meaning. The discussion questions are also helpful in understanding God's words.

769 - Mary S.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

This bible course has been a very good start of my new journey into evangelisation experience.

As started with Southwark "Life in the Spirit" seminars. I see myself on a journey on a different path of the Catholic Church. Born into the Roman Catholic faith over 70 years ago. I can say my major questions are now being answered. I will worship with the bible in my heart as well as the sacraments.

This course was carefully planned. Very well advertised. Beautifully presented. Being a live presentation made it much better and genuine. Mauro make me laugh. He is very intelligent. I can understand him very well. Time of the day was perfect for me.

I still have not been able to purchase the bible suggested. Out of stock, they say. A bit fraustrated with the login, but later improved. God bless you all for this course.

768 - Maggie W.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

The Timeline Course gave me a new insight into the understanding of the Bible. Mauro, you explained things well, and gave us pointers on the salient points, and the most important events and changes in each period. Hitherto, I did not know how to tackle such a huge volume of books and their relevance to each other.

767 - Celina H.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Thank you, Mauro. That was a wonderful course. I learnt so much. Was a brilliant insight to the history and evolution of creation / Israel / the church.

The Jeff Cavins Timeline helps to put everything into context.

I really enoyed your bright presentation and light-hearted comedy. You delivered some serious topics, yet it was fun to follow. Keep wearing that orange shirt to stay safe so you can do more / meet us in Warlsingham one day!

766 - Wendy P.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Really enjoying it. Found the introduction a bit difficult but then find Mauro is doing an excellent job.

He keeps to the point with humour lightening it now and then. Being in my late 70s am finding one and half hours rather long so would find one hour more able to focus on.

But it is excellent and really challenging me and opening me up to my faith. The parallels with present day life are very thought provoking. Many many thanks.

765 - Geoff H.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Initially I thought 'this will probably be just repetition of the facts of salvation history'. However, your course has been better than I expected in the sense that you have shown great depth in your presentation.

And even though I run a Bible study groups in my Parish and learnt a great deal from a lecturer at Cardiff University when I was doing my second degree in Religious Studies and Philosophy, you have made a few comments which have really opened my eyes, especially the finite and infinite which you described in Jesus, Passion and death. That I found really stunning as I had never thought of that, although I should have done!!

764 - Brenda T.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I'm so glad I did this course because it has opened my eyes about the old testament books, much of which I've read in the past but couldn't really make sense of.

I think you've done a wonderful job of presenting and explaining what it's all about. Having the timeline chart is also a great help to refer to specific key events.

Thank you for your expertise and dedication to help others understand the books of the Bible. God bless you in all that you do for him.

763 - Jane I.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I'm so glad I came across this course through a friend and from St Francis Parish . It's been so enriching and very easy to follow. Thank you so much. This means a whole lot to me in my faith journey.

May God bless you both immensely and your ministry. May God continue to direct your footstep and grant you more and more wisdom, courage, strenght, abundance of His grace, love mercy peace Joy and protection now and always. Thank you so much.

762 - Sophia A.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I really enjoyed the course. It was done in every day language very well explained.

The chart was an added tool and took one through the salvation journey.

I now understand the how and why the old testament and new testament are well connected and complement each other. It was an exciting journey.

I now read the scriptures in a totally new light, with more understanding and knowledge and love.

May the Holy Spirit of Jesus continue to enlighten and empower you in your work. You, your family and ministry are in our prayers.

761 - Margaret G.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I have found the Bible Timeline Course well organised and very easy to follow. After years of bible study it has brought much of what I have learnt into order. It has thus made what I have learnt easy to recall as I listen to the bible readings each Sunday. I would wholeheartedly recommend the course to others.

My one recommendation is that the it is run during the day as well as the evening thus making it more easily available to those who finding evenings difficult eg. Parents of young children.

Thank you Mauro for the fashion changes! You particularly suit the baby blue!

760 - Catherine T.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I have enjoyed this course very much. It has given a concise account of salvation history. Having the Bible timeline chart is a great addition to understanding the sequence of events.

This course is different from others as it doesn't cover every book of the Bible - just the main books needed to understand the story. Once you can see the full picture of events, reading the other books is more meaningful and gives more detail.

I would recommend this course for everyone.

759 - Joe O.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I have been offered this course before but with a (usually) busy life, have been unable to commit to it. When a friend told me about this course running on YouTube, I jumped at the chance.

I already had the tabs on my Bible! I purchased the Timeline from Good News Books and I would recommend that as it makes following each week's teaching much easier and gives greater clarity to what Mauro is teaching.

I love Mauro's teaching style and as well as teaching sound Bible lessons, he always gives a laugh as well.

I would not hesitate to recommend this course as an accessible way to learn more about the whole Bible story and understand more about what God has done for humankind throughout history.

758 - Martha N.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I found the course very useful, empowering and helpful in my understanding and commitment to reading the Bible. I hope to share my experience with my prayer group, friends and family.

I also hope to buy some of the resources you listed for us at the start of the programme. Many thanks for your time and May God continue to bless your ministry.

Could I ask if there will be any opportunity to join your ministry in the future?

757 - Oyiadika Victoria O.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I find the Bible Timeline course very rewarding. It made me to understand the history of each books in the bible. The course taught us the in-depth insight of all the battles the Israelite fought during their time in the desert on their way to Promised Land.

756 - Nick D.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I enjoyed and benefited immensely from the course. I found it simplified and clarified the development of Palestine, Judaism and Christianity and they were all intertwined.

It provided the context of events and scripture, which is so vital in trying to understand the word of God in the scriptures.

I also found the notes and access to the videos on-line a very useful tool for study / revision. Thank you.

755 - Rachael W.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I am a 'cradle catholic' which meant that my knowledge was not detailed and an awful lot of what I knew was gathered by me over the years rather than learnt.

This lovely and easily digestible Course has given me insight and understanding into the Bible. The Bible is less daunting. I understand the timeline of events. I find that the weekly Mass readings make more sense to me. So - its good.

But in addition to that Mauro uses enthusiasm, humour, charts and lots of in-depth knowledge to bring it all alive. Well done to both Mauro and Janet on their Ministry. We need more.

754 - Gerry D.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

A great and easy to follow course.

It has filled the huge gaps in my knowledge and understanding of the bible and I believe it has encouraged me to reinforce what I have learned and hopefully learn more.

I have been unable to always be available for the complete sessions but having acquired access to all video sessions I have been able to watch what I have missed.

753 - Phebean J.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

The Bible Timeline has been an educational and well planned course I have ever been involve in. The step by step flow of the story made the topics easy to follow & understand. The maps & illustration & pictures helps in the retentions of the information received.

This is the first time I have fully gone through the bible in such a quite short period of time and with easy.

Well done Mr Mauro and team. God bless you. Looking forward to the Advent sessions.

752 - Victoria S.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

My brother encouraged me to do this course. I missed the first two as mentally struggled to commit to time with The Lord and evenings can be busy. I caught up and joined in week three then was absolutely enthralled and hooked.

I was fascinated by the depth of knowledge and history and God's plan in everything.

Mauro talks us through events so systematically and there is no pressure to do homework/read. I make lots of notes as I listen as it helps me remember but have also signed up to receive the formal notes.

I enjoy listening, thinking and participating in the sessions and it has rekindled my desire to read The Bible more and find out about God's love and purpose for me as an individual.

I've enjoyed the weekly sessions and the commitment to spend time with God. I've enrolled in the advent course too as Christmas is always such a busy time and I never feel fully prepared for the nativity.

I'm grateful to my brother for telling me about this and I too am sharing with friends.

751 - Gloria Adjoa L.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Very interesting and enjoyable. It was intense. What I think is if people could be able to assess the course, they would regularly donate. That's what I think.

Well done and continue with the good work of God. Bless you and your wife and family.

750 - Caroline R.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

We loved the course! Mauro's delivery method was fun and interactive (with the study buddy) and by reading other people's comments on line.

It was a good an indepth walk through of the bible. It has encouraged me to read the bible with a better meaning as well as following the Gospels at Mass.

Great way to understanding the Bible better. Thank you!

749 - Margaret M.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

This is a great course for anyone with experience of the bible and Christian faith who want to look deeper into the meanings of the bible and Christ. However, not so good for someone without much experience or knowledge beyond the very basics.

748 - Elizabeth K.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

The course was very well structured. However, some sections were too long and crammed a lot of very important information. It is difficult to suggest how this could be resolved except for manybe an additional session.

747 - Donal H.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

The course is interesting and informative and the videos and walking with God book compliment each other in grasping the Bible timeline.

As I find it difficult to always be available at the same time each week to watch the live video it would have been helpful if the videos had been available for around 24 hours before being deleted.

I hope the advent course is a success

746 - Siobhan D.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Once again I have enjoyed following the Come and See Bible Timeline.

It draws me deeper into understanding Salvation History and helps me realise that I am on the same journey as the children of Abraham.

I feel that I could do it over and over again and each time draw out more meaning. Thank you so much. Love the shirt colours!

745 - Alex P.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I work in the Church and have found the course to be very informative.

Following the Chronological structure has really deepened my understanding of the Old Testament in particular.

I have purchased the videos as I have started having choir practices on Wednesday evenings so can not join you live. I have still a bit of catching up to do but looking forward to seeing the next videos.

744 - Angela M.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I really enjoyed the course, thank you for doing it.

I knew that I didn't have much knowledge of the old testament other than Genesis and a couple of other books in the bible. It really was extremely interesting and I learnt a lot more about God's wishes and desires for His people and the eventual formation of Israel.

743 - NEIL W.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I liked the course and learnt a lot.

742 - Angela D.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I have watched this course in April and really enjoyed it and found it very stimulating and inspiring and it made it easier to understand the bible.

I have told some people about it too. I thought I would watch it again to help me get to know my bible even better.

I think Mauro was very good at explaining some of the things in the bible and also about the the world power at the time. Thank you very much.

741 - Anonymous
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I have really enjoyed this course. I have wanted to to a bible study for a long time but was never sure where to look for something I would trust. I began to look forward to my weekly sessions which I then encouraged my sister to join as my study buddy.

Thank you for inspiring me to return to church with a stronger understanding. I am looking forward to the advent course very much.

God bless you.

740 - Lesley O.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I have really enjoyed the weekly Bible study. I have found I have learnt so much more about my faith and I look forward to the next course.

739 - Kathleen B.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I have found this course to be both enjoyable and very informative! The format is straightforward and clear.

The suggested advanced reading has been very useful and the questions for after the session are thought provoking.

738 - Dominic O.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I found the course very educational and gained a good understanding about my faith.

Mauro was an exceptionally good presenter and the resources and materials to support the course are very good. I only wish they were a bit cheaper, but I felt it was a good investment.

737 - Lynn F.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Have enjoyed the course. Very informative and interesting. Look forward to the next one. Thank You.

736 - Pat S.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Excellent course. Enjoyed it very much. Educational and fun. Excellent presenter!

735 - Sr Melania N.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Dear Mauro. I would like to appreciate your bible timeline. I enjoyed it very much. It has been very good for my formees - they learnt a lot.

We only had network challenges. Thanks to those 3 you send as video thus what we managed to see only. Thank you very much for your generosity. I pray that God may give you a lot of blessings through your great work.

734 - MARY C.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Dear Mauro, an amazing input... and I want to thank you for your commitment and pray that the Holy Spirit may continue to guide you in serving Holy Mother church.

733 - Frances M.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

An excellent course to start the process of learning more about the Bible.

For me the Bible has seemed quite overwhelming to read, but Mauro's course was very user friendly and has definitely helped me to learn more.

732 - Frances M.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

An excellent course to start the process of learning more about the Bible. For me the Bible has seemed quite overwhelming to read, but Mauro's course was very user friendly and has definitely helped me to learn more.

731 - Adrian M.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

A very good course. I recommend that you do this, strongly.

730 - Mangala F.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Well presented. A lot of hard work.

I have done Jeff Cavins Bible timeline a few years ago and have the chart and course work. Although I wanted to go over again never fond time. This I found a very good recap, easy to follow and easy to understand but, some sessions were too long.

Therefore I thought of purchasing the videos, that will enable me to follow at my own space. I would love to do this with all my family members here and in Sri Lanka via zoom but, I understand that this is not possible or allowed. Please advice me on this. I would be most grateful.

I would recommend this course to all I know.

May God bless you both and your work.

729 - Mary N.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

The Bible Timeline Course was one of my greatest learning as a Catholic Christian this year, as I had a deeper understanding of my Faith as Catholic Christian.

The course outline and structure also made for excellent correlations between the old and new testament events.

Indeed I had a better understanding of Sacred traditions and doctrines of the church. Looking forward to the advent experience already.

728 - Mary G.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

The Bible Timeline Course has encouraged me to view The Bible differently with a new understanding.

I am now persuaded to read the Bible, in the light and meaning of each book, which you Mauro have explained so thoroughly, especially between the old and new Testament.

Thanks Mauro for opening the books of The Bible in such a way that it makes me want to return to reading - the Bible stories with an enthusiastic perspective to learn more. With God's blessings, Thank you.

727 - Marie-Helene C.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Thank you, Mauro, for this inspirational journey into the Bible.

As we went along, the Books of the Bible suddenly made sense, like the pieces of a jigsaw coming together to build a lively picture.

Furthermore, the course made me discover what a good companion to Prayer, the Bible is. It has now become my bedside book.

I hope many people will have the chance to join your course. The only problem is the timing: 7pm is a bit early as it clashes with family dinner. If you could make it 8.30pm, you would have a larger audience. God bless you and your mission.

726 - Pat C.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Thank you so much! I have learned so much and come to a place of deep personal gratitude to God through your teaching in the last session particularly - your explaining our Lord's reparation of infinite value has given me a new and much deeper awareness of Jesus' suffering and death as God and man as pure sacrifice to save us - realising that as finite and fallen beings we can never merit or save ourselves, we will never get there! Our human nature alone is incapable of saving itself. How much we all need the Lord, our saviour. How much grateful we should all be to God and glorify and sing His praises forever.

725 - Susan H.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Thank you so much for this course, this is the second time I have watched it and found it so helpful. I became a catholic only four years ago, so there is much to learn. This course has helped so much.

Your delivery of it was for me just right, clear and concise enabling me to fill in some of the many gaps in my knowledge. Thank you.

I am looking forward to next Wednesday and the Advent course.

724 - Michael M.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Overall, my wife and I found the course informative, well-presented and generally very interesting.

We found the hour and a half sessions rather too long and would prefer say an hour instead. I think the material could be condensed so that the course could still take place over 8 weeks. From our point of view we felt that there was too much time devoted to the Old Testament and not enough on the New Testament.

We both wish to thank you Mauro and Janet for the effort you put in and for your interpretation and insight into the Bible. You might be interested to know that my wife is a cradle Catholic but I am not.

723 - Anita S.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

It was my first Bible study in this format (online). Sometimes it was taking me time to digest all the informations because, firstly English is my second language and secondly I started to read the bible few years ago.

I was doing my homework the best I could and I followed the whole session so far.

I can tell you I learned a lot and the teaching was spot on. Of course it takes years and years to know the bible very well but I think I am on good track thanks to you Mauro and Janet. Thank you again and God bless your work and your ministry.

722 - B.N.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

It is definitely a wonderful ministry showing how people are hungry for God and knowledge about Him.

Is there a possibility of paying attention to some of he questions on chat and develop talks about them because not every parish has opportunity for study in such depth. Otherwise wonderful work, God bless you and Janet and all your loved ones. Blessed Advent and Christmas

721 - Janet A.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I was told "Even though it's Catholic, you'll enjoy it". Catholic means Universal Christians - And enjoy, I did.

This course is designed so that you gain the full understanding of events of the Bible including times and how it relates to us now as individuals with our own Christian spiritual growth. Well done Mauro Iannicelli. I had three study buddies who also throughly enjoyed this course.

720 - Shirley P.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I signed up to the Bible Timeline Course after I saw it advertised in my parish newsletter. I was not expecting to gain so much out of the course.

I now understand the Old Testament history better.

I highly recommend the course to others who would like to understand the Bible better. I cannot wait for the Advent 2021 Bible series. I would like to thank Mauro and Janet for their ministry.

719 - Patricia M.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I mentioned, when I wrote to you before, that I think your course should go to all parishes and schools.

Now I'd like to add just 2 suggestions: 1. Though I love the views of Rome that you use as a screen background, do you think you could instead have the relevant section of the Timeline as background - then you could just point to it and not need to pull up the second screen?

2. More difficult, but more important for those of us with a hearing impairment, please would subtitles be possible? Thank you and May God bless you and all your work.

718 - Carollyn E.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I have found this course very interesting. I like the idea of the 14 books telling the story in a continuous way and then looking to the supplemental books for additional information and spiritual nourishment.

I have purchased my copy of the Bible timeline, the Great Adventure Bible and the book Walking with God by Tim Gray and Jeff Cavins. The colour coding is fascinating and helps to focus on each part when I'm dealing with it.

I think as the course is advertised free it would be good to get the notes also. I have seen up to about 800 people logging onto this course from all over the world and that is a big plus these days.

I think if you give the course, have faith and let God multiply the loaves and fishes and not nag about donations. Everyone knows that money is needed and wanted for evangelization but I think we should have faith, make the notes and videos freely available to all and the generous natures of people will fill the baskets to overflowing. You have the audience and the numbers and that is a gift so let God do His bit.

717 - Patrick M.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I have been listening to the "Bible in a Year" daily podcast with Fr Mike Schmitz and Jeff Cavins, based on the Great Adventure timeline. Both Mauro's and Fr Mike's course's complement each other. Both have been very good but in isolation neither works as well as when followed together.

Fr Mike's 365 daily podcasts are very detailed whereas Mauros are a very good summary overview of the 12 time-line periods (covered in just 8 weeks) which summarises very well indeed what the time-line approach tries to convey.

A suggestion, it would be good if Mauro could turn off the very distracting You Tube chat function so that participants listen to Mauro rather then proffer their own thoughts, it is very distracting!

Keep up the good work Mauro.

716 - Karen C.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I am enjoying the course: this year I have been following the Bible in a Year podcast with Fr Mike Schmitz which is also based on the Jeff Cavin's Timeline.

I like Mauro's presentation style: he explains things well and always links to New Testament and Catholic teaching. I like that he starts and closes with prayer.

Regrettably I feel my generation (born in the 1960s!) perhaps did not receive the best catechesis - we were never encouraged to read the Bible, neither were my very devout parents.

I have ordered the course notes via PayPal, and also bought the timeline chart and the Jeff Cavins and Tim Gray book as I intend to carry on studying.

715 - Marie Josee L.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Hello Mr Mauro. The Bible Time line Course is indeed very interesting and well prepared.

But unfortunately we have not been able to follow them completely. Due to the duration of the session, here in Mauritius the time is nearly midnight and so we have missed some of the sessions.

Let me tell you that here in Mauritius we are in a bad situation. So we can't afford to give donations for the course. We are retired people and we are not working. My buddy Roseline Tsang and me from Mauritius.

714 - Marella Z.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Great Course. Every time I learn something New. Never repetitive always a blessing Mauro's courses, and a great tool for our own Salvation, as we are given deeper understanding of the Scripture.

I think it would be very interested to know where we are now in Salvation History. I m sure Mauro knows exactely where we are now.

So Many theologist are now focusing just on REVELATION. It would be maybe another tool to explore and do a course just on the book of REVELATION. God bless you both I love your courses.

713 - Michael D.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Although baptized a Catholic and always attended Mass on Sundays also Holy Days of Obligation. I must be honest and say that I have never read the bible. Following your course was very helpful although found it hard to understand, I find would need to go over and over to fully understand the course.

I always think of the catechism. when it says you must know God, Love Him. serve him in this world and be Happy with him in the next. Although I partially understand the new testament as listening to the gospels at Mass. Still need to go over the old testament a few times to understand.

712 - Eliz M.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

A very useful and informative course to enable a much better understanding of the Bible and its relevance for people of all ages and in today's world.

I will need to recap for much of the series as have been unable to attend all live sessions due to bad timing for me personally. It would be better in a group format rather than on my own, which has not been possible.

711 - Lola L.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Your Bible timeline course is divine and God's gift. I have thoroughly enjoyed that which I have been able to attend and participate in online. For me, it's so fulfilling.

710 - Rosie G.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Well done for the course. You made it interesting with the side stories and your shirts. More importantly, you explained the difference in the Old Law and the The Law very well and it now makes perfect sense. The timeline chart is of great value too.

709 - Tom C.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

We are retired and 'of an age' but we are enjoying your presentations very much. Interestingly, the 3 min periods for discussion are 'making' us discuss ideas and look back, as well as forward, on our Faith lives and lives together in general.

708 - Helen R.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Very informative, interesting and most useful course. Thank you.

707 - Maria P.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

This is an amazing course. It brings the Bible alive, I fully recomend it. It has been very enjoyable and Mauro is a fantastic teacher. Thank you!

706 - Carol S.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

This course has been very informative and enjoyable and explained things I looked forward to the Wednesday evenings the Bible time line course was on. May God continue to bless you. With very best wishes.

705 - Caroline C.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

The course was well presented. Mauro made it very interesting and informative. I learned about sections of the Bible I was not familiar with. Loved the different shirt colours. It all added to the experience.

704 - John R.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

The course did what it said - gave an overview in historic sequence and linked it with the rest of the world.

703 - Annie G.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

The 8 week course was very insightful and enlightening. I had never been able to establish links between the old and new testaments. It was inspiring to see how much they are interlinked.

702 - Damian C.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

thanks very much Mauro. I learned so much and have a much richer understanding of my faith.

701 - Carolyn D.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Thank you so much for your interest and for the online Bible course. I find it very helpful to view the Bible in a timeline because as I knew most of the stories before I had very little knowledge of the time sequence.

We also have a small study group and study the questions taking the opportunity to learn from each other.

700 - Joy O.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Thank you Mauro and Janet, the Bible Timeline course has enriched my life. Now the bible makes sense.

I now truly understand that God created me for himself. I look forward to the next course.

699 - Anonymous
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Sharing the course with Parishoners has been very beneficial although technically challenging at times in our rural situation.

698 - Lorraine N.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

It was wonderful. But I missed some of the sessions. I wish I can join when you start the sessions again. Thank you very much and God bless you.

697 - betty s.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

It was a very useful course. I read bible regularly and always wanted to get more information on Bible. This timeline course helped me to turn my bible reading very interesting.

I have shared my experience with my prayer group friends and encouraged them to join next time. I will also let me parish priest know about my experience.

696 - Elizabeth C.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Thank you Mauro for a comprehensive look at the salient points in the Old Testament which are lived out in the coming of Our Saviour Jesus Christ and the growth of the Early Church.

I am only sorry that I missed a couple of the episodes and tonight the signal in our area was not good and there was a lot of buffering. For me personally, I find the 7 o'clock start clashes with the evening meal but obviously I am in a minority who might prefer the presentation to have started at 7.30pm. Thank you for your Witness and evangelisation.

695 - Anonymous
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Thank you Mauro and Janet for running this course. I found the OT session very useful and instructive, and reaffirming somethings I have also been studying elsewhere.

I thought the NT section was a bit concentrated/condensed and sorry that we didnt reach to Revelation. So a suggestion: what about doing a course on the NT and Revelation?

I have been listening to Bible-a-day with Fr Mike Schmitz along-side your course, and the combination has been a great learning opportunity. Thank you, and Gob Bless you both.

694 - Cornelis V.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Mauro, this course has been ver helpfull to connect the old testamemt & the new testament.

The last couple of years I have been studying the Acts, because the Acts shows us the importance of evangelising as preached by Pope Francis.

It also struck me, that the first Christians were the Apostles & Saul, who were Jews and knowledgeable about the Tora (Old Testament).

Therefore I am very pleased to have followed your marvelous Bible Timeline Course, which just opened my eyes and will help me for the rest of my life. Thank you and God Bless.

693 - Anne L.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Mauro and Janet's Bible Timeline Course has provided an excellent discourse on the story and history of the bible.

I had always given up trying to read the whole story and Mauro points out why this is so. This course breaks down the content so simply and, together with the Bible Timeline Chart, gives so many useful building blocks in understanding and interpreting the Bible story.

I have been doing this course with my non-Catholic husband who also appreciated the structure and the teaching. Thank you Mauro.

692 - Marta Z.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

It is a fantastic journey through old and new testament. The old testament is explained in depth. It was a fascinating course run by a charismatic speaker. Thank you.

691 - Marion H.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I really enjoyed the course and though Mauro was a very good inspired presenter.

I do feel that the chat option is distracting and sometimes it is not just a comment or two but conversations between people and not really concentrating on the session. Overall to was beneficial and educational and well presented.

690 - Christine S.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I have found this course very helpful in refreshing my memory. Also I appreciate the Questions used as they made me think!

689 - Walter C.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I have enjoyed the help in revealing the sequential events leading to Christ's birth and the wonderful predictions of the new testament events. Thank you.

688 - Ignatius & Edna P.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I have a better knowledge of the Bible as a result of following this course.

687 - Aurelia M.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I thought this was an excellent course!

There was much content. Some of the content went on to make interesting discussions with our parish group on Zoom. The content prompted everyone to see the Old Testament from different perspectives!

This has much to do with our beginnings or the fact that some were Catholics from birth! We all recognised that we could share in those perspectives and comments!

686 - Mary C.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I really learned a lot from this clear Timeline of the bible. We are given the whole picture of God's plan to bring us back to paradise.

It is great to see the parallel events in the history of earthly powers. Also to see what sin is and why we need to repair the broken relationship with God.

At the end the necessity of the reason Jesus suffered for us is something we need to understand and the sacrifice of daily mass is the only thing giving hope for a new world. Thank you Mauro and Janet.

685 - Vincent S.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I have found reading the Bible a challenge in the past: apart from there being so much to read, much is difficult to understand.

The Bible Timeline Course is excellent. It focusses on the books of the Bible that we need most, and educates us in the meaning of those parts that need to be known and understood.

684 - Anne N.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I have enjoyed the course, previously studied a very similar one 10 years ago.

As I am hard of hearing and use subtitles all the time on the tv I did find it a great strain concentrating hard to 'hear and understand' what you were saying as the evenings wore on. Is there anyway you could manage subtitles?

Otherwise many thanks for the enlightening course! Don't spend all the donations on new shirts! God Bless you and your work.

683 - Michael W.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I found the course very helpful and as an addition to my other studies.

I use Bishop Robert Barron's daily Gospel reflection and Sunday homilies.

Also I have started a course Dei Verbum. I use the Jesuit website Pray as you Go. I also follow Pray more Novenas.

682 - Dominica M.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I enjoyed the course. It refreshed my senses and I learned many new things. The Bible Timeline chart is particularly helpful.

681 - Carole W.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Have enjoyed the sessions very easy to follow, have learnt such a lot. Thank you very much for your time and effort.

680 - Tony and Olive M.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Extremely helpful not just for the detailed explanation of the Bible story but for the historical background in the Timeline Chart in helping to understand the struggles of the Jewish peoples and God's influence upon events.

679 - John B.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Dear Mauro, thank you for your guide to the Bible Time Chart and for the Chart itself. I'm particularily looking forward to the session on the Church.

678 - Claude B.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

At last a face value Bible course free from the damaging effects of Historical Criticism.

677 - Valerie B.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

An excellent course. Very informative, held my attention and good supportive resources.

676 - Agnelo M.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

An excellent course that many people have been waiting for since their childhood! Mauro brings together a wide and diverse era of the old testament in a simple way that makes sense. A nice prelude to Jesus' arrival in the new testament.

Only areas to consider re-visiting as follows: 1) First session seems to have a long introduction to the course, hw it is structured etc. Participants want to get into the content a bit sooner. 2) Most people, I suspect, will understand most of the book of Genesis. It may be worth considering if there is a way to spend less time on some of these areas and spend more time on the other books/periods (eg period 3 - 6). 3) Useful if access to the video after the Wednesday session could be made available that same night (for late arrivals), so that any follow-up group sessions that same week can participate more fully.

675 - Roberta J.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Excellent. Most helpful. Unfortunately for reasons beyond my control, had to miss some later sessions but will purchase the Bible Timeline Chart.

674 - Charles A.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

The course is excellent but I would have preferred if there was some time for questions and answers.

673 - Carol G.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

The course has helped me to understand the connection between the old and new testament and how Jesus came to confirm and update God's word.

672 - Marie-Claire U.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

The course has been so helpful. My knowledge for the bible has widened. Thank you very much. If you could also do another course on Theology that would be great. May the Lord bless you and your ministry.

671 - Bridget B.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Thank you Mauro for guiding us through the Old Testament from creation to salvation. I found the time chart an invaluable tool.

It was very instructive both from Jesus' family tree and the history and dates of the known world power.

You have opened up the Old Testament. I found the connections between the 12 tribes (10 & 2), the exile, the covenants that God made through the periods with his people despite their lack of trust in him.

I am really looking forward to the Advent course. Oh and I liked the shirts.

May the Lord continue to bless you and Janet in ministry.

670 - Marion D.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Thank you for your amazing talks. Very inspirational.

669 - mihai p.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Liked it! Well explained and very convincing.

668 - Claudio C.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I really enjoy the course. The way it is presented is really refreshing and engaging.

667 - Pontius B.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Bible Timeline course has been very wonderful and enriching. The course has given me good summary of entire Bible with theological and spiritual insights.

666 - Anthony R.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Mauro, thank you! Brilliant Bible teaching, a humble approach, and you keep it simple.

The right speed, not too fast, and good eye contact.

I am an old, long retired, Mechanical Engineer. I have few years left. I have spent 26 years of retirement studying the Bible and church history. And I congratulate you!

But it is not "Catholic" teaching, it is "Christian" teaching. And Pope Francis wants us all to work for unity, which Jesus prayed for. You would only have to leave out a few lines, which would not spoil the Bible teaching at all, to make the course acceptable to people who are not members of the church of Rome (...).

665 - Anonymous
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Dear Mauro, thank you for the fantastic Bible Timeline Course and chart. I really enjoyed the course.

However the sessions were a bit brief, I mean not the depth. It might be nice to expand more details. I understand very well the flow of the Bible from the beginning to Jesus.

664 - Sophie M.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Well presented. Clearly set out with the colour coded divisions makes the Bible easier to understand. Love your colour coded shirts Mauro!

663 - Anna S.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Very good. Educational and well presented.

662 - David N.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Thought the course would deal with the people that were touched on in the timeline in a bit more depth - the history behind them, giving more information about the times and getting more inside the Scriptures.

661 - F-Mary C.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

The course is a good introduction to Bible history, a great reassurance for anyone who has not realised how much of the Bible is genuine history. Mauro's delivery is lively and engaging.

660 - Cecilia Y.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Thank you Mauro and Janet for the very informative course, it help me to learn the timeline easily and less daunting. God bless!

659 - Joselito P.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

It helps us a lot to know more about the bible, especially for our spiritual journey. Keep up the very good work.

658 - Mary G.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

An interesting overview.

657 - Audrey R.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

Amazing Course and well presented and easy to follow and enjoyable.

656 - Mark P.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

I enjoyed the course, so far, one more session to go. It has been interesting and revealing; I have learned many new things. However, I feel that more time needed to be given to some of the periods we learned about. For example, last session we covered 3 periods and I felt that there was a lack of depth as a result.

Overall, I would definitely recommend this course and also the wonderful book, "Walking with God" which I feel needs to be read alongside the sessions. Thank you.

655 - Anne S.
Bible Timeline Course - Sep 2021

A very interesting and comprehensive course which supplemented well the Bible in a year podcast from Ascension which I have been following.

654 - Maria P.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

This is the best course ever. I love it! I can't stop doing it! I'll have to do it again as this course contains a significant amount of information because the Bible has many books! But the way that Mauro delivers the information is so engaging and entertaining - honestly it is soooo gooood.

The Bible becomes alive and intellectually easier to comprehend and to process. Thank you. God bless your mission yours and Janet your wife. May God will grant you peace and health always.

653 - June P.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Where do I begin! This course has been quite simply, AMAZING! My eyes have been opened where I learnt so much more than I could have imagined. Initially I was unsure how in such a short time one could be taught the holy bible from beginning to end, WOW.

Mauro, Jeff and all those involved in making this a wonderful course I thank you from my heart. I would love for my friends to get on board and immerse themselves in this beautiful story.

One again a huge thank you to Mauro and of course Janet (we know you are there even though we don't see you). I'll miss your Italian accent Mauro.

652 - Maria L.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

It was the most amazing experience of studying the Bible that I have ever come across. It made it really alive. It made me understand the context a lot better.

The Bible used to be separate sections for me, I never realised there was an actual storyline. Mauro is a great teacher, very dynamic and entertaining.

I would fully recommend this course to anyone who is interested in finding out more about their faith.

651 - Rosemarie N.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

The Bible Timeline Course was the most amazing thing I have done in the last few months.

As I never got passed the Exodus in the O.T., it was a revelation for me to get a complete picture of the events we all heard about at one stage in our lives, but putting them into context was amazing. The history from the creation to our time really came to life!

Also, pondering over the wickedness of the "chosen people", who always tried and fell back into sin, I thought that not much has changed, comparing it to todays behaviour. The only steady factor was and is the never ending LOVE and forgiveness of almighty God, whose patience seems to have no end.

I can highly recommend this truly wonderful course.

Thank you, Mauro, for an excellent presentation!!

650 - Anonymous
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

This Course is a an 'absolute must' for every Catholic to follow and learn about the richness of the Bible, to understand the background better and deepen the faith. This Course made me 'jump for joy' by making the Bible come alive in a new way!

649 - Jonathan D.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Fabulous! A wonderful overview with many incisive points all delivered with great humour. I would love our entire parish to do this.

648 - Heather J.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Listened to the course for the second time and understood even more from it. Wonderful. I am so glad our Bishop Mark (Plymouth) sent us a note about it and I agree, it is a missing link that all should have, to help us understand the link between old and New Testaments.

About two year ago our parish studied The Big Picture by Matthew Kelly. This encouraged me to continue reading the whole of the Holy Bible, which I finished yesterday. Your course really made a difference to what I was reading and understanding especially about the Narative books and the time line of events. This line jumped out at me in the last few days. Zachariah "today is a day for small things".

On a different note we are an elderly rural parish many without internet as it the church and hall. We have run many courses using cd's and wondered if you could make one of the timeline. Our Deacon would also like to use it in his prison ministry and would eagerly promote it with colleagues in other prisons.

We are looking forward to your Advent course as we also enjoyed your Lent course, it may be worthwhile to repeat your programme on prayer just before your Advent course. Blessings and thanks Heather.

647 - Janet H.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

The course has been amazing and a very wide and large topic, which Mauro presented with great verve and enthusiasm. He has a very engaging manner and I was so happy to have the chance to be presented with a resume of the great events of the Bible.

646 - Anna D.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Have enjoyed the Bible Timeline course so much and have learned a lot. My only regret is that I didn't know all this years ago! I feel inspired to start reading scripture more. Thank you and all the best for your future ministry.

645 - Jenny T.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

This course has been so fabulous - thank you Mauro (and supporting people behind the scenes)!

I've been doing it alongside the Bible in a Year with Fr Mike and it has been so very helpful. I feel there is so much to digest and will definitely return to Mauro's very helpful notes.

Mauro, your presentation style is fantastic! You are so engaging, funny, authentic and knowledgable. It has been a joy to listen to you. As encouraged, I have also enjoyed meeting and discussing regularly with my non-catholic study buddy via WhatsApp.

I hope to join you for further courses in the future. Experiencing this, without having to leave our home, has definitely been one of the highlights of being in a pandemic. Thank you!

644 - Anne N.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

This course has been extraordinary. Suddenly, the Bible has come to life and things which I have heard over many years have fallen into place and make sense for the first time.

I have been horrified but not surprised at how little I understood the Bible and where the narrative fitted together but now it seems that it has come to life and has both deepened my understanding and my faith. I feel more confident to talk to my sceptical friends and explain why I have the faith I do.

Thank you for presenting the Bible in such an accessible, fascinating and enlightening way. I am so grateful to have found this course and will be spreading the word to others to join the next one.

I am only sorry that it is ending as I feel there is so much more to learn. I am looking forward to the next course that you present.

643 - Clare P.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Thank you Mauro for giving such an inspiring course last Spring which you presented in such an easy to follow and accessible way.

I really enjoyed it and it helped me to have a much better understanding of the narrative and context of events in the Old Testament and how they relate to and prefigure the New Testament.

The course has provided a wonderful impetus to re-read and study the Bible more meaningfully and deepen my faith, and I am very pleased to have copies of your excellent course notes to remind me of your teaching later.

642 - Eileen P.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Mauro, Thank you for an amazing brilliant introduction to the Bible. I have been trying to understand the Bible for years. At last......I have found someone who brings the Bible alive for me.

I am a visual learner so your visual pictures and your visual explanations really helped me immensely. Also you teased each part out so well and you explained it with brilliant clarity and simplicity - a real sign of a born teacher.

The Bible makes more sense to me now and I won't feel so lost listening to the Old Testament readings at Mass. Also you have a great Irish sense of humour which we all enjoyed. I am really looking forward to all your future presentations and teachings. May God always bless the great work you are doing helping us with our faith formation.

641 - Katherine G.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

It sounds wrong to say I went into the course with low expectations but if I'm honest, I didn't expect what I got: mind-blowing sessions, each one densely packed with teachings. Overall, it was an amazing journey, albeit thought- and, dare I say it, a little fear-provoking; it truly packs a punch.

The approach of the Bible Timeline course met my needs exactly - setting out the context, and putting everything in its place. While it might be hard to admit one gets lost in all the detail of the Bible, Mauro established the framework with empathy, making it very comfortable. Great material, presented with gentle humour. Thank you and may God bless your work.

640 - Pilar B.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I loved this course. I changed my life. Period. I had never understood the connection between the Old Testament and the New Testament, and now it is very clear. Spiritually, I feel closer than ever to God. This course has inspired me to read more the Bible and pray more. Thank you, Mauro!

639 - John M.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I love this course, this is the second time I have watched it, and learned more this time round. I would recommend it to any one. I have been a Catholic for Seventy Three year's since birth, but the Bible has been very hard for me to read, now I find it inspiring. I give it 10 out of 10.

638 - Susan B.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I have learnt so much on this course and Mauro is an inspiring teacher, his enthusiasm for drawing closer to God is infectious. His presentation is spiritual but there is much humour too, and I think people of all ages would enjoy this course.

637 - Helen C.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Heartfelt thanks Mauro and Janet for this informative, inspirational, and transformative course.

Brilliantly executed from all perspectives - from pre-course (optional) reading guidance through to live Wednesday presentations and to post-course (optional) study questions. Having access to courses notes - superbly written and illuminating - with other resources is very valuable and all are lasting treasures.

Mauro as presenter of the course is an excellent teacher and is well able to sustain engagement through each session. Unravelling complexities with ease, Mauro gently facilitates learning, delivers with intent and absolutely succeeds in the intention to clarify Holy Scripture.

Personally, this course was transformational. Prior to the course I struggled to understand the deeper meaning of the Holy Bible and procrastinated on working to gain this further insight. However, following the course and going forward I am in a far better position to more wholly engage with all of my Catholic life activity through the lens of Holy Scripture.

My sincere gratitude to Mauro and Janet, you have certainly made a significant positive difference, with thanks also to Jeff Cavin. I pray, may God Bless you all and all that you do.

636 - Anonymous
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Fascinating & very enlightening. Presented in a very accessible & friendly way. The timeline chart is a feat of presentation in itself, and so useful in giving an overview for future studies.

My only criticism would be that so much has been condensed into a short space of time, which as an elderly participant has sometimes been very challenging - but I've kept up!

Thank you for presenting this course to us Mauro, I've learned such a lot!

635 - Alex H.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Dear Mauro and Janet, I am so grateful that friend of mine sent me an info about your course. Despite a huge time difference (as I live in Canada) I was able to join you for all live sessions and even got some friends on board too.

This course was very easy to access and was presented in such a way that we felt like we've already known you. So friendly and easy to understand. There are not many simple catholic resources like that to start deepen our knowledge, especially when you are at middle age and the fear of being judged for not knowing our Bible inside out by now... keeps too many wonderful Catholics in their comfort zones.

You have changed that and I pray that this is a new beginning for many parishioners so this course will be available to everyone and can break our passive attitude towards studying Holy Bible in groups. Now is the time so we won't lose another generation.

Thank you for your beautiful Ministry! May Our Almighty God bless you and your family! I'm looking forward to next courses.

634 - Fr Sean S.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I wish I experienced this course in the Seminary! After nearly 50 years of ordination, I learned so much about where to begin reading the Old Testament. A priest friend who did the course said the same!

The course confirmed my own thinking that what we need is a good overview of the Old Testament in particular, which I have been pursuing for several years. The course solidified this for me.

The format is unique, professional, scholarly, well presented, and easy to follow.

633 - Nathan L.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

As a 72 year old lapsed Jew (born into a relatively observant family) I had often tried to understand Christianity. The moral principles were, unsurprisingly, familiar to me and I had long regarded Christianity as merely a Jewish "cult".

That view has changed thanks to this course. It helped to clarify several issues that I had been thinking about for a long time. The key issue for me was the nature of the Messiah - whether human or divine. Until now, I hadn't found such a clear exposition of the relationship between the Old and New Testaments. Thanks to this course, I now understand the significance of what Christ meant by fulfilling the Law.

Christ has come into my life.

632 - Lawrence A.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

The course was very interesting, enjoyable and enlightening. Wished I had known of the course before now, has now made the Bible reading more understanding.

631 - Gemma K.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Fantastic sessions. Great use of graphics and so well explained. I learned so much. Will be recommending the course to others. Clear concise information and breaks for study questions. I feel I have learned so much new ideas and themes that I hadnt noticed before.

630 - Francis K.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

This is the 2nd time I've taken this course and I'm already looking forward to the next in a few months time.

The course to say the least is inspirational and it has spurred me on to find out how I can become even closer to God and his plans. I can do this with the help of the Holy Trinity and all that they provide me with; prayer, the liturgy and mass. The more I look the more I see and Mauro's course is part of that journey to paradise.

629 - Anna Z.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Thank you so much for this wonderful course. As a lifelong Catholic with no formal Catholic teaching, this has so opened my eyes to understanding the bible, at long last.

The course is easily understandable and is engagingly delivered with immense knowledge, humility, respect and panache.

I do appreciate all the hard work that has gone into its provision. Very many thanks and many blessings for you both.

628 - Theresa B.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Thank you Mauro and Janet. You have enlightened me about things I thought I knew well, but truly I had not necessarily understood the full significance of some of the events. I had two study buddies from a group I meet with (virtually at the moment).

I did my homework eagerly and have enjoyed all the sessions and I can hardly wait for the next course.

I spoke about the course with another group from the parish, including my parish priest who advertises the course on our newsletter. He is already keen to do something in the autumn. God bless you both.

627 - Brian F.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Mauro, you and your silly shirts made the course for me. You are a gifted teacher, even on line. I am going to recommend the course to both our PP and our bishop Donal McKeown of Derry. Can they put it out through their catechetical outreach? How much would this cost?

626 - Melanie R.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Mauro is an excellent presenter. A great balance of visual and auditory information to allow you to keep up with this fascinating topic.

I've found this course informative, sensitively delivered and even great fun to follow! All the ingredients that make a very complex subject matter easy to follow and something which I will no doubt want to return to for a long time. If there's just one Bible instruction to follow, this is the one.

625 - Julia M.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

For me the Bible Timeline Course was amazing! It concentrates on the narrative books of the Bible, and in so doing, gives the big picture of Salvation History, which had been lost on me in the detail and complexity of the supplementary, non-narrative books. It made meaningful to me the Old Testament that had been both a mystery and also deeply problematic because of the extreme violence portrayed in it and the seeming vengefulness of God.

I had always had an aversion to the slaughter and sacrifice of so many animals in the O.T., which were demanded, or so it would seem, by God. Mauro's explanation cleared up my misunderstanding.

To sum up, Mauro in his teaching made clear the inextricable link between the Old and the New Testament. What I had failed always to understand until now was that the God of the O.T. is in fact the same as Jesus' Abba in the N.T. In the O.T. God, shepherded, cajoled, educated, and corrected his Chosen People, appropriately to their stage of development, beginning from Period 1 [Early World] through to period 10 [Maccabean Revolt]. In period 11 [Messianic Fulfillment] Jesus completes by his Passion, Death and Resurrection God's rescue plan for humanity. In Period 12 [Church] the Rescue Plan continues. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, we must to choose to accept or reject the Salvation won for us.

How to describe Mauro? He is a brilliant teacher, deeply knowledgeable of Scripture, Theology and much more. His teaching is profound and yet delivered in an accessible way. He is also humble and prayerful. There is much more I could say, but just one more thing, he has a great sense of humour - e.g., the comedy of the shirts.

Thank you, Mauro, more than I can say, and thank you Janet. God bless you both and your 'Come and See Ministry'.

624 - Cecilia G.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Finally I now can recognise many of the big characters of the Bible; and know who came when, with the help of the timeline chart. It was great to sit down with my non religious husband and look through the timeline chart as he showed some curiosity about it.

The course was very informative and Mauro does a great job with presenting a story I knew well but now understand better.

Mauro presents with great love and is genuinely interested in each of us on the other side of our screens, I could certainly tell this. Besides the story itself, his love and tenderness touched me too, I think we can tell God is with him and he is at peace. I want to achieve this!

God bless Mauro and Janet, and may their ministry is be successful always.

623 - Jacqui M.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I have enjoyed this course so much, you have inspired me and made me want to find out more - the Bible has come alive for me.

I can't wait for Wednesday evenings I think of you as my friend I love your shirts and Janet sounds like a truly wonderful person.

I'm going to miss you when this session finishes, but I'm now a avid follower so expect to see my name on any course you offer. I will sing up again for the Bible course if that's allowed. God bless you and your ministry.

622 - Maritha M.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

The course is wonderful, you are so clear and the content excellent and easy to follow - I am actually enjoying and want it to go on. I like the way you change your shirts to match the topic of each week l have learnt a lot God bless your good work.

621 - Ailish D.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Thank you so much Mauro for an excellent course. My past attempts to read the Bible always ended failure, it was too confusing to follow. Your course showed me how to read it in chronological order, so the story of salvation history flowed.

Your presentation, knowledge and humour made reading the bible an extremely enjoyable experience. Thank you for all your hard work & I wish you and Janet every success and happiness with Come & See Ministry.

620 - Jacky H.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I thoroughly enjoyed the course and learnt so much. Mauro is a wonderful communicator, providing clear and concise information, thought provoking spiritual insights and great humour. The Old Testament is no longer a mystery.

619 - Betty o.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I have very much enjoyed the course, in particular the presentation which was clear and motivating. I found I was able to keep focussed and alert which does not always happen!

The ability to cover such a complex period in such a time scale and link the main events was amazing.

618 - Ella T.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

First of all, may our Lord Jesus Christ bless you and Janet for doing this wonderful job. This is actually my second time to join this Bible Timeline Course, that makes me understand much better the old and New Testament, deepens my faith and understanding. Listening to this course was like God talking to me.

617 - John H.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

As a way to get to grips with the Bible the course is tremendous.

616 - Julie B.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

What a delightful course! Mauro did an outstanding job sharing the story of salvation history. Under his direction, the Bible comes alive for all Catholics.

The course materials are well-designed and packed with a lot of helpful historical, geographical and political information.

I would strongly recommend that students follow Mauro's advice of reading 'Walking With God' by Tim Gray and Jeff Cavins, the author of the Great Adventure Bible series which Mauro is using. The book's chapters correspond with the 12 periods of the timeline used for the Bible course. It is a helpful supplement to the Bible readings.

615 - Bev H.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

This has been the most wonderful course from beginning to end and I highly recommend it.

During the course Mauro clearly and concisely explains the Bible story

The Old Testament, in particular, has always confused me and I have puzzled over God's actions. It now all makes sense and has made my spiritual life so much richer.

Mauro has a good sense of humour and excellent delivery of this course.

I am sorry the 8 sessions have finished but feel in a better place to explore the Bible further. Thank you so much.

614 - Lorainne M.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

This has been an amazing course! I thought I understood my bible readings but this course has drawn parallels, explained symbolism and added texture to the characters that has really animated the story from Adam to Jesus!

Mauro has been so skilful in showing us how Old Testament stories apply to our lives today. How the failings of the Chosen People are the same failings that we experience in life today.

613 - Clare L.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

This course has been ideal for me and the overriding difference from the OT and NT which I understand from your superbly delivered course, enhanced by the comprehensive and clear notes, is the power of the Holy Spirit in establishing THE CHURCH.

As I organised parts of my life these last two months around preparation for the Wednesday evening sessions by studying the recommended biblical texts, by reading the accompanying notes, answering the questions and then meeting up on Zoom to go over these with two other parishioners, I actually felt the Holy Spirit enthusing me and giving me the necessary motivation and energy to get as much from this work as possible.

The power of the Holy Spirit is palpable in your tremendous enthusiasm, professionalism and commitment to The Bible Timeline Course. Thank you so much.

612 - Kelly M.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

This course has been an exceptional educational journey. I am a Catholic with a Catholic School Education but who as an adult had not read much of the bible or delved so deeply into my faith.

Mauro teaches this course with love and commitment. I found the optional pre-reading and study questions really useful.

I was also able to access the course notes after making a donation which has served as an additional resource.

I would definitely recommend the course to anyone who is interested in our faith.

611 - Mary W.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

This 8 week course is really helpful. It has been really helpful to put the events of the books which comprise the bible, into chronological order.

Reading up is a good idea, but actually listening to the story unfolding with Mauro, who knows when to repeat the certain important events - to keep us on track, is his gift to all those who subscribe to the 8 week Bible Timeline Course.

I particularly appreciated the paintings he talks us through, which contribute to the chronological order of the story. If Mauro repeats this Bible Timeline Course, I will certainly subscribe to it again... I am hungryto learn more!!

Many thanks Mauro and Janet.

610 - John L.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

The whole free course is very clear, informative and interesting. My wife and I never fail to learn something new each week. Mauro delivers the course with style and confidence and the use of powerpoints adds to the variety and allows the information to be presented in many learning styles. Mauro also uses humour and is engaging in his delivery. The course is very well supported by optional books and handouts. An excellent learning and spiritual tool that should be used in parishes to explain The Bible.

609 - Barbara R.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

The Course is so interesting - Mauro makes it so. He has a wonderful personality and knowledge and helps steer you through the most relevant parts of the bible illuminating important facts and explaining much by breaking down the Bible into sections to make huge chunks of the Old Testament much clearer.

I would thoroughly recommend taking the course. Mauro's notes are a must to help steer you through the course. They are concise and well written.

May our blessed Lord look after Mauro and Janet his wife for their excellent work.

608 - Simon M.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

The course has been hugely worthwhile, enjoyable and valuable to me in my spritual life.

Mauro's presentation is informed, engaging and the whole idea of a Timeline approach to studying the Bible has been really helpful in my understanding of the complexity of the Bible. Thanks you Mauro!

607 - Philomina S.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Thanks very much for the course. I am grateful to you and count myself lucky for attending such an educative course.

It has been so inspiring, well explained in detail and in simple language making it very easy to understand.

The knowledge gained by your teaching has brought my attention and interest in reading the Bible most often.

I have been enlightened about the great love of God towards humanity despite our/my weaknesses. God continue to love and journey with us.

606 - Anonymous
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Thank you very much for this course. It really blessed me and my family. My 9 years old son watched it with me and was engaged most of the time. My 7 years old daughter also listened in now and again.

Have you considered to do a Bible timeline course for children under 12 and maybe another version for teenagers at some point, please? How about running these courses in the early afternoons so some Catholic Schools might be able to take it on as an RE lessons for one term, for example. However, I think those lessons would need to be under 1 hour each. I have several ideas which if you are interested, I would be very happy to share with you. Many thanks again.

605 - Lucy C.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Thank you so much for a wonderful course, which has enabled me to piece together so many fragments into a coherent whole and enhanced my own relationship with the Bible enormously.

I used to be a secondary school teacher and I have to say that the organisation, presentation and pacing of the sessions was really impressive and engaging. Thank you again.

604 - Michael P.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Thank you Mauro. The Bible Timeline is an excellent course that we looked forward to each week. It was both revealing and thought provoking, prompting further study of the scriptures.

We were so pleased our parish priest recommended this course to everyone. We will certainly tell all of the great benefits and blessings this course gives. Thank you once again for your ministry. Every blessing to you and Janet.

603 - Fiona Q.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Many thanks for this wonderful course - I have been a practicing Catholic for many years but have struggled to connect with all the books in the Bible. Your teaching has been a revelation to me. It all makes so much more sense - and I thank you so much for sharing this very precious knowledge.

602 - Anonymous
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

It was a terrific course which gave a very clear and easy to follow structure, chronology, context, culture and history to what I had remembered as a mostly very dry and heavy book in total. I also learned why I

had previously found it all so difficult.

The visual presentation of the timeline is so helpful and I would say I would not have found it so easy to follow without it. The chart should be made compulsory as it will also be good for revision later on.

Mauro was very good at starting each new session with a summary and connecting events from previous sessions. He went at a moderate pace so I could also take my own notes.

The knowledge gained also enabled me to understand more fully where and when the words come from in some of our Christmas Carols and sacred music: e.g. 'Say unto the city of Judah/Arise, shine for thy light has come.' ( Handel's Messiah).

Also some descriptions in English literature, such as parts of John Milton's Paradise Lost, Book 10: '...Whence He (God) from wrath more cool came/ The mild judge and intercessor both, to sentence man...' make more sense now. These writers and musicians certainly knew their Bible.

601 - eva w.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

It has been brilliant. A total eye opener and new way to look at and understand how to read the Old Testament. For the first time have actually been rivetted and impatient to get to the part of the Bible.

I purchased the book Walking with God which is invaluable to this new understanding, even if one did not participate in the Course! Also the Timeline Chart. Both these tools will now always be kept together with my Bible, to refer to.

There is so much richness, that actually, even with the Course finished, I will refer over and over. I do believe the whole experience has had a strong impact on my Spiritual walk with Our Lord.

Mauro, you are a charming and interesting presenter, and its so obvious your whole heart and soul are in this 'job' that you do. Keep going and God bless you and your Team and Ministry. I have told many of my friends and sent stuff on to them. God bless.

600 - Jo E.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I was so impressed by this course that I joined it for a second time & may even go for a third. This, I think, is testament to the quality of Mauro's teaching.

I have been attempting to read the Bible during Lent each year & have found it quite a struggle, often baffling & repetitive. Well Mauro with his easygoing manner, colourful shirts & the invaluable bible timeline chart has succeeded in putting it all into context, opening up for me the relationship between the old & New Testament. Most importantly, I have gained a better understanding of Salvation History through that most important quote from St Thomas Aquinas. I would highly recommend this course to anyone, Catholic or otherwise who wish to gain a better understanding of the Good Book.

So thank you Mauro & Janet, I really appreciate all the hard work & effort that must have gone into putting this course together & I wish you both a very successful & fruitful ministry.

599 - Helene F.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I love this course! I look forward to Wednesday evenings and really enjoy the session. Mauro is easy to listen to and quite funny. I really appreciate his knowledge and humility. The Bible Timeline chart is an incredible tool and the teaching really brings history to life. I have been so blessed and challenged by the personal application brought in each session. I am recommending this to all my friends.

598 - Lindsay W.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I have loved this course!

The Jeff Cavins course (with his videos) was run in our Parish a few years ago, but sadly I was only able to attend half of it, so I was was delighted to see this course being advertised and jumped at the chance to re-visit and complete the Bible Timeline.

The way you have delivered the course has been exemplary: Very clearly articulated (in a second language!) and my 'study buddy' and myself have loved the costume changes and other humorous elements that you have incorporated. You really have made it fun, as well as educational. We feel so much better equipped and it's made the readings at Mass make so much more sense: Fabulous!

Looking forward to Advent already. Thanks and Blessings to you both

597 - Ruth M.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I have found the course very good and helpful. Condensing all that information into 8 sessions is impressive!

I have just read all the course notes from 1 - 11 through today. They are excellent. I have finally got a clear idea about the sequence of events from Adam and Eve through to Jesus Christ. Before I was confused.

The explanatory comments in the notes are particularly helpful and they show clearly the connection between the Old and the New Testaments - they lead backwards and forwards into each other. So thank you!

596 - Isobel F.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I am so pleased I decided to join after seeing the Bible course advertised online in St Teresa's newsletter here in Beaconsfield. It has really given me a sense of belonging and knowing Jesus on a personal level and being part of His great plan.

I have great admiration for you both and was very pleased to see that there were a good number of young people when I looked at the pictures in the gallery. Our deacon has also done this course and I am hoping he will ask our parish priest if it can be launched here. Then we can also ask others to 'Come and see!'

595 - Gillian P.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Firstly, may I thank Mauro for a wonderfully put-together Bible Timeline course. A huge amount of work and time has been put into this together with his wife Janet.

Mauro has brought the meaning of the Old Testament towards the New Testament to life in a very easy and simple to understand way. He has made it fun, with a humorous way of breaking up a serious topic.

I have learnt such a lot over these 8 sessions and enjoyed the course immensely. Teaming up with a Buddy does help to reiterate what has been said in each session.

I hope to continue other courses that Mauro will put on in the near future.

594 - Jadwiga C.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Dear Mauro and Janet, This was such a great pleasure to be accepted on your course and listen to the history of human Salvation.

You Mauro are such a charismatic teacher. I believe that the Holy Spirit is empowering you to spread this good news and bring blessings to others. Thank you both once again. God bless.

593 - Marion L.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Dear Mauro and Janet, thank you SO MUCH for offering a course which has enabled me to engage with the Bible, something which I have struggled with in the past and then as a result, given up.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the last 6 weeks and if ok with yourselves, and if I can, I would love to sign up again for the same course when it might be repeated.

You have both forfeited so much in your personal lives in order to be able to run these courses. The good news is that you have enriched the spiritual lives of not only myself, but also thousands of others, in doing so. God bless you both.

592 - Tatenda M.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

The bible time line course has given me a better understanding of the bible within a short period of time. I used to find it difficult to understand the bible stories and also thought that it's not easy to finish it, but after having this course as an eye opener I now believe that I am able to read and finish the bible with a better understanding.

591 - Eileen B.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I thoroughly enjoyed the Bible Timeline course because of other commitments I misses some of the last course and although I got the videos it was not the same. This time I missed none of it.

It is a great course. sometimes it goes a bit fast for me but I can listen in again and again. Thank you Mauro and Thank your wife also. God Bless

590 - Derek and Maura W.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

We thought this was an excellent introduction to the Bible. It is a weighty subject and it was well streamlined with the timeline reference which was a superb visual aid of the wider picture at every stage and opened up the historical aspect.

We appreciated the relevance of the times and putting that into context in each session for more clarity, an example is the collapse of the northern kingdom - syncretistic but held onto the original thread of belief and how this was portrayed by the Samaritan woman at the well.

The emphsis and relevance of the Covenant from early days and how the idea of covenant developed was central to the story and well pronounced.

Style of presentation - we really appreciated the relaxed and inclusive style of presentation, earnest and inviting, well targeted at the various audience levels and it left us at the end of each session looking forward to the next. Loved the shirts!!!

The prayerful start and closure of each session opened our minds to the spirituality and reverence we felt.

589 - Mia F.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

This has been an excellent course, thank you. I am also doing the Bible in a Year podcast which is fleshing out so much more and has been an excellent companion.

It's been so beneficial to have the Timeline chart to help us through the narrative. I would love you to do a course spending more time on OT stories such as the Judges or the major Prophets etc. It's really important for us to understand the history and chronology of the movement of the Hebrews and who and what they were up against. I have found it very interesting to understand more fully about the exile periods.

Your presentation has been exemplary and I appreciate the humour you inject (the shirts!).

I do a 40 minute discussion with a few of my students straight after the session, which has been really helpful. I don't do the 'study buddy' within the session but that doesn't bother me and it's fine to keep it if others find it useful. I am looking forward to the Advent course and hope to bring more students along to that. Thank you for all you do. AMDG

588 - sabine f.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

There are no words to express how grateful I am for the both of you. I've struggled so much in trying to understand the chronological events of the Bible and through this course, it has helped me both in my historical knowledge and deepened my faith. It has brought upon realisations in my own life I never knew existed.

And through this course, I've come to understand the Salvation story deeply. I am so very grateful, and I wish this format of understanding was brought to me earlier in my life, but hey, God has a plan why only now this has come to me.

I pray your ministry will grow and reach many more people like me and with the knowledge i have, i hope it helps me to further deepen my spiritual life and the opportunity to share this Good News to others.

587 - Margaret G.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

The bible timeline course was fantastic. I had a hunger to read the bible but only read it occasionally and certainly only the New Testament as I always thought the Old Testament too complex for my understanding. You have brought it all alive for me now and I love reading the bible.

I am eternally grateful to you for recommending The Great Adventure Bible and Tim Gray and Jeff Cavins book Walking with God.

I have signed up for the September course too. Thank you so much and God Bless you both.

586 - Teresa A.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

The Bible Timeline course cuts a clear path through the rather intimidating jungle of the Old Testament and makes sense of its sequence and structure. The course also gave me a better understanding of so much that is said about Jesus in the New Testament and his significance for the Jewish people. The course was delivered with clarity and confidence by Mauro and I enjoyed every session.

585 - Eppie B.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Thank you!!! Such an enriching experience for me, a practising Catholic.

I had never persevered in reading the Old Testament because I found it difficult and confusing. I always worried that reading without understanding will harm my faith.

The Bible Timeline with Mauro enlightened me beyond expectations. I am so grateful for Mauro's clear teaching and cheerful demeanour. His spirituality shines through and helps me in my own prayers with God.

The Timeline Chart is very useful and although I am still reading 'Walking with God' I know this journey will be a fulfilling one. I am recommending this course to my friends and families. Thank you all at 'Come and See'.

584 - Roseann F.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Really enjoyed the Bible Timeline Course, it was easy to understand and follow. Mauro was very personable and I felt that he was speaking to me personally. I enjoyed the visual aids. I learned a lot of history and also enjoyed the geography lesson.

I would highly recommend this course I have tried and failed to read the bible as I found it very difficult to understand but Mauro explains the timeline and the Bible Timeline Chart which gives reference points for further reading, which I intend to do at a later date.

The episodes are not too long therefore I didn't get distracted. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to learn about the bible. My Wednesday evenings are going to be boring now! Thank you so much Mauro and Janet for spreading the good news of Jesus.

583 - Mary N.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

One of my goals for 2021 was to grow spiritually. I stumbled on the bible timeline course through my parish newsletter, it was a big concidence but one that has changed my life.

I highly recommend this course for anyone who is curious about the bible and want to go through this book in a short space of time.

Mauro is an excellent course instructor, he is not only funny and interesting but he delivers the course content in a way that captives your interest.

I looked forward to this course for 8 weeks during the time I did it and I never missed a session. I am now to ask confidently to my children about the bible. Thank you Mauro.

582 - Razia N.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Mauro is incredibly engaging when walking you through the Timeline. He's reminded me of events I have forgotten about and helped me understand some of the fundamental questions about my faith.

It has been a joy to listen to Mauro. I would encourage all to attend this course if just to remind yourself as to the sequence of events. It has certainly helped me with my faith. This course is accessible to you if you are by yourself of if you are able to join in with a friend or two.

581 - Monique P.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Many thanks and congratulations to Mauro and his wife Janet for this masterful presentation of the 8 sessions of the Bible Timeline Course.

I am French speaking but with sufficient knowledge of the English language that allowed me to follow this course without any problem.

I must say that I took this biblical journey together at home through the centuries with great joy and emotion. The course was very educational, perfectly accessible to the neophyte that I am and presented in very pleasant and clear English for a foreigner.

I am a practicing Catholic (as we say in France); I belong to what is called today the world of seniors and many of the events and texts presented were of course known to me and more or less familiar. Repositioned, explained and widely developed in the chronology of the great History of Humanity, I discovered a new light and a better understanding of the events and thus of my personal history.

Unfortunately I was alone in front of my screen to attend the different sessions; I was sometimes a little disconcerted and would certainly have appreciated a team work allowing exchanges. However this allowed me afterwards to have long discussions with my husband on certain points, which proved to be a great asset for both of us.

580 - Roselyn C.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I will like to take this opportunity to thank you for allowing me to learn more about the bible. I always wanted to read and know more about the bible but never really got started properly. The Bible Timeline Chart and the book Walking with God have been a tremendous help because they break down the bible content into smaller manageable chunks, making it easier to follow and understand.

I have encouraged some of my friends who could not do the course this time to do it the next time when it becomes available. Take care, and God bless, and I pray that your ministry grows from strength to strength - Amen.

579 - Frances S.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I was very excited to join the Bible Timeline course, very easy to attend online. Clear instructions to log on, and informative reminder emails.

Very useful to have the attachment, your notes for the sessions covered and Bible Reading before the sessions, and questions after the session help reinforce the learning.

Session 6 was the hardest to follow, very fast paced with so much to follow.

Thought you presented it very well, very clear, informative.

I felt engaged even though I had no study buddy. I have found on other courses someone doing all the talking, can be heard to concentrate, and often hard to maintain attention to listen for 1 1/2 hrs.

Visually the colours helps me remember the different periods, very good idea to change your shirt. Presented very well Mauro, informative, not to fast or slow, good expression / tone of voice, professional, very spiritual and had humor! Thank you.

I was not as familiar with the Old Testament, particularly how things connected together, the key events and and Salvation Story, the tribes. I learnt lots of things and look forward to reading the readings and my notes again, growing in my faith understanding the Old Testament, and being able to share my faith and explain this to others. I pray your ministry continues to grow. Many blessings to you Mauro and Janet.

578 - Catherine f.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I really enjoyed the Bible Timeline Course and learned a lot from it.

1. The introductory night was very useful you gave us a good overview of the course content

2. The coloured timeline was easy to follow and it was a great reference point.

3. It was good to know in advance what period we would be studying as we could familiarise ourselves with the content.

4. The 3 minute questions each night were very useful as we could compare our own answer with your answer to know if we were developing in our knowledge.

5. Some of the sessions were more difficult than others in that the content would not have been familiar e.g the Book of Macabees.

6. There was a different perspective on some areas for me especially in the area of the old law and the new law... less commandments in the new law but a higher standard expected. The Holy Spirit to help us to live according to the new law. However the old law still exists because Jesus did not come to abolish the law.

7. It was great to move on to the New Testament for the last 2 sessions. It felt more familiar but I could see how we need the knowledge of the Old Testament to understand the New Testament

8. On a practical basis it was easy to access the course on line. It always started and finished on time.

You always answered any queries very quickly.

9. You have a pleasant speaking voice and explain everything very well.

10. Your love of the Word of God shines through.

577 - Lek F.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I came into the Church 12 years ago, prior to that, I have been attending Mass with my husband and children for 25 years. I have listened to countless Bible readings during Mass but did not really fully understand it! Just could not get the chronology of the Salvation history.

I have tried to read the Bible especially during Lent and also as my new year resolution every year but failed miserably, just could not get beyond Exodus!

After this 8 weeks course, it begins to make sense. I looked forward to the session every Wednesday.

Thank you, Mauro, you are an excellent story teller and a teacher.

I told the children after completing this course, I don't have to read the Bible any more. Joke obviously. There are so much to learn about the Bible and the Church. I will never stop learning but reading the Bible now does not seem an impossible task, especially with the help of the timeline chart and all Mauro's teaching notes.

576 - Judith B.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I am so glad I signed up for this course. It was so easy to follow and was beautifully presented.

Previously I knew of some of the bible stories but found the OT as a whole rather a daunting read and quite confusing. The timeline narrative was so much easier to follow and I learnt so much, although there is so much more to discover.

When Mauro presented the final session I found it interesting following the different journeys of Paul as he put things into context for me as previously the Acts and all the letters were just readings during Mass.

I intend to go over the course again a few times as I am sure I will find I learn more each time. Mauro's prentation and notes were so enjoyable and easy to follow. I shall be sure to recommend it to other parish members.

575 - Thomas W.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

For the first time in my life, I am 74, the Bible has a significance to me which I have never found in my 50 years as a catholic. Taking the narrative out of the baggage wrapped around it is the obvious solution. Why haven't I done this before now? I guess I haven't looked thoroughly enough.

I will have to do the course at least one more time, perhaps more and would certainly recommend it.

574 - Liddy F.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Dear Mauro, I have thoroughly enjoyed this Bible Timeline - the course has put into perspective the Old Testament and New Testament.

Every week I have looked forward with anticipation to the next study. The notes you have supplied for the reading of the next study and after study questions have helped enormously.

I strongly recommend this course to anyone who, like me at age 65, was confused and at times found reading the Old Testament boring. You have nothing to lose only to gain in knowledge and understanding. Thank you Mauro for making this course so interesting and for your sense of humour which brought many a smile and chuckle to me. Keep up the zeal. Best wishes to you and Janet.

573 - Christine C.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I am almost 70 years old and have always regretted not reading and understanding the Old Testament, so I was pleased to see that comeandsee.org was offering a Lenten course and also the Bible Timeline course.

I was delighted with the Lenten course and have loved the Bible Timeline course which has filled me in on the Old Testament and has given me a chronological perspective of the Bible. It has also enlightened me on many of the Books in the Bible of which I had little or no knowledge.

I have recommended these courses to friends and we have followed up with Zoom meetings to pray, discuss and test our knowledge of the 12 Periods in the Bible. I thoroughly recommend these courses to everyone! Thank you Mauro and Janet!

572 - Elizabeth S.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

What a wonderful and enlightening course. Learned so much about the bible in a easy to follow way. Will really miss my evenings with The Come and See Ministries.

571 - John M.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

The presentation was outstanding. I appreciated the clarity and I have an appetite for more. Well done. Many thanks and congratulations.

570 - Sr. Carol S.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

The course was excellent. It was the first time I had experienced such an overview of the Bible. A very valuable resource in my ministry of formation of young religious. Thank you.

569 - Sue M.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

The course has given me a sense of a wholeness to the Old Testament which I had not previously acquired despite years of study. The 8 sessionss make it a manageable course.

568 - Maria Elizabete F.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

The Bible Timeline course has been so helpful! The Bible is not an easy book to read. It is very complex and this course has helped me to gain a better understanding of the Bible. It has inspired me to study more and deep dive into its chapters. I will definitely recommend this course and thanks Mauro for his ministry!

567 - Alice B.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Thank you so much for your bible timeline course. Very well done to you Mauro and your team behind the scenes including Janet. Waiting for the next one!

566 - Nina P.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Informative and interesting. It helped make sense of a very dense subject as well as providing human, helpful tips along the way to enrich our spiritual well being.

565 - Elizabeh H.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I'm enjoying the Course, and have learnt much about the Old Testament. It is very good and helpful to have the visual aids. Many thanks to Mauro - for his happy and helpful disposition.

564 - Dona D.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I really enjoyed this course. I have read the bible but most of I didn't understand. Now I have a clear idea about the Old Testament and the New Testament. The way you are presenting the series is interesting. Good at explaining different periods. Well designed course. Thank you very much. God bless you.

563 - Cecilia W.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I have thoroughly enjoyed this course. It has given me the chance to read the Bible in a way that I have never done before and to understand the meaning of so much more.

In doing the course at home it has been flexible and the first few weeks of not having to watch at a set time was invaluable to me.

It has triggered off wanting to learn and read so much more.

562 - Gail H.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I have really enjoyed our time together in this course and feel that everything was fine and delivered so well may God bless you for all your efforts.

561 - Ann S.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Great course. I particularly liked the explanations of the Time line and the recommendation of the Walking with God book and the recap of the previous session. I have learnt a wealth of knowledge from this course. Thank You.

560 - Verity W.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

For me it has been very helpful in terms of learning about the bible and what it holds. Although I have learnt about the bible before, it would have been hard for me to tell anyone about how it relates to history or many specific events. I feel as though it has made me a lot more confident in that area and it will help me with my studies and in general in the future.

559 - Lorena S.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Dear Mauro, I want to say my big thank you for this course. I learned a lot and I found it helpful and interesting. I am grateful I have been participating. You are always clear and motivated me to attend the sessions. Many thanks.

558 - Fr Simon H.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

You are a warm and engaging speaker and the people who watched with me laughed at your jokes and enjoyed your shirt colours!

They also found your exposition clear and accessible. You do a magnificent job in squeezing so much material into 8 weeks. You tell the story of Scripture very well and I liked your introduction of typology into the narrative. I would like to see more of that and would suggest you make it part of every episode. Your presentation on the atonement was very helpful to my group.

557 - Chris O.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Well done Mauro, I greatly enjoyed the Bible Timeline course. It has given me a clear picture of the historical story of the Jews from the beginning through to the birth of Jesus Christ. I have already used my new knowledge to talk to a non catholic about the story of Christ.

556 - Ignatius & Edna P.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

We found the course very instructive and informative. The sessions were well run and gave us time to think about events in the Bible and how they relate to our lives.

Although the Bible readings were optional we personally feel that they helped us understand each session better. There were times that we could not keep up with the readings, so perhaps it would have been better to start reading a fortnight earlier.

We would like to follow the course again at the end of September so please keep us updated.

555 - Denise & Charles W.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

We are delighted we decided to join the course which we found in the newsletter of our parish church, St Teresa of Avila Ashford Kent. Overall excellent.

We are both over 80 and have been married for 52 years. Denise is a cradle Catholic. Charles was baptised in the Church of England and was received into the Catholic Church in 1982; after encouragement but never pressurized thus enabling him to work it out for himself after being married 15 years!

Denise was brought up in the days when the there was very little about the Old Testament although we both were aware of some parts. The Bible Timeline Chart and each of the sessions was wonderful as it enabled us to gain an chronological 'joined up' understanding of historical events. Previously neither of us knew the dates applicable to the various books of The Bible.

We particularly valued the last two sessions on the New Testament. Your explanations were sometimes quite challenging but valuable reminders of the meaning behind the legacy of Our Lord.

For content and performance, we would like to give you 5 Stars!

554 - Marie Christine T.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

This was my second Bible Timeline Course. I was surprised at how much I had remembered from the first time. With the knowledge acquired I was able to connect the Old Testament and the New Testament with an even deeper understanding. The readings at Mass are more meaningful.

I would recommend this course because it explains the journey to Christianity from beginning to end.

553 - Mary M.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

This was an illuminating and entertaining programme. Mauro is a very engaging presenter and the materials are clearly presented and really expand your knowledge and thinking.

Even after a few weeks on the course Bible readings at the Masses during the week and on Sundays began to have a clearer message and meaning and enabled a deeper understanding and reflection of God's word.

The only disappointing session was the penultimate one when it just felt too rushed - and did not do justice to the materials or your teaching. We have already put the dates in our diary for Advent and will of course recommend to others this course when it runs later in the year. God bless you and Janet for your mission. You are in our prayers.

552 - Stella N.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

The size of the Bible usually puts me off when I think of reading it, but the Bible Timeline Course, the chart and you, Mauro, have made it very simple and easy to carry out. I am happy I made up my mind to join the course. Thank you.

I have looked forward to every week of the whole 8 week period and I have been spiritually enriched throughout this learning journey. I have learned about the key periods in the Bible, the different covenants God created with his people at different stages, God's punishment to dfferent people for disobeying HIM and its effect on them.

However, I am aware that for every reparation we make after offending God, HE actually forgives us and gives us a second chance. I pray that all the knowledge gained here helps me to make a positive impact on others and be an inspiration for further reading of the Bible to improve on myself more and more.

I want to appreciate the effort made by your wife and yourself in this task of evangelisation and I hope you attain your objectives of reaching all christians.

551 - Raquel A.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

The course is what I was looking for. As Catholics, we do not have much knowledge of the Old Testament, and this course provides the frame for us to get interested and go deep in those times and people.

I have not been able to follow up with the readings, which was my initial purpose, but nevertheless I have been looking forward, every week, to the next session.

My intention is to enrole in the course again in the near future, reading the texts proposed. If my Parish manages to get engaged in the course, I will defenetely join in.

550 - Anonymous
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

The Bible Timeline course was a brilliant and much-needed course of instruction on God's Plan of Salvation, seen through the arc of Biblical history and prophecy. In particular, the actual cardboard timeline (which we were able to send for and look at during the sessions) was enormously helpful in helping us to visualise the whole development of the story in the context of secular history and events.

This type of instruction has been sadly lacking in Catholic catechesis and general Sunday sermons. In my lifetime, it has seemed as if the Church was afraid of the Bible, and trying to keep it hidden, except for the selected and very limited range of readings that are presented in the Lectionary.

So hearty congratulations on making this instruction so accessible to the general public. I'm sure the course will inspire people to explore more and to read their Bibles.

549 - Maria M.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

The Bible Timeline Course is very well organized and presented by Mauro Iannicelli. The online sessions provide gratifying moments of learning and reflection about the Salvation History.

I enjoyed taking this inspiring course and look forward to new opportunities to learn more about the history and message of the Bible. The Written Course Notes offer valuable content for those interested in a more in-depth Bible study.

I would like to thank Mauro and everyone else involved in making this project possible and available for free!

548 - Judy R.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Thanks so much Mauro and team for putting on this brilliant course. The timeline chart certainly helps to get a much better idea of chronology of both secular and specifically Jewish events took place and when each book was written.

The readings each week to prepare were of a managable length and good selection to give us an overview of the material to be covered in the next session.

The questions were interesting and thought provoking and were equally useful whether one had a study buddy or were alone as many of us were.

547 - Sandra M.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Thank you so much for providing a real way in, a handle, to understanding Salvation History. Your course has not only given an overview but it has filled in the many areas which I couldn't understand and as a result when I'm reading my daily Divine Office I see connections that I'd never made in the past.

I've already put 29/9 in my diary as I intend to watch it all over again as I know that it will continue to show me the unknown treasures of my beautiful Faith. God bless you, your wife and all those who have given us all this gift from God.

546 - Helen H.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Thank you Mauro, this was a very enlightening course which explored and 'unlocked' the mystery of the Bible. The course has allowed me to appreciate the origins of God's plan up to the coming of Jesus Christ, His beloved Son.

Your extensive knowledge of the subject is truly exceptional, and the structured teaching style was very helpful in following the Timeline chart.

This course has enabled me to understand and appreciate the reasons behind the 'harsh' sufferings in the Old Testament - as a plan or way forward for us to be filled by the Holy Spirit.

Your course has enriched my spiritual life. Can unreservedly recommend doing this course.

545 - Jane N.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Really enjoyed this, thank you very much. Excellent presentation and very interesting and informative. The bible timeline chart is extremely helpful in putting everything into context.

I have tried to read the Bible from cover to cover before but never succeeded due to the problems you highlighted! This really brought it alive. Highly recommended.

544 - Gianluca S.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

It is clear the amount of thought and attention that was put into the preparation of this course: every detail is given proper consideration in order to optimise the experience of the people watching the lessons.

I highly recommend this course, especially for people with limited knowledge of the Bible, as it will provide a good outlook of the Bible narrative and will give you confidence in taking this further if you wish to do so.

543 - Kathleen H.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I wish to thank you for welcoming me to the bible timeline course. I had no knowledge of the old testament and I had a desire to find the links between the old and the new. The course was excellent as an introductory course.

The timeline chart is essential and i now look forward to using the notes provided and the chart to consolidate this start. May God bless ye in the work and your generosity.

542 - Myrna G.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I think this course has been understandable and comprehensive in its scope. It has been wonderfully presented in an accessible manner.

The last time I felt as excited about immersing myself in the study of the Bible was when I was eighteen years old and at teacher training college where we were lucky enough to have a marvellous lecturer who took us through the Old and New Testaments.

As a Catholic I had learned more about the Catechism than the Bible so it was a revelation to me. In those days it was mandatory to teach a certain amount of religious instruction a week and to hold a daily assembly as a collective act of worship.

I think it is important to realise that the Bible is not only a wonderful history and work of literature but a spiritual journey which finds its fulfilment in Jesus Christ.

541 - Veronica A.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I really want to thank God first and Come and See ministry for the opportunity of doing this Bible Timeline Course on line. The course was enjoyable, easy to follow and very deep. From the moment I started,cI was looking forward to the next session.

What I really felt with this course, was God talking to me, into my heart. I identified myself with the people of God, always rebellious, not trusting the Lord , fearful, turning away from Him , but seeing how He was always ready to receive and pardon us , because He loves us so much !!! We are his children !!! He created us for Him.

I found in each session something God wanted me to learn, not so many biblical quotes but examples to keep and remember. Thank you Mauro and Janet for what you are doing. May God bless you and multiply those gifts the Holy Spirit has poured out on you!!!

540 - Sinead H.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I loved the course and would highly recommend for others to do this course if given the opportunity. I have bought the 'Walking with God' book by Jeff Cavins and I look forward to doing more studying.

The presentation of the course is very structured and very easy to follow. Mauro explained everything with humour and even visualisation with his diagrams and his shirt colours to suit the different timeline periods. Thank you for sharing this information.

539 - Evelyn M.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I have to confess I have come late to the table for Bible Study - aged 78yrs & a practising Catholic, one would think I would be much more knowledgeable!

However, I am so pleased that I joined your Course on the Bible Timeline, it is helpful to have a structured line to follow and I enjoyed very much the way in which it was presented clearly but also with humour!

I have sent for your videos & notes but don't be surprised if I join the Autumn Course, simply because I didn't have the courage to join the Zoom group organised by St James this time and it would be good to listen to other people's opinions.

I now have a foundation for the Old Testament and a little knowledge of The New Testament and shall look forward to joining more of your groups. So thank you both so much for an enlightening and very enjoyable Course. Have a lovely holiday & a well earned rest.

538 - Catherine S.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I have thoroughly enjoyed the Bible Timeline Course. I have never been very good at reading the Old Testament. I have learned a lot and understand much more, especially how the prophecies in the old testament are fulfilled in the new. Also why Jesus had to sacrifice his life on the cross to save us.

Thank you to Mauro for delivering the course in such a clear way. I would recommend this course to Christians and non Christians alike. Blessings.

537 - Williams V.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I have loved this course from the beginning!

The 12 periods are so comprehensively explained and discussed, asking questions that hadn't even occurred to me; a real WOW moment, actually a series of WOW'S throughout?

I was confirmed yesterday and received into the Catholic Church and I'm more in love with Jesus and the Holy Trinity of course.

536 - Ben E.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I have gained immensely from the Bible Timeline course as it has not only enhanced my general knowledge of the Bible but gave me insight to:

1) the correct sequence of events and why they are as it is in present form,

2) how the story of Israel's relationship with God relates and impacts on me as a human being and more specifically as a Christian,

3) and most importantly, how the story of Salvation started after the downfall of man from the garden of Eden.

The Bible Timeline course charts how God uses the story of Israel to show the summary understanding of His love for mankind, from creation to salvation.

535 - Agnes G.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I have found this course very informative and enlightening

So many details of the bible narrative I was ignorant of.

Especially the exile of the 10 tribes and the 2 tribes of Judah and Benjamin.

The bible time line chart is exceedingly helpful to get a general grasp of the books as well as the political history linked with the periods of the bible.

I love Mauro's Italian accent , the delivery was so easy to listen to and clear.

I hope the various members of my bible group will have a good grasp of the context when we resume our bible study of the gospel of st Matthew after this course.

Thank you so much.

534 - Patricia B.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I have followed this course several years ago with Jeff Cavins and at that time did all the reading and all the homework. I learned a lot then but it was lovely to revisit it without the stress of the reading and homework. I did do quite a lot of the reading but not all. It is a really enjoyable course and has so much to offer.

We as Catholics have been quite under-educated on Bible History and content so to unpack the history of Israel and the covenants and promises and trace the path to the birth of Jesus is very satisfying to the enquiring mind.

I did not have a "study buddy" so missed being able to discuss the questions this time but did meditate on them as they came up.

Delivered with great knowledge and warm humour, this was a most enjoyable revision of the beautiful history of our salvation. Thank you so much for your commitment and I loved the shirts!! God bless you and your ministry.

533 - Debbie B.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I have enjoyed this course greatly and knowing more about the history of, for example, the Twelve Tribes of Israel has been really fascinating and will, I'm sure, help me to understand the readings in Mass better, especially the Old Testament ones.

My only wish was that there had been a facility to ask questions; if the WhatsApp group plan had worked, that might have been a conduit for posing questions and getting them answered. Just one 'study buddy' was ok but we neither of us could completely answer all of the questions we raised in our discussions.

532 - Janice A.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I did the Lenten Course this year and found it inspiring and so I followed it up by joining the Bible Timeline Course. I found it informative and it has strengthen my faith in God.

I got the message how loving God is and he only wants to do good things for us, as he did for the Isrealites. I understand the bible teachings better and want to learn more.

I bought the the Bible Timeline chart and the book 'Walking with God', they were helpful in following the course and reading up before each session. Thank you Mauro and Janet for all your hard work.

531 - Helen C.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Hello, just wanted to say how much I'm enjoying the Bible Timeline Course. I wasn't really sure what to expect but I was interested to find out more and I've discovered that this way of looking at the Bible has been really interesting and very easy to understand. In fact, dare I say it, it makes the Bible make a lot more sense.

I absolutely love the readings before the sessions; they are really helpful and I think that Mauro is great. Love the shirts :) Thank you for bringing this to us.

530 - Mary D.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Having always struggled with my faith and Bible reading (not because I did not believe, but more that I questioned some seriously "mystifying or illogical" things within the Bible), my new parish priest informed the church attendees about this course, so I tentatively signed up.

I found it useful and informative and it was reassuring to know that I am not the only one who questions some of the content in the Bible, and fears if by doing so, I am questioning God, and then fears, how dare I?

It was good to have a study buddy to 'talk to' and discuss break out questions with, although due to the pandemic restrictions still occurring, it may have been better to have such discussions together in person, rather than via text or WhatsApp messages. That is not your fault, obviously!

I think the duration (about 1.5 hours) was also good, and can see why the break out questions bit could not be longer than 3 minutes at a time to keep to the allocated time frame.

I also found it good to be able to access the course notes in my own time and re-digest what was streamed because, inevitably, with all the best will in the world, there are some aspects of the Bible that are "dry", but Signor Iannicelli kept me enthralled most of the time!

Thanks and very well done to all involved in organizing the sessions over the course of the 8 week period.

I definitely think it is something that people who are seeking answers, who are seeking a good relationship with Jesus, even if it is small steps, should sign up for.

529 - Bro. Barry B.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Dear Mauro, I and the other memebers of our community, have found the Timline Course excellent. It is a course that we wished we had many years ago. I would see it as a basic course for evangelisation. Pope Paul the VI said we Catholics are sacramentalised, but not evangelised. I would love to see parishes take up this course. Bro. Barry

528 - Patricia
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Because of my lack of knowledge of the Old Testament any my love of history i signed up. It is a first rate course, the presentation by Mauro was excellent. But then I am partial to the Italian accent.

The timeline was a great help. The background was just perfect. I felt the hour and half duration was a bit long but I stayed the course. I was watching it alone but still the questions were good and needed a bit of thought.

I would recommend this course without hesitation and I will send a subscription.

Thanks again to Mauro and ur colourful shirts.

527 - Elizabeth M.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

As someone brought up in the Catholic Faith, the BibleTimeline Course has deepened and enriched my understanding of the Bible and enlightened me on many aspects of my Faith.

I have found each part of the Course has a depth to it which means I need to look time and again at the Study notes and listen again to Mauro's spoken words in order to comprehend all the aspects of that session. My study buddy has had the same experience.

We both found it useful also to exchange ideas when asked to consider points at various moments in each session.

Thank you very much Mauro for your help and inspiration in guiding us to a new and clearer way of looking at the Bible.

526 - Milena P.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Although I had done this course before a few years ago, I decided to do it again because it is always good to refresh one's memory.

I have to say that I found this particular course more rewarding that the previous one despite the absence of personal exchanges. I found this course very comprehensive and clear and I am grateful for the provision of extensive course notes. Also, the recommendation to read the book "Walking with God" was inspired as I found this book extremely helpful in deepening my understanding of the Bible.

I would like to thank Mauro Iannicelli and everyone else involved in the preparation of the sessions for their good work. I have recommended this course to a friend who has promised to join you in September.

525 - Chris S.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

A brilliant course that has helped me so much. I cannot thank the Come And Sea team enough for putting this together. I had tried to read the Bible before but got bogged down by Leviticus and given up. I loved the drama and sweep of this course, and it has made me want to go through it again.

I signed up with a donation, and I have access to the videos to go over the course again. There was so much packed into the 8 weeks that I'm looking forward to taking a more leisurely run through the course. A five-star course!

524 - Michael D.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

The course was an extremely helpful way to navigate the Bible. It was also well explained how relevant and helpful the bible is to us today.

523 - Pat M.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

The Bible Timeline Course was very enjoyable and informative. The use of colour, together with the Bible Timeline Chart, was most helpful. It helped to make clear the different stages in the history of the Jewish People. It accompanied the narrative of the spiritual development and how it all led to our salvation in Christ.

522 - Julie G.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

The Bible Timeline course is so enlightening. It clarified many things for me especially about the Old Testament but, inevitably, it highlighted other issues which I will study further.

Mauro presents in a very personable and human way with humour and clarity. I have thoroughly enjoyed the course.

521 - Genevieve R.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Thank you for this course which I found very inspiring. Studied the bible as a child and had forgotten many details so found the course very good.

520 - Joan H.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Thank you for doing the time line course I have found it quite inspirational. You certainly need the Timeline chart which helps so much to understand the overall picture.

I found it easy and clear to follow the story of salvation from your teachings. Loved the shirts you were wearing It was a light touch which all helped. The course has made the bible make a lot more sense. Thank you.

519 - Glenda S.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Mauro is an engaging speaker who gives a very clear account of the bible timeline. The course filled in gaps in my knowledge of the narrative story of the Old Testament. It also put into context the supplementary books. Altogether, the course provides a very good foundation for further studying the bible.

518 - Joan A.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Made it look straightforward. Looking forward to navigating the bible by myself following this road map. Thank you, looking forward to the next course.

517 - Anonymous
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Its a great insight to know a book as large as the Bible in a simple and easy format. Would definitely recommend it.

516 - Winifred M.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

It was an excellent course. My knowledge of the Old Testament was basic now I have a good grounding and I am looking forward to reading WALKING WITH GOD.

Mauro holds one's attention throughout the sessions and explains the Bible Story in a deep but uncomplicated way.

I liked the little touches of humour which added to the feeling of being involved in the course. I would highly recommend this absorbing course. Thank you.

515 - Christina E.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

It has been really an eye opener. I have tried reading the bible, but as you said got stuck. The course has been highly instructive and furthered my understanding of both the old and new testaments.

514 - Margaret M.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I very much enjoyed this course and thank you so much for the videos and course notes. It greatly enhanced my knowledge of the Bible.

513 - Janet H.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I really enjoyed this course and I learned such a lot from it. In fact I watched it twice it was so well presented. Please let me know of any future courses so that I may join in. Thanks a million.

512 - Margaret R.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I have recently completed the RCIA course with the aim of being received into full Communion with the Catholic Church. I joined the Bible Timeline Course as I have never been able to comprehend ' the big picture of the Bible'. The course was very helpful and enabled me to put the Bible stories, many of which I already knew, into context. I especially liked the Bible Timeline Chart which related Biblical stories to world events like the building of the pyramids. Thank you Mauro for a great course.

511 - Anonymous
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I found the course very interesting and helpful in my understanding of the Holy Bible. I now realise how little I knew about the Bible and the course has given me the incentive to find out more about it.Thank you for your excellent presentation and for spreading God's Word.

510 - Mary H.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I find the course very educational as previously I couldn't understand the Old Testament. Now I'm more enlightened. It also gives me more awareness of the power of God.

Thank you for this course and I'm actually looking forward to the Advent course that you intend to do.

509 - Sally R.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I did this course with my buddy Ann Stewart. We have felt it very rewarding and enriching especially as we had done Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible, The Bible in a year and The Wild Goose. We feel we have spent a very worthwhile year as because of Covid and lockdown, our time has been directed to our spiritual life and feel the benefit of Our Lord. Thank God for the internet.

508 - Catalina P.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Hello! I am really enjoying this course. I feel I am learning so much, understanding so many things and anecdots of the Bible and I think that now I can read it with more criteria and will be easier to meditate and pray about the stories.

I am looking to be on the Advent course as well. Thank you so very much! God bless you and brings you joy.

507 - Claire D.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Excellent Course. Very informative, interesting and well delivered course. Mauro has a lovely, friendly manner and made everyone feel most welcome. Very much appreciated. Thank you.

506 - Marilyn P.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

The Course was very interesting. Mauro puts it across very simply and effectively. Very pleased I was able to join in. Thank you and God bless.

505 - D. J.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

The questions helped a great deal in finding meaning and perspective. Great for bible study. I found that reading the scripture before made the study even more understanding.Keep up the good work. The shirts fitted well and I am sure that your wife, Janet, played a big role in keeping them looking new. She should have insisted that you wear the gold one! Ha Ha!

504 - Mary Sybilla K.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

The course leader Mauro Iannicelli has made it clear and easy to follow. His session notes are great.

The Course has been very enlightening on how to read the bible. Knowing the difference between the Narative Books and the Supplimentary Books makes it easier to read and understand the Bible. It has given an overview of the whole of the Bible to be able to understand the Salvation History.

The last 8 weeks have been an amazing journey. The whole experience has been spiritually uplifting. The course has deepened my faith. I now look forward to the gospel reading at mass and realy understand the reading, connecting it with what happened before and after. The link between the old and new testament is so much clearer to me now.

I am looking forward to reading the bible in more detail with this background knowledge for the rest of my life. The course has also helped me with Lectio Divina. Thank you Mr Mauro for the teaching.

503 - Sophie M.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

The course is fantastic! It's been extremely well presented, with quality material and videos. Both my husband and I are doing it together, and we love Mauro's sense of humour and wacky taste in shirts!!!

Mauro has made the Bible come alive. Although I have a good working knowledge of the Bible, my chronological knowledge of the Bible timeline and Salvation history was incomplete. I have to tell you though that we are not Catholics but Anglican Christians. But feel that apart from the understandable slight emphasis on Catholic teaching, Christians from other denominations would benefit from this course.

502 - Teresa B.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

The content for this course has been well researched. The course is clearly presented and each session starts with a short summary of the main points which is very helpful for the listener and well needed in this vast area of study.

I like the way a question is posed to the listener after 15 or 20 mins... this gives a break and offers a chance for self-reflection or interaction with a buddy.

Most importantly this course offers much more than an historical understanding of biblical events. Mauro gives us deep insights into how these events are relevant to our own lives thereby enriching our journey in faith. I would recommend this course to both Catholics and Christians of other denominations and also to those searching for truth and meaning in their lives.

501 - Lourdes V.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

The Bible Timeline course was absolutely engaging. It has opened my mind and enhanced, and enriched my knowledge: and this is second time round!

When I follow the Mass, daily readings, i.e. 1st reading, Psalm, and Gospel, they come alive. One can picture oneself in the narrative, as an Israelite. It so wonderful and humbling too. Because one can associate with them and know that it could be me.

I have read the book "Walking with God" which consolidates what we learnt. It is truly beneficial for those who find reading the bible difficult to understand. The optimum message I received is GOD'S PASSIONATE AND INFINITE LOVE FOR HIS CHILDREN. I wish you every success with the help of the HOLY SPIRIT.

500 - P. D.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Thank you Mauro and Janet for your dedication and inspiration course. I attended the Bible Timeline course in my parish in 2019. This was my second time around and yet learnt something. So well worth the time. And that too from the comfort of my home.

As a catholic I was keen for several years to know the history and the then customs or traditional to fully understand and read the Bible or it would be out of context. Although its difficult to achieve that in 8 sessions, the course has certainly assisted in unlocking some of its mysteries. Another way would be reputable resources through the internet but have not had the time or the motivation quite honestly. Hoping to some day! Found St Thomas Aquinas's statement about Jesus' suffering very enlightening.

499 - Fiona W.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Thank you for running the Bible Timeline course. For the first time so much in the Old Testement made sense to me. I began to understand how the thoughts, deeds and actions of God's choosen people resulted in the positive or negative events in their history as God sought with love and infinite patience to teach mankind to follow his laws given through his commandments and wonderfull teachings.

I found some sessions too rushed as there was too much content given in such a short space of time. I look forward to continuing my studies with you in the future. God bless.

498 - Anonymous
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I thoroughly enjoyed the course - it was so interesting and engaging. Mauro's pitch and pace is spot on, and I would highly recommend this course to anyone who 'doesn't know where to start' or 'gets lost' in the complexities of self-study and is not ready to do a group course.

After a 'terrible Lent' where I struggled with prayer, giving and abstinence I was disappointed that my good intentions did not materialise. This course was uplifting on so many levels - clearly I have work to do and the course gives those tools while learning and reflecting.

God bless, thank you and keep up the good work.

497 - Sara T.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I thoroughly enjoyed the Bible Timeline Course. I have always found reading the Bible challenging and, although I knew many passages and had even read the whole Bible cover to cover once, I still struggled to understand the story of the people of Israel.

Now I feel that I have a very good understanding of the physical and spiritual journey that God's people undertook. I found the questions that the speaker asked us to discuss very useful and thought-provoking and I enjoyed reflecting on the post-session questions as well. Overall, I'm very happy with this experience and I would recommend the course to anyone.

496 - Shamiso M.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I thank God for granting me the privilege of attending the Bible Timeline Course. I really felt enriched and empowered in my relationship with God. The course helped me to increase my knowledge of God and the Scriptures. I am looking forward to the September course.

Thank you Mauro and Janet for allowing God to use you as His instruments for the salvation of many. May God continue to bless you now and always.

495 - Tanya T.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I have really enjoyed this course. I knew that it would be a great introduction and it really was. Although not asked for, I did try to keep up with reading the bible for each session, but unfortunately fell behind in this, however I have a life time to delve into the precious words that have become so alive to me, during this course.

I now feel I have a much better grasp of the geneology and timeline of our superb history. The course has been professionally put together and is well presented. Mauro is very endearing and graciously explains things at a very easy and obtainable level.

Thank you for this course and for setting me on a lifetime of discovering much, much more. It has been a real blessing.

494 - Paulina L.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I have just finished watching the last session and have thoroughly enjoyed it again. I watched the course again because of the pace, I felt that I missed out so much on the first. This time I was able to capture a lot more and put things in place so that I can see and tell the story. I feel more confident in participating in group discussions because I have learnt so much. This course has encouraged me to read the Bible and will continue to do so. Thank you very much Mauro and Janet.

493 - Rachel Mary M.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

For me who has been in search of having Bible knowledge and the many times that I have read the Holy Bible from Genesis to Revelation, finally many of my questions have been answered. It has been a struggle for me who has had many friends who are Pentecostals and Evangelicals asking me as to why I have remained a catholic almost over half a century of my life. Thanks to your team for helping fit in the missing puzzles and I am advocating to many of my Catholic Brothers and Sisters to take part in the next course.

In conclusion it has been a great course with great spiritual inspiration. Last week 's lesson has taken my faith to the next level. May God Greatly bless you

492 - Anonymous
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Excellent course. A most educational, informative interesting, challenging and enjoyable course.

We would all benefit from a little more time dedicated to your ANSWERS to the questions that you set for us and out study buddies to discuss during the sessions. This I feel strongly would be of great benefit to all.

This is a great course to get more people and parishes communicating and liaising more in the future. It can also encourage all Christians, Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, every denomination and parish, /area, /group to pray more and study and talk about the Bible more.

Happy season of Pentecost to Janet and Mauro. Great information and encouragement to listen more to God. Thank you.

491 - Gregory F.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Very encouraging to hear a young Catholic speaking so eloquently and enthusiastically about their faith and the bible.

The only thing I would change would be to make each session 1 hour only. God bless!

490 - Philomena M.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

The course is very informative. It gives good structure to the bible as we know it can be very hard to read. The course helps you to understand why things happened at that time, making everything clearer.

Thank you for doing the course and hope your good works continue.

489 - veronica P.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

The bible course was excellent really enjoyed it very much. My son has asked if you would do a course on the catholic catechism so we know it fully. I really appreciate you doing the course.

488 - Fridah K.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Thank you and this course has been very helpful for my friends and I in undestanding the bible and our salvation history.

The delivery was very well thought out, informative and organised. Time permitting, each period can be covered separately.

487 - Cecilia S.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Mauro explains clearly the sequences of episodes and answers questions that have puzzled many.

I thoroughly recommend it for experienced and inexperienced bible study students.

486 - Kate V.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Loved it great! I would have preferred it every 2 or 3 weeks though. A lot to absorb... Thank you

485 - Mary R.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I thoroughly enjoyed this course. We were given a deeper understanding of Old Testament events which were put in their historical context. Mauro presented the weekly sessions clearly with a nice touch of humour where appropriate.

484 - Kathy C.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I thoroughly enjoyed the course, as I learnt more about the Old Testament.

483 - Anne-Marie D.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I thoroughly enjoyed all 8 weeks. It was like a history course and I got more involved each week. It is a course everyone should take part in. The only disappointment for me was not having a discussion buddy.

482 - Carole C.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I have previously done the full bible timeline course and have found this short course has reinforced what I have learned previously

481 - Carole C.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I have enjoyed the Course very much and learnt a great deal. I am looking forward to the Course you are running during Advent.

480 - Marie C.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I have done the Bible Timeline Course twice now because I find it very interesting. It gives a deep explanation of the bible and it helps me understand the bible better. I will recommend this course hundred percent.

479 - Carmen N.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I have always found the Bible a very difficult book to navigate. At times it has made me angry due to lack of understanding. This understanding has been much improved thanks to this Bible Timeline Course. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I feel so much closer to God!

478 - Patricia S.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I found the Course extremely interesting. The message of the prophets of the Old Testament Bible leading up to their fulfilment in the Resurrection in its historical context has greatly helped my understanding of the scriptures.

Each of the lectures was very intense, though easily followed. I hope to study each one slowly in the coming months using the course notes which may be obtained if wished on the Come and See website.

477 - Patricia j.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Hello Mauro and Janet . Thank you to give us an excellent bible course . Very interesting and lots of learning to do. I was happy to have joined. Looking forward to the next lent one. Let's hope we are going to have a good summer!

476 - Carys R.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Have found the course very informative , well presented with Mauro's delivery of information clear , precise and very easy to follow.

The information collated has made the Old Testament so much easier to understand . I will certainly recommend to others. Thank you Mauro.

475 - Mary k.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Have found the course fascinating. Has inspired me to pick up my bible more often and read. Would have liked more time on each section . Maybe a longer course? Sorry it's coming to an end.

474 - Elizabeth F.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Excellent course, congratulations Mauro and Janet (behind the scenes)!

I would suggest encouraging anyone who really wants to penetrate the course to also purchase Walking With God, A Journey through the Bible by Tim Gray & Jeff Cavins -- this was invaluable to me and my study buddy!

473 - Spiridiona W.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Even though this is our second time following this course there is still more to learn and would re-do the course next time round because it helps our faith to become stronger.

It is valuable to me since being a carer I do not have much time for reading religious matter so we try to follow catholic media while doing other daily chores. Many thanks as we keep you in our prayers.

472 - Marianne H.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Absolutely Wonderful, it has given me so much knowledge and strengthen by faith. I love the relaxed manner of Mauro teaching.

471 - Pat P.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

This is an excellent course, very full. Personally I am looking forward to being able to go back over it in the next few months. For me it has made the Old Testament "approachable". It gives me a greater understanding of the new testament with which I am pretty familiar, well the gospels anyway.

It has also made me realise how human nature keeps going round in circles, a period of relative Godliness followed by total rejection of God. Think of the first Lockdown in 2020; people became or seemed to become, more ready to help a neighbour, to do things for the good of all. But as we approach a fairly free life again, its as if all lessons learned have been forgotten!

Things I liked less were the questions and question breaks for discussion with a "buddy". I didn't find they were long enough to have any meaningful exchange. Moreover I felt I needed the 3 minutes just to process in my own mind what I had just heard. The questions I found difficult to get the meaning of: highlights, does that mean the most important? the most interesting for me? I know you say they are not compulsory. But you also say that about the reading, which I found absolutely essential. Anyway, thank you Mauro, I really value this course.

470 - Marion C.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

This course has been for me a very enriching experience. It has increased the knowledge of the Bible, especially the Old Testament and helped me to lived more fully my spiritual life. I appreciate very much the pleasant, relaxed and friendly way it is presented and look forward to each session.

Enhanced knowledge of the Bible leads to a deeper spiritual life and a closer union with the Lord. I cannot express my gratitude adequately to Mauro and Janet for their contribution in achieving this. May the Lord bless your efforts abundantly.

469 - Sue C.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Thank you, Mauro, for an excellent course. Unfortunately I had to miss the final session but I hope to do the course again in the autumn.

Together with the Timeline chart, your presentations gave me a perspective on reading the Old Testament that I had not had before. I am very familiar with the New Testament and read a chapter almost every day but I wanted to read the Old Testament too - so I began form the beginning... and had got to Job 33. Some of it was very hard going and I would leave it for months at a time.

What a relief to discover that the story of God's people can be covered in 14 narrative books! Now I know how to read the Old Testament - it will be so much easier. Your comprehensive notes have been very helpful too.

468 - Jessica R.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Thank you very much for hosting an excellent course. I saw the advertisement for the course in my church bulletin and I asked my mum to join me as a study buddy. As we live apart, the course was a great time for my mum and I to connect on something that is so important to us both. We enjoyed discussing questions presented both within and after the session.

Before starting the course, my hesitancies related to the length of sessions (1.5hrs seemed long!) and I wondered how 'religious' the content might be. By this I mean, there is a slight stigma when you hear 'bible study' that the content might be dry, and focused on what it means to be a good/bad Catholic (important! but maybe not what you want to spend your Wednesday doing as well as Sunday).

Mauro removed any hesitancies of mine by the first session. The sessions were clearly laid out and well-paced. Mauro is an excellent presenter, and his charisma kept you engaged throughout the whole session. Having the bible timeline chart was also excellent as a visual aid to show others what you are learning.

The content was very narrative and easy to follow. Even now, I feel I would be able to put the characters of the bible in chronological order. I felt that Mauro presented the content in a really accessible way for a Catholic audience. It was clear how the content related to the readings we hear each week at Mass. Importantly, I also felt Mauro presented information in a way that wouldn't 'scare' a non-Catholic audience as he focused on the story rather than specific teaching.

(NB: the only time specific teachings were discussed was in session 8 where we spoke about receiving communion in mortal sin. I felt this was important information but might fit better in another course).

I really enjoyed learning about the story of salvation history, now when I am at Mass I feel I know the deeper meaning behind the readings and this will be a great aid to my spiritual journey. I especially felt this about the Old Testament, which I have limited knowledge of in detail, and learning about how it all relates to the New Testament has been the biggest takeaway for me from the course.

I will be highly recommending the Come and See ministry for all who are interested in the story of the bible. And I will definitely be attending future sessions around Advent and Easter.

467 - Electa Marie T.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Thank you Mauro for an excellent piece of walkthrough in the bible. I learnt a lot and will make time to go over the videos again because if you can do it at a slow pace and follow the readings and homework, it all comes together. I definitely got what I expected from the course and more. May the Lord enrich you with wisdom and knowledge.

466 - Kay E.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Mauro! Thank you so much for this encouraging course, and your personal, sometimes amusing delivery of it - now have both the Bible Timeline and "Walking with God" - inspired by these last weeks' learning.

I look forward to following in depth what you laid out for us, also to your upcoming courses. God bless you richly. Thank you, yet again, Mauro, for this great insightful course. I shall revisit it. I am finding the Bible Timeline great - and the course put the pegs on which to read deeper.

465 - Albert s.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

It is a good way to learn more about the bible. I find the beginning was refreshing as we all know a bit of Genesis and Exodus. It is like listening someone telling me stories.

As the course go further I find it difficult to follow specially come to royal kingdom and divided kingdom. I was late for the because of the hospital appointment. On a whole I really enjoy the bible timeline course. Something look forward to every wendnesday.

464 - Anonymous
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I have really enjoyed the course - it is fascinating and to begin to understand how the Bible links a theme with a definite plan for salvation for all has been eye-opening and mind-blowing! It is packed full of wonderful information and avenues of discovery!

Sometimes, I found Mauro a little difficult to understand (his accent etc). I also feel that, as there is so much information to impart, the course could have usefully be extended to more than 8 sessions because there is so much to take in and digest!

463 - Jo F.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I have enjoyed this course very much. It has been an educational experience.

I have studied the Bible several times both at college and for the Catholic Teachers Certificate. This course was much deeper but the format was interesting and my attention was kept by the amusing approach.

I found the timeline and the book very useful so would recommend them.

I would also recommend a Bible buddy. My Bible Buddy and I found the questions quite a challenge but it stretched us to find out more.

462 - John W.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I didn't know what to expect, in the event I was delighted each week to discover more things, and in a context which the timeline emphasizes. The Old Testament is not easy to read, but the course concentrates on salvation history leading us through the centuries, giving a clear picture of the struggles and successes of a race chosen by God. Mauro played an important role in leading us, relaxed and at ease with the narrative. Who chooses his shirts!! God bless.

461 - Catherine M.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I am very familiar with the Bible but this course opened my eyes to a whole new way of seeing what God is doing, from the beginning. I really felt as if I were one of the group on the road to Emmaus. Loved the touches of humour, Mauro's shirts that matched the colour on the timeline chart. Brilliant, thank you.

460 - Edward J.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Fantastic course, very well presented. You clearly have a very special gift and I have enjoyed and been enriched by the power that has been channelled through you.

459 - Catherine B.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Extremely helpful in highlighting the main events in the Old Testament and how they foreshadow the Coming Messiah. I had previously had difficulty reading many of the books of the OT given they do not follow chronologically .

A number of points were explained of which I had previously been unaware. I feel I now have a better understanding of the reason why Jesus had to suffer to redeem us.

Reflecting on set questions after each session helped to ensure I fully understood the teaching.

A number of books of the Old Testament were not included and It would be helpful for another course to address these.

458 - Jolyn T.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

During my early teens, my mum bought me the children's version of the Bible. This gave an overview of how the course of the Bible came about. Attending the Bible timeline course gave me an even more depth about the Bible. I learned a lot and my faith strengthened even more. Thank you, Mauro and Janet!

457 - Vivian W.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I found the course very interesting and the presenter, Mauro, did a brilliant job of making it very easy to follow and enjoyable.

456 - Lin h.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

A great course with some helpful insights - will repeat in September as there's so much content to absorb and digest

455 - Melinda W.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Hi Mauro, there are a few of us from our parish who attended this course and we had a Zoom session after to answer the questions you have set out.

You should see how much the ladies enthused about the course and how great it was to learn so much. There are facts that we seem to pick as highlights and there are the others that simply fill the gaps in our knowledge of the Bible.

I wished that you had actually spent more time with the New Testament. Perhaps, another session on it? All the best to you and your wife as you take on this ministry full time.

454 - Michaela L.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Dear Mauro and Janet, it has been an incredibly done course of bible studies for me. I really liked it. When I found it on Antonia's Facebook as an offer (my friend Antonia Moffat who shared it), I thought I would give it a try.

However, I was looking forward to every single session with you from the very beginning and enjoy you wearing shirts of different colours. I might have appreciated also your English (as a foreigner I understand you more than I would do to a native speaker).

Only what I have found a little difficult was my evening concentration. I usually arrived home at about seven after an exhausting day and after an hour I felt very tired. It may have been caused by the necessity to concentrate on a foreign language context as well. I found myself sleeping in my comfortable armchair several times and it always happened the last half an hour.

It must have been caused by all-day teaching and getting up really early. Therefore I will have to return to your course to revise what you have mentioned and take every last half an hour of the session when I was not so well concentrated anymore.

Mauro and Janet, thank you for what you have done for us all.

I am sorry I can't buy the things you have advertised, maybe later on, when I arrive on my own as sending is rather expensive and difficult from abroad. Many thanks for sharing all your knowledge with me. I remember both of you in my prayer.

453 - Owen B.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Your course has been a chance to think very deeply about the journey from Adam to the present day. Truthfully there are things which I question but I have deeply appreciated the journey.

452 - Patricia j.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

This was my first Bible course and I really enjoyed and loved it. So much to learn. Sometimes it went too long Maybe an hour and quarter. A very interesting course. Looking forward to the lent sessions.

451 - Kathleen A.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

This course was amazing. It highlighted salvation history in a very accessible way. It made me look at stories from the bible I thought I knew in a totally different way. Coming from an Anglican background it was still very informative, inspiring and transformational.

450 - Clare F.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Thank you so much for providing this wonderful course. The timeline is very helpful in understanding the narrative story of the Bible and the online sessions help bring new understanding. God bless

449 - Paul D.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

So clear in structure to understand the realionships and symbolic meanings of God's promises to his peoples .

448 - Stella F.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Really enjoyed the course. It simiplified the bible to make it easier to understand and follow. Thank you.

447 - Rosanna O.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

It was inspirational and motivational... it helped me to dig more into the Bible. Thanks very much!!!

446 - Gillian P.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

It was good to learn about the bible time line. I couldn't make all the webinars so need to listen back to them

445 - Julie O.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I have found this course brilliant , very informative and interesting. I particularly found the teachings of Genesis really helpful.

444 - Michael P.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I have enjoyed the course twice and recommended it to several others.

443 - Linda F.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I have enjoyed the course so far - the presenter is very knowledgeable. However, my only comment is that it would be good to have a chat line so after the discussions participants can but their thoughts there and also to see what other people was thinking. This would make it more interactive.

442 - Christine B.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I found the whole course extremely informative. Am so pleased that I participated. Thank you so much - please keep me informed about further courses.

441 - Mary O.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I found it so helpful, thank you It was explained in a simple format as I found the bible difficult to grasp

440 - Maura O.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I enjoyed this course. It helped to refresh the memory of bible stories at school and bring the narrative of salvation to mind and heart.

I know that it needs a good deal of follow up reading to deepen my understanding. You presented it well. I felt the last two session were a bit rushed maybe 10 sessions. Thanks again Mauro may you be blessed in the work.

439 - Jan K.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Found it very informative and clear, thank you.

438 - Donna c.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Brilliant course , very interesting and I thoroughly enjoyed it!! Mauro's delivery is very calming too. Thank you!! I look forward to the Advent Course.

437 - Sean F.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

A great insight into the story of our faith as I followed the story as put before us by this rewarding course. Given we a, deeper insight into my faith and the centrality of Jesus in my life. Thanks for that.

436 - Rosamund A.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

This was a stimulating course delivered with well presented information, historical, religious and geographical and with accompanying gentle humour, much of it self-deprecatory, which made it clear that the information was what mattered most, not the person delivering it.

It is a long story, the history of the Faith, and some could not be delivered verbally, but this was where the timeline chart both supported the verbal message and provided a link to some intervening events in the history.

As I had studied the Bible as a child and teenager not much was new in the sense that I had not known it (except for Maccabees 1 and 2, not in the Bible I had used before) but this was a new light on and a revision of what I knew already, rather fuzzy with gaps in the memory.

To see the events in Chronicles and 1 and 2 Kings in terms of the general political background was illuminating and new. I had not realised that the Prophets were operating in two different groups in separate places, displaced Israel and Judah. As the messages of both sets of prophets were essentially the same: repent, reform, don't regress, the distinction of people and places showed the genuineness of the message from God.

Connection with the whole essence of developing religious awareness over history via types and metaphor was initiated by pauses for sharing impressions/thinking for oneself and then linking back to Mauro's explanation.

All told I found the course stimulating, and, if you prepared for each session by doing the reading and followed that up by the questions after each session, it was hard work and enjoyably enabling.

435 - Anonymous
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

The course was excellent - really engaging and filled in many gaps in my knowledge. I'm telling other people about it.

434 - Phyllis S.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

The course links the Old Testament prophecies to the New Testament - this completes the story of salvation history up to the life of Jesus and the beginning of the church. The New Testament has been so rewarding and spiritually uplifting. Thank you both so much. God be with you!

433 - Antony C.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

The course gave a very useful overview of how the Bible narrates salvation history, covering parts of the Old Testament about which many of us may previously have had only rather hazy knowledge.

Mauro's presentation was very clear and engaging, and his notes were very helpful in consolidating what was covered in the sessions. The recommended book 'Walking with God' by Tim Gray and Jeff Cavins was a splendid resource for filling out the picture.

One thing, I suggest, which could make the sessions even more vivid would be to include a larger number of illustrations (e.g. including some famous paintings of key Biblical scenes).

The nature of the course meant that it didn't attempt to cover the 'supplemental books'. It would be good to have a course to complement this one which considered how these 'supplemental books' fitted into salvation history.

432 - Majella C.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I really enjoyed this course.....very well put together for the likes of me who had little understanding of the Old Testament. Even though I was quite busy during the course, because it was so informative, it was top of my list for 7pm on Wednesday.

Because of this business, I didn't get a chance to prepare by doing the readings before each session, so I would really like to be able to log into it when you run this same course again. Hoping you will contact me and allow me to listen again when hopefully, I will have more time to focus better on all it has to give. Thank you Mauro!

431 - Angela D.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I listened to your Lenten talks and found them very enlightening and it helped me to understand the readings, Thus i thought I would join the Bible Timeline talks. I have read Genesis and Exodus on my own but with your talks a lot of it made more sense and understanding.

I know that I will listen to your talk again in September which will be a nice refresher. Also can't wait to listen to your Advent course. Thank you so much for all the effort you put in

430 - Kathleen B.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I found the Bible Study Course very inspirational, I have always had difficulty relating the Old Testament to the New Testament, But Mauro made it more simple to understand, I am so pleased I found out about this course and enrolled for it, I cannot wait for more study sessions to come, it has made me think much more deeply about my faith.

429 - Chris H.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Firstly, I compliment you for all that went into preparing the course. Much work was clearly involved.

From comments I have seen from other members of my parish, it is clear that many found it most valuable.

For myself, I will value the actual Timeline Chart which helps put Biblical events into historic context and enable various themes to be tracked.

I have though been a bit disappointed by the absence of discussion about the literal (historical) truth of the Bible. For most of the course that did not trouble me. But in the penultimate session you posed the question as to whether Jesus had to suffer and die. Your explanation rested very much on the story of the Fall and the assertion that mankind had an actual original sinless state which our first parents lost on our behalf. Many, indeed, most (myself included), do not believe that this is how mankind actually came to be, ie evolved.

When I read the Bible, I read it as a collection of books of various types brought together (as far as the Old Testament is concerned) at particular times in Jewish history - Ezra was I believe instrumental in this. These books/stories will not of course have come from nowhere - their origins will include stories that may well go back to the time of Moses. But there will almost certainly have been other 'books' that were rejected at the time of compilation. And in relation to the New Testament it is known that there are other books that were rejected when deciding what would be included. It would be interesting to explore the considerations which led to acceptance and rejection of different texts. It may well be that such considerations are beyond your intended scope for this course. Perhaps a future course?

428 - Antoinette J.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Dear Mauro, Thankyou for delivering the course . It has been very informative, well planned and paced and appropriately pitched for an unknown and diverse audience.

427 - Viera H.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I do appreciate these studies - may our Lord bless you for teaching of His word. Thank you

426 - Rosalie R.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

To my delight a friend shared your course and I immediately signed up. I am delighted to listen and follow. Due to my ill health it means I now able to devote more time to God. This is a very nurishing course for my soul and I am sure for everyone following it.

I have been telling my friends and I hope that the next course that they too will follow it and we can sit down in a small group over the winter and go through the timeline at a slower pace to meet everyone's busy lives. Either ways we will be nurishing out souls during the winter months when we have more time to ourselves with the dark evenings.

I like having the timeline chart and it helps a lot. I appreciate all the hard work your wife and you have put in to making these broadcast.

I would be interested in listening to your other broadcast like advent and lent as you described in this broadcast. Time given to God is never a wait of time but a great gift and nurishment for our eternal live and for our souls.

425 - Valentina C.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I have attended this course twice, and I have to say that both times I learned something new. As Catholics, we tend to approach the Bible only when in Church, so often the knowledge of God's word is limited.

I have learned not only about each different period of the timeline but also to allocate that period in history.

I have recommended the course to anyone wanting to learn more and I will keep doing it. Thank you for your dedication to the spreading of the Good News!

424 - Michael M.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

This is the second time I've participated to the Bible Timeline Course and I've enjoyed on both occasions. I've learnt a considerable amount during this time and I feel this has benefited my spiritual being. I feel the interaction was a considerable benefit to the course.

423 - Sheila L.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Second time doing most of the course. Found it stimulating, informative and loved the Timeline guide which I did not have the first time. Looking forward to reading the book. When doing daily readings things are falling in place much more. Thank you.

422 - Thomas K.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I enjoyed the Bible course, especially the timeline method, also leaving it up to individuals how much to read, how deep you can go.

421 - Justin K.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

A life-changing course on Salvation History.

420 - Joy B.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

Thank you Mauro for the Bible study that I thoroughly enjoyed during this time of lockdown due to the pandemic.

This was the second time I completed your bible study courses (I did complete both). The course was easy to follow. The explanations that you delivered for each timeline period is simple and uncomplicating. I did not feel any pressure in all the readings. This certainly enriched me spiritually and learned to love more.

I hope to follow and join your other courses. I have enjoyed this course and can recommend it to young and older people. Please try and enjoy it. Best regards and God bless you in your mission of evangelisation of many.

419 - Anonymous
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

This study is useful for all practising Roman Catholics. I personally learned a lot from Mauro in the course and have had a better understanding of both Testaments.

418 - Lelia O.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

The course is excellent. it gives a wonderful overview of the whole Bible. I wonder if sometimes too much is covered in one session. Maybe more sessions of one hour each might be more helpful, easier for some of us to assimilate.

417 - Anonymous
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

I enjoyed the Bible Timeline Course because it is simple, easy to understand and really informative.

416 - Mary C.
Bible Timeline Course - Apr 2021

As a birth catholic with catholic education Old Testament was not explained as much as New Testament. Therefore found your course helpful to connect the two. Thank you.

415 - Michaael T.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

This is undoubtedly one of the most constructive courses I have attended. Mauro unpacked the Lenten gospels in a way which allowed the message to grow and blossom.

As a deacon, I felt energized each Sunday as I read the gospel, with a renewed understanding of the text and its background.

Exegesis has been never so good! Thank you Mauro for all your work.

My parish discussion group think that once we are through the Easter period and can get ourselves together, we may try to have regular meetings to prepare the Sunday readings.

With every blessing for your continued ministry.

414 - Gabriella S.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

Authoritative. nourishing, instructive. With "golden nuggets" of fresh understanding along the way.

Mauro's delivery, punctuated with humour, creates a relaxed atmosphere and a sense of belonging.

413 - Lisa T.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

This series was amazing! It brought to life parts of the gospel I never knew had so much meaning. It explains some things I have always wondered about and Mauro's knowledge really makes a difference. We appreciate all the studying he had to do to gain this knowledge.

Thank you! I wouldn't say anything needs improving. It was great as it was!

412 - Joyce P.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I thought the Lent Gospel series was wonderful. Mauro brought us so much from the readings that I had never thought about. His explanations brought the story alive to me. Mauro is a blessing, a devout man who loves and enjoys his teaching.

411 - Jane C.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I so enjoyed and looked forward to the Lenten Sunday Gospel, it was so informative Mauro really brought it alive the way he told it. I never knew there was so much more deep meaning in the gospel until I had it explained to me in great detail.

I felt sad when it ended and wanted it to carry on each week.

Thank you Mauro for bringing the gospel alive. Enjoyed your Italian sense of humour too!

410 - Jo E.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I found your Lenten Sunday Gospel Series incredibly enriching and I feel I gained a much deeper understanding of them through attending your generous & insightful course. This series has really given me a lot of food for thought which I believe will be very fruitful.

I also enjoyed your teaching style which is warm, natural and comprehensive and I am extremely impressed by your ability to present such a complex subject in a second language.

Thank you very much Mauro and I hope and pray your ministry receives many blessings.

409 - Christina E.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I found the Lenten course was excellent.

It was very clear and informative, digging deep into the references and theology in a way that made it all accessible. It was thought-provoking and I found that I could retain the subject-matter until the Sunday at least!

Mauro presents in a friendly and humorous way that makes it easy to engage. The review of information helps with retention and the questions help to break up the presentation to avoid overload.

Thanks very much for everything.

408 - Angela B.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I found Mauro's presentations very helpful in preparation for Sunday Readings. Although I have read and reflected on these Gospels for many years Mauro brought a fresh approach to understanding the meaning and background to these Scriptures passages. He presented the series so very well. He sure had done his homework!

407 - Melanie P.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

Awesome Course, Excellent Information. Mauro is well prepared and very structured in his material and in the message he wants to deliver. The focus of the course was on the Gospel reading of the following Sunday. It was delivered very clearly, and I was impressed that I learnt so much. It helps me understand the value and the message of the gospels and my participation at mass was much more motivated. I looked forward to the class and would prep by reading the gospel so that I could follow along well. Mauro is fantastic, vibrant; his voice keeps you going through the hour and you do not realize the hour is done. I would certainly recommend that you join any courses Mauro has to offer and do support his ministry. Blessings to you Mauro and Janet and will always be there to support you.

406 - Berniece S.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

After hearing the gospels for lent many times over, Mauro brought fresh insight to the age old stories of the temptations, the transfiguration, the cleansing of the temple, Jesus encounter with Nicodemus and the triumphant entry into Jerusalem. The rich imagery explained showed how much time Mauro spends not only studying but working out how to impart the message in order to reach and hold his audience. I thoroughly enjoyed Mauro's teaching style and will recommend any of his courses.

I used his teachings as the basis for our parish bible study in lent and they were well received by those who were able to attend.

Cant wait for the next course - I would encourage any one who is led to not hesitate to come and see!

405 - Karen G.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

Absolutely brilliant! So much information and detail that it brought the gospel readings into a whole new light.

I did Wednesday Word sessions before Mauro's course each week, which was a good introduction to the gospel, but Mauro's teachings were on a different level!

I would be very interested in any teachings that Mauro has to offer. He explains clearly, with a great depth of knowledge, clear examples, and humour!

Thank you, Mauro, the Holy Spirit is very present in your teachings. God bless you.

404 - Grainne M.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

This series of talks by Mauro really brought the Gospel to life for me by encouraging me to reflect on the readings in more depth. The breakdown of the readings with explanations allowed me to enter more fully into my Lenten journey. Mauro encouraged more meaningful, thoughtful and prayer filled reading of the Bible which was so spiritually fulfilling at this time.

403 - Theresa F.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

The Lenten Sunday Gospel Series led by Mauro was amazing and gave so much detail. Mauro made the readings so accessible and provided the context which made each reading so rich. He helped us make links and understand the full symbolism within each reading.

402 - Patricia D.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

The Lenten Bible course was awesome. Mauro is a fantastic teacher who guided me through Lent with amazing knowledge and made the readings at Mass understandable. It was also interesting to listen and compare the Priest's interpretation in the homily with Mauro's teaching.

401 - Veronica B.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

So useful to have background information that I had not known before delivered so clearly.

400 - Cynthia S.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I enjoyed all the sessions thoroughly. Mauro's research and insights about the Gospels were fascinating and encouraged me to read the Bible daily and look for further information. Now, my husband and I are taking park in the Bible timeline course too!

399 - Marian S.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

The series were great! The most interesting information for me were historical and inter-biblical references. Really widening my perspective. The series helped me to follow sunday gospel readings with deeper understanding. It also helped me to remember the readings thus being able to apply them in my life more properly. Meditating on events of salvation is more cetral for my life now.

398 - Beryl F.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

For me, the Lenten Gospel series was a different approach to Easter. Studying the forthcoming Sunday's gospel had a relevance tht deepened my understanding of passages I had read many times before. Hearing the gospel on the Sunday, after the instruction, I was able to fully understand the significance of the writing. Thank you, Mauro.

397 - Annette L.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

The series was truly a great help in developing a deeper understanding of these Gospel readings; I am very grateful! The experience of hearing them at Mass became one of listening so much more carefully than before and also, honestly, more prayerfully. I felt enriched by all the points you made, Mauro, and the relevance and clarity of your explanations of how each Sunday prepares us for the Passion and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ I now understand so much better.

May I add that the one talk you gave on prayer before this series began was really a huge personal encouragement. It came at a time of struggle and I am still persevering!

396 - Rosemarie N.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

The Lenten course, delivered by Mauro Iannicelli, deepened my understanding of the Passion of Christ in many different ways. The betrayal by one of his friends, the agony in the garden, the denial by his closest followers and of course the enormous pain and suffering of Christ, through the scourging, the nailing to the cross and his death. It also taught me the different cultural assumptions of the time in Roman occupied countries, the sacrifice and of course, the saving power of the Cross.

Mauro's style of teaching is full of personal commitment and enthusiasm. It was a pleasure listening to him and appreciating his deep understanding of the brutal cultural circumstances Christ was born into.

Highly recommendable.

395 - Veronica K.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

Mauro, your talks and explanation on the Sunday Gospel during Lent were wonderful!

They most certainly enriched Sunday Mass and my understanding of the Gospel.

You bought to light things I hadn't thought of before and I feel a renewed zest for Sacred Scripture. Thank you

394 - Cecilia W.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I really enjoyed the Lenten Sunday Gospel series as even though in the past I had listened to the Lenten Gospels many times, Mauro explained the meaning of each verse and showed us the bigger picture of the Salvific Plan of the Lord, and how the New Testament was linked to the Old Testament, making the Lenten Gospels a lot more meaningful in mind, heart and soul and ultimately making me realise the true magnitude of Jesus suffering for our Redemption and for the greater Glory of God. God bless you.

393 - Dominic W.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

This Lenten Sunday Gospel series of reflections was absolutely brilliant and spot on for helping us to appreciate the full splendour of the Gospel in the season as we prepared for Easter.

It was nice in its simplicity but room for personal reflection and growth. It is so good to be spreading the message more widely like this. Thank you for all you do.

392 - Mary L.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

My husband Keith and I were truly blessed to experience Mauro's guide through the Gospels during Lent. These talks gave us a greater insight into the meanings of these Gospels when we attended Mass during Lent. Mauro has a God given gift of oratory and opens up the Word of God.

391 - Elizabeth K.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

The Lenten weekly look at the Gospel was so invigorating. It felt as if I were hearing parts of these readings for the first time. Again and again in the past, I must have glossed over certain small details which did not seem to make obvious sense, when in reality they were nuggets of great significance.

Then looking at the meaning and having it set in its many contexts gave such insight.

Discussing the sessions afterwards with a small group was also of huge benefit.

I don't know about Lenten fasting - this was a feast! The course enriched the experience of hearing the Sunday Gospel proclaimed and seemed to remind me of the joy in the celebration of Mass. Thank you, Mauro, Janet and team.

390 - David B.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

Mauro enabled me to focus on the messages contained within the Gospel readings delivered in an insightful manner and drawing out themes, which I had previously overlooked when reading these familiar passages previously.

Paying attention to this BEFORE attending Mass each Sunday enhanced my understanding greatly. First class Mauro.

389 - John M.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I really enjoyed the Lenten Sunday Gospel Series, and found it enlightening. Mauro explained many aspects of the Gospel's I had never even thought of.

I only wish a similar reflection existed for all the Sunday Gospel readings, the one I subscribe to is the St Paul Center's, but it is only a short reflection and not with the depth that Mauro had. Thank you Mauro.

388 - Doreen M.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I really enjoyed the Lenten Gospel Series. I liked the way Mauro broke the readings down, explaining it in simple terms and giving the characters to or the Particular situation colour by giving a historical/cultural perspective.

In this way I could understand the context far better than if I were to read it on my own.

Through Mauro's inspiration I have developed a thirst to read the bible and learn about the history of our salvation through the pages of the bible.

Thank you so much Mauro and "Come and See Ministries" for all the hard you do work in putting these talks together.

I would recommend it to anyone who is has always wanted to read the bible but not knowing where to begin

387 - Mary G.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I really enjoyed joining the course . It gives food for thought and certainly made the Sunday readings memorable. Thank you.

386 - Melanie R.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

A truly inspirational set of talks on the forthcoming Sunday's Lenten gospels. Mauro's presentation is clear, concise and very informative.

He must have spent many hours of research and reflection in preparing the talks. Thank you and God Bless you for your insight.

385 - Bill & Monica W.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

We greatly enjoyed it. Very informative and enlightening. Mauro is a splendid teacher, enthusiastic and well informed.

384 - Anna S.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

Very interesting, made me pay more attention to the readings on Sunday and I got so much more from them. I didn't realise that the readings tended to have a common thread and were linked so now I am looking for that myself as I attend daily Mass.

My friends and I discussed the talks as we walked around the park, something we had never done. We are now discussing your talks when we meet so thank you very enjoyable and I find just the right pace and just enough information to take in. Well done God Bless.

383 - Frances J.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

Very interesting and instructive. I would like to help you in any way I can with your important work eg researching material, reading, fundraising whatever is needed. Please contact me at above email address.

382 - Anne B.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

The Sunday Gospel series was ideal for Lent as not only gave us an opportunity to learn more about our faith but taught us details we would be unlikely to hear anywhere else.

381 - Brenda C.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

The Lenten Sunday Gospel Series was a Godsend as I set aside time to reflect and meditate in advance. By then I was familiar with the narrative and able to take on the slant/viewpoint of the priest in a deeper way.

Thank you very much for giving of yourself and your time, conveying through your love, enthusiasm and eagerness how much the Father, Son and Holy Spirit desire a relationship with us.

380 - Moyra F.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I found the Lenten Gospel Series to be excellent. Mauro unpacked so many things I was totally unaware of. It was a very enriching experience and contributed to making a better Lent for me.

379 - Paddy J.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I found these lent sessions very inspiring . Always looking forward to the evening during the week. Absolutely great .

378 - Paulina L.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

Thoroughly enjoyed the Lenten course. Was in awe of the intetpretaion. Would love more sessions throughout the year. Thank you.

377 - Chona M.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

The Lenten Sunday Gospel Series of Mr. Iannicelli provided me with a better understanding and enlightenment on the Sunday Gospels days before attending the Sunday Holy Mass.

I felt more prepared and ready especially that I am one of the Mass readers of the Liturgy of the Word in our Parish.

It is my hope that this Gospel Series be conducted by M Iannicelli not only during Lent. With God, everything is possible...(wink!)

376 - Kamila S.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

Thank you Mauro and Janet for delivering the Lenten Bible Study course. I found the teaching highly valuable and useful in living through the season of Lent with Jesus and for the future.

I felt the session on prayer with meditation on the scriptures was a very good lesson for me. I enjoy this way of praying and I started to write my prayer journal. I find it challenging to keep up with it on a daily basis though, as I have very young children.

To me it is an amazing grace of the Holy Spirit that you are able and willing to share your practical knowledge of the Word on-line.

May our Lord bless and reward you and your family.

375 - Mary L.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

My husband Keith and I were truly blessed to experience Mauro's guide through the Gospels during Lent. These talks gave us a greater insight into the meanings of these Gospels when we attended Mass during Lent. Mauro has a God given gift of oratory and opens up the Word of God.

374 - Gillian M.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

It was excellent, very explanatory and helpful in making the Gospel come alive and talk to us. The Gospel became easier to understand. It would be wonderful to have an Advent Sunday Gospel Series.

373 - Anne L.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

In one word - brilliant - the detail and insight provided by Mauro explains so much in detail & brings everything to life. I would recommend everyone participating in this course - and others - as Mauro's style is informative but relaxed.

God go with you Mauro & your wife for your Ministry.

372 - Jacintha D.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I want you to know how much I appreciate the excellent service you have provided for us. I am growing closer to God because of what I have learned from your Gospel service delivered. It was refreshing way to hear about Sunday bible reading. I really enjoyed.

371 - Rosaline K.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I really enjoyed the Lenten Sunday Gospel. The ability to hear the Gospel first hand a week before was amazing. The breaking down of the gospel and the explaination was great! I enjoyed it and would recommend it to the any one.

370 - Filicia W.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I think every one needs to know about your courses!!! Very informative. I personally felt there was a relaxed format approach - I liked the format, the delivery. There was even humour!! The only drawback (and this only a personal preference), is I would have preferred the session questions ahead of day of the course, as I work; and sometimes do not finish until 6pm. I also found the course presenter, was very knowledgeable.

369 - Mary L.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I have been a Reader in church for around 40 years. In recent times before lockdown, I have read commentaries on the Sunday gospel before delivering the reading at Sunday mass. But I found Mauro's in depth commentaries really thought provoking and inspiring.I think particularly as it was Lent the gospels relate to our lives in a deeper way.

When it came to Sunday and I was celebrating mass online, I referred back to my notes from Wednesday and linked them to the homily. Because I had done the Bible Timeline course and had the Timeline handy, I enjoyed the references from Mauro. Even though I have read these gospels many many times over the years, this year doing the course, made events a lot clearer.

I think this time of isolation has been opportune for us to deepen our understanding of the Bible.

368 - Anonymous
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I found the series spiritually uplifting and a proper preparation for Easter. It was devotional, informative, well planned and researched and enthusiastically delivered. I found it important as it gave me a deeper understanding of the gospel teachings which is important in our times. I am grateful for Mauro's inspiration.

367 - Liddy F.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

Dear Mauro, I thoroughly enjoyed the Lenten weekly talks , not only did I understand the Bible readings at Mass on Sunday but I felt part of the readings leading up to Easter.

Your explanation of the readings for Sundays were a light for me, eg. Jesus riding on the donkey and the meanings of the donkey being tied, untied etc. a revelation. I do hope you are planning an Advent series. With very best wishes on your ministry and God bless you and Janet abundantly.

366 - Lorenza B.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

Excellent to be able to delve deeper into the Sunday Gospels prior to the Sunday Holy Mass and discern what God was saying to me at a personal level. It was informative and Spiritual.

It was a good opportunity to hear Mauro explain scripture. I already knew about the Bible Timeline course but due to various commitments have never been able to attend the full course but I decided that this shorter course for Lent would be ideal to take up as one of my Lenten devotions and I am pleased that I did.

I hope one day, if it be God's will to participate in the full course.

365 - Gabrielle O.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

We found this course very interesting and it helped us spiritually as well. We appreciated the Lenten Gospels so much more at each Sunday Mass and besides giving us food for thought, gave us a focus in our prayer life too. Thank you Mauro and God bless you.

364 - Luz B.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

The past Lenten Sunday Gospel Mauro delivered with Janet's help was a real revelation to me because I learned a lot about my faith through the hidden meaning of the lenten gospels which, I thought, I knew and understood so well nevertheless the course unveiled to me so much about these gospels.

Many, many Thanks.

363 - Mary K.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

The Lenten Sunday Gospels series was very useful to understand the scripture in ways I have never thought. Thank you for this. You are doing an excellent service. God Bless you.

362 - Patricia W.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

The course gave background details to the Lent gospels that I did not know.

It followed on from what I learned from the BibleTimeline course.

I have more of an understanding of the period Jesus lived through on earth during his ministry.

It was very well delivered and I looked forward to the sessions.

361 - Pat P.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

Sorry, I only watched last two, but was impressed enough to immediately feel I should make a donation and book myself on the Bible Timeline Course

360 - Ann H.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I really enjoyed the course. It was so interesting to be given all the background to the Gospel each week and I felt I got so much more from it as a result.

My one request would be to allow watching on catch-up. Over the six weeks, I had two church committee meetings that I had to attend so would have had to miss the course on two occasions except the first was available to watch later.

359 - Anonymous
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I loved the series. There were various facets that were new and enlightening. A lot of effort and homework was done on the discourse before presentation. It was methodical clinical and inspired by the Holy Spirit.

358 - Sister H.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I found this course from Ash Wednesday and the following Sundays up to Palm Sunday excellent. High-lighting things which previously taken for granted - this I found very useful in meditating on the Gospel passage later.

357 - Andrew F.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I found them enlightening. Last year and again this year I am listening to the bible time line. Your talks over the Lenten period were similar in that they give context and are explained clearly. I have mentioned your website to others and hopefully they will listen to your ministry. God bless. Andy

356 - Ken R.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I found the Lenteen Sunday Gospel Series very informative and useful to fully understand the particular readings, in many cases it complemented Fr. Victor Vella's Homily on others it showed different aspects of the teachings.

355 - Michael M.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I found the course to be extremely helpful and informative. The course was in my opinion easy to follow and enjoyable. I highly recommend the course.

354 - Anna S.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I found it informative and very interesting . It really helped me to get more involved in the Mass and I listened more intently to what our priest had to say about the readings and got me thinking afterwards when the interpretations were not quite the same . It got me reading the scripture passages on my own before the presentation and I tend to do that myself before Mass now.

353 - Paul S.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I enjoyed the session on prayer and have followed the advice on personal prayer ever since. I also enjoyed the exegesis of the Easter readings, with insights I would never have arrived at by myself.

I saw how it is useful to try to contextualise the Sunday reading, viewing it alongside near episodes in the gospel and with distant contexts drawn from the Old Testament. But I repeat: I couldn't have arrived at these insights by myself.

352 - Jana C.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

At the beginning, when I heard about this course from a buddy from a prayer group that we go to, I didn't know what to expect. Actually, I wasn't even sure I wanted to join. I said, I will give it a try and see. And just like the name of Mauro's website "Come and see", I came and saw and haven't left since.

He pulled me in through his interesting insight. I was amazed by the new things I learned and understood from the word of God that I would probably never discover myself. I strongly recommend it to everyone!

351 - Jenny and Tom H.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

We enjoyed the lent course very much. It was really helpful to learn more about the Sunday gospel before hearing it at Mass. It also gave us time to ponder about what we had learnt.

350 - Tony T.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

Very instructive giving a greater insight into the gospel readings. I learned new things which has enhanced my understanding. Clear and concise.

349 - Sinead D.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

The series was very enlightening and taught me a lot about scripture I hadnt known before. It was very interesting to understand how the words Jesus used were poignant and relevant to the Jewish people and how they linked with their customs and beliefs.

348 - Louise H.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

Paul my husband and I absolutely loved the sessions we managed to attend. Sadly we missed some and struggled to catch up.

Definitely made the gospels come alive.

347 - Breeda B.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I very much enjoyed Mauro's delivery of the weekly Lenten Sunday Gospel readings. These sessions broadened my understanding and encouraged me to explore the bigger picture.

Reflecting on the Gospel prior to the Sunday masses made me more open to message related therein. It was a great Faith sharing experience

346 - Chris F.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I thought the Lenten Sunday Series delivered by Mauro was a really helpful insight into opening up the Gospel for the week ahead.

Mauro put a lot of thought into the delivery for the series and it really helps to bring the Word alive. Well worth doing. Thank you Mauro

345 - Sheila C.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I looked forward to these talks every Wednesday as I found them so inspirational and interesting. Thank you for your evangelism and teaching.

344 - Adrian W.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I found the Lenten Sunday Gospel Series very interesting, informative and I thoroughly enjoyed the series which gave me a much deeper understanding of Lent and Jesus dying on the cross to save us from our sins.

343 - Jennifer W.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I enjoyed the Lenten Sunday Gospel Series delivered by Mauro Lannicelli. It was good to look at the Sunday Gospels in advance and reflect on them before Mass the following Sunday.

342 - Sarah B.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I did the Lenten Sunday Gospel course with my mum and we both really enjoyed it. I have never done a bible study course before (on the mass readings) as I didn't think I would like it, but I found your sessions and approach very relaxed but also informative. It really opened up new and deeper understanding of Gospel readings that we had heard many times before. I would definitely like to join another series on bible readings if you plan on doing one.

341 - Brian H.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

Great course, very informative with a lovely teaching style from Mauro. I highly recommend Mauro's Courses to anyone!

340 - Winifred M.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

Your Gospel Series made me think more deeply, in fact it brought the meaning of the gospel to life for me and highlighted the message of Jesus Christ Our Lord.

339 - Angela P.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

Wasn't sure what to expect but really enjoyed the course. It was great to take a small Sunday gospel and look at it in detail with additional context added. Mauro explained well in a relaxed style which I appreciated. Thank you.

338 - Anonymous
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

Very good reflections, are very detailed in the scriptures. I liked to reflect specially in Lent. Now more than ever we not only read the scriptures as well we have to reflect it in our life's for these harder times.

337 - Regina M.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

Very good in-depth study of the Lenten Sunday gospels. Uplifting .

336 - Karen H.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

Made the readings more enjoyable and easy to understand. Especially as I was self isolating I felt part of a community.

335 - Sharon L.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I think the sessions are excellent and excellently delivered by Mauro with excellent technical and administrative support from Janet.

Highly recommended.

334 - Patrick P.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I read at Sunday Mass and I learnt to look deeper into the readings and gospels. I now also set aside time in the mornings to pray so the classes have changed me thank you.

333 - Antony A.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

It has been a great experience to attend your Lenten Sunday Gospel series. Your sharing on the Gospels gave me an insight to reflect further and prepare myself to celebrate the Eucharist. I really enjoyed the way you presented the Gospel sharing.

I was inspired by your sharing to register for Bible timeline course. I have been attending Bible timeline course to further my knowledge of the bible. Thank you for your valuable time and the way you presented it. God bless!

332 - Pippa W.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I learnt so much from your Lenten Sunday Gospel series. Originally, friends had recommended your Timeline course and when this became available I thought that it would be great to participate during Lent - I was not disappointed! I really looked forward to having such a thorough breaking of the Word every week.

331 - Yanina R.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I found it very informative and renewing. I understand much more some passages of the Bible. I wish I could have seen the whole course. I missed a few sessions.

330 - Jan K.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I found it informative and helpful and looked forward to it every week. Thank you for your efforts they are appreciated. You know my grandson John Knight who married Alissandra last year I only discovered they had met you recently when I recommended them to watch your course!

329 - Urszula N.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I enjoyed the Lenten Sunday Gospel series very much. The talks were lively, engaging and informative. I liked the historical background of the realities of the life described in the Gospel. That makes the readings more vivid and allows better understanding.

328 - Sheila T.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

Found the Lenten course interesting. I particularly liked the talk about prayer that preceded it. Liked the way each gospel revealed a fundamental truth of life.

327 - Steve T.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

Dear Mauro & Janet, thank you for the lenten retreat offerings which I personally found very relevent and rewarding. It was good to have that community spirit and as always I found the isights and teaching well research and well presented. Thank you and God bless.

326 - Patrick C.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

Well researched introduction to the Sunday gospel readings, delivered in a relaxed and conservational manner. Overall a very interesting way to deepen one's experience of lent and Easter.

325 - Lyndon H.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

Very rewarding and well informative indeed,and give us an in depth understanding of stories and passages from the bible which we have heard and read many times, but in a way we could understand better.

324 - Mary B.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

The Lenten course was greatly appreciated although I had to miss two sessions. I enjoyed the earlier course on the whole Bible even more, in particular the access to the time line leaflet which situates all the other books of the Bible in the context of a clear narrative thread.

323 - Judith E.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

The course was very helpful . I valued the in depth study and review of the readings for the following Sunday.

322 - David C.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

Of all the Lenten courses running this year, I found Mauro's one of the best. Informative, insightful and inspired.

Mauro's passion for the word of God is a pleasure to witness.

321 - Angela D.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

It was really very inspiring and I learnt a lot, what the deeper meaning of it all. It was very good and I am now enjoying the timeline series.

320 - Spiridiona W.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

The Lenten Sunday Services given by Mauro Iannicelli have been a very good spiritual support during the time of Lent especially during this time of self isolation due to the pandemic. We have had to resort to masses from EWTN on our laptop which have been very prayerful as well as linking to other catholic services from Telepace and the vatican. Mauro's delivery of the Lenten series added substantially to our meaning of Lent as in our mundane world we can never get enough sustenance due to the limit of numbers able to attend masses and churches not open for services at regular hours.

319 - Susan B.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I was so pleased to receive the good news about the Lenten Gospel Study with Mauro as my church was not providing a course due to the pandemic. I have been a Christian all my life but only recently realised how far I had strayed from my faith. I have a lot of lost time to make up, and I want so much to increase my knowledge of scripture, deepen my understanding and draw closer to God. Mauro is an inspirational teacher, enthusiastic and so eager to share his love for God. I am now following the Bible Timeline course as I found the Lenten study so helpful.

318 - Jackie T.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I really enjoyed the Gospel series through Lent. I think keeping it to 1 hour is long enough or you loose the gist of the reading. Your explanation often differed from the priests sermon but made it more interesting to come from two different perspectives

Thank you

317 - Teresa N.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I have not been able to attend the last one as i was away.

I have found it very informative but feel that at my age it is very deep and a lot to absorb, so anyone wanting to go very deep and learn so much more about the Bible than just reading it should go for it.

316 - Margaret K.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I found these Lenten Reflections really helpful. You were able to open up the readings and tie it to different areas of our life. I find it difficult to interpret so it really helps to know how another person interprets it.

315 - Maureen M.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I find the gospel series really interesting, as it links all the bible together. The readings at mass make much more sense since the course.

314 - Madalena V.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I enjoyed very much the Lent Sunday Gospel, as it kept me more focus during the Lent period, it gradually gave me a perfect knowledge of Jesus Christ and what takes him for our sins to be washed away.

313 - Cristina B.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I enjoyed the Lenten Sunday Gospels as it kept me focused during lent. Hearing the reading for a second time made understanding and interpretation better.

312 - Sheila L.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I enjoyed the course very much and it made the Easter services thought provoking, more engaging and memorable

311 - Louis A.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

The Lenten series were inspirational and a great preparation for the Gospel reading on Sunday!

310 - Julie R.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

The Lenten Gospel gave me a Better and true understanding and a more looking forward to the Sunday gospels during Lent

309 - Princess A.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

It was interesting, knowledgeable and marvelous. Thanks.

308 - Nina P.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

Informative and enjoyable, it was also useful from the spiritual perspective being geared comfortably to my level of understanding.

307 - Mairead P.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

Mauro's depth of information was inspirational. He really opened up the Lenten Sunday Gospels for me. He was able to go through each line/section of the Gospel, show the links to the Old Testament and gave a clear, excellent summary of the main learning points each week. I would definitely recommend his course to others.

306 - Catherine B.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I found the reflections on the Sunday gospels in Lent very informative and enlightening. They certainly bought the gospels to life.

305 - Michael W.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I found each session heightened my consciousness and hence my understanding of the Gospel. Sadly much of waking life is lived at a lower level but deep inside me there is affirmation and consolation and above all JOY. Thank you

304 - David M.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I am sorry I only followed the last of the Lenten Sunday Gospel Series - i.e. the palm Sunday one. I found it a blessing and was able to carry this forward to my observation of holy week. Some of the interpretations of the bible readings and the insight that it provided was very useful. Thank you. I aim to follow the whole series next year.

David M

303 - Purissima G.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

The explanation of the gospel by Mauro was indeed interesting and his depth was encouraging. His time with his wife are God's guidance we wish them All The Best in their mission and continue our prayers devotion in their journey of evangelization thank you so much.

302 - Malvin C.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

l found the Gospel series very informative and helped understand a lot about Lent. l also liked the opportunity to actually access all the video series, this meant l could access these anytime given some weeks due to work commitments found it difficult to attend live sessions.

301 - Milton M.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I think the theology was very well explained. I did enjoy the reflections and this gave me a new insight into the readings and also helped with preparation for the Sunday readings.

300 - Patricia P.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I found the series very useful and it helped me to really understand the Gospel when read aloud at Mass.

299 - Jeff D.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I found the Lenten Sunday Gospels series very informative and shed light on passages I had read often. I have read the Bible four times and still there are things to discover. Thanks for presenting this course.

298 - Olivia D.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I found the Lenten Sunday Gospel Series very spiritually informative and prepared me for the special season of Easter. I took part with my mum and we went through the questions provided after to delve deeper into our own personal understanding of the gospels and relating to everyday life. God bless you Mauro and Janet.

297 - Maurice H.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I do not have a very good memory for the details covered but you did bring up some interesting points which made me think. The two minute breaks to consider the answers to some questions was helpful not only to think about the answers but to have a comfort break or go for a cup of tea!

296 - Cecilia S.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I am always interested in explanations of the Gospel, so I found the talks I was able to attend instructing and I enjoyed them for their insight and uplifting content.

295 - Marie T.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I could not fault it. It was very enlightening and gave me a better understanding of the scripture proclaimed.

294 - Antoinette N.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

The Lentern series was useful. We were able to reflect when we heard the Gospel on Sunday service

293 - Juliet M.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

The Lenten bible course was well delivered. I like that things were thought to people in their different level of spiritual journey. I like that if helped people like myself to put into place simple plan and be able to continue and sustain my daily engagement with God whilst strengthening my spiritual faith.

292 - Megan P.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

It was very interesting and useful to help me deepen my understanding of the Gospel at mass on Sunday.

291 - David K.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I was very inspired by what was said.

It was so beautiful and very well done!

290 - Ivor P.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

The Lenten Sunday Gospels Series was very well researched and delightfully presented. Kudos to you and the team who put the Lenten Sunday Gospels Series together. Bravo!

289 - Joanna C.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

The Lenten Course was very clear and thoughtfully put together. It gave another insight into the readings and helped me to widen my perspective and reinforced my faith.

288 - Charles H.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

My husband and I found the Lenten Sunday Gospel Series very worthwhile !

I would also like to take part in the bible time line course please .

287 - Virginia W.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

It was a great course- very informative and plenty of the Holy Spirit. I learnt a lot about Lent and the purposes of that time.

286 - Sylvia R.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I found the lenten gospel series inspiring ang very useful.

285 - Andrew H.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I found the Lenten Sunday gospel series really helpful. it gave a focused period of study to look at the Gospel in depth and in the context of other relevant bible passages.

284 - Sofia L.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I have enjoyed our a wednesday evening meetings. I feel it was beneficial for all of us!

283 - Michael W.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

The talks were most helpful preparation for Sunday Mass during Lent.

282 - Jane B.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I enjoyed this Lenten Gospel series, I found it helpful to understand when hearing the gospel on Sunday

281 - Nava Y.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

A great course. It bought us close to Jesus and all that he went through fit us.

280 - Ilaria G.
Lenten Sunday Gospels - Feb 2021

I really enjoyed the course and I have recommend the new session of bible timeline that I did in december to many friends.

I think sometimes it is a little bit too fast and difficult to follow mainly if English is not your first language and/or you are not used to bible readings in English.

As Mauro is Italian it would be good for him as well to promote some of his courses in Italian as currently bible timeline is not available in Italy.

279 - Jenny T.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I have been going to church for many years, listening to the bible readings. It is only after attending Mauro's course that I started to understand the story of the bible! The course was amazing - Mauro is an inspirational speaker. The Bible Timeline is a great resource along with Mauro's notes - Don't miss out on this spiritual journey!

278 - Celia S.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

With all the covid restrictions this year meaning that our lives have been lived on Zoom, I was hesitant about spending yet more time in front of a screen, but this course has literally been the highlight of my year.

As an Anglican clergy wife, I know parts of the Bible well but I had never really sorted out in my mind either the chronology or the geography of salvation history. Now it all makes so much more sense.

Mauro is a natural story-teller but the course is so much more than that and I felt that my soul was being fed. Grazie mille, Mauro - sei bravissimo!

277 - Jose Maria V.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I want to thank you for the gift that the Bible Timeline Course has meant (and continues to mean!) for me and my wife. The sessions helped us make sure we made some room for 'what really matters' at least once during the work week, and all with the very friendly, relaxed and enjoyable -yet rigorous- approach you adopted. But more importantly, the session has made a lasting impact both in our interest to know more about what has been revealed to us through the Bible, and in how we live the Liturgy of the Word during Mass on Sundays - something we hope to pass on to our children as they grow.

276 - Joyce M.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I'm just loving this course so far, and we are only at the introductory stage. I'm sitting down reading my Bible once more, and discovering the teachings of our Saviour. I've read the preparation notes, and have written my answers, and will discuss further with my Buddy. Thank you so much

I just have to say this course is really spot on, its like a light shining in my soul that I'd hidden for so long.

Thank you so much for another wonderful session. It brings joy to my heart, and I don't want to stop learning. Your teaching is so comprehensive, and at last I'm able to understand the Greatest Book even more.

Fast forward into 2021, I hope you are able to present more free courses to enrich my life's journey.

I'm loving every single week of study. Wednesday evening is for me, so I don't make any other arrangements. I like to read through your suggested homework, and re-cap the previous weeks study.

275 - Ann H.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

This seven week course is absolutely excellent and I would recommend it to anyone whether they have some knowledge of the Bible or want to learn something about it.

It is well structured and based around the Bible Timeline courses developed by Jeff Cavins and which covers the seven narrative books of the Bible from Old to New Testament.

The course leader, Mauro Ianocelli is an excellent presenter and his knowledge of the subject matter is clearly extensive, and has both breadth and depth. He guides his audience through the key events of the Old and New Testament emphasising Christ's genealogy through the Old Testament from Abraham, the six Covenants, key world powers and all the notable events; all of these are shown in the Bible Timeline chart. There is a good sprinkling of humour which helps highlight key points.

The course provides a clear, structured and coherent understanding of how the New Testament lies hidden in the Old and the Old is unveiled in the New. This shows how God's plan of salvation for mankind after the Fall of Adam and Eve which is discerned in God's works of the Old Covenant prefigurations of what He accomplished in the fulness of time in the Person of His Incarnate Son.

Each participant is encouraged to have a 'study buddy' with whom to discuss questions given during each session. These discussions often continue during the intervening time between sessions. There is also some optional pre-session reading which helps prepare for the coming session.

I thoroughly recommend this course, which by the way is free!

274 - Carl W.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

As someone who is currently exploring priesthood, your sessions are absolutely invaluable, I already feel less overwhelmed and intimidated by scripture in just these few sessions. I cannot express enough, my gratitude for making the course free it's having a great impact on the discernment process to Priesthood and I promise to give more financially when I am able particularly as I very much want to take part in your Scripture and Mass sessions next year.

273 - Rosaleen W.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

You settled into it really well. It went smoothly without hesitation. Michelangelo; The last judgement from the Sistine Chapel expressed your words visually perfectly. A picture tells a thousand words! I personally learnt so much this evening and reminds me not to think that I "know" the stories because i am actually very flaky on it. Tonight clarified so much and leaves me loving God, the Trinity, more. May Our Lady of Walsingham continue to shine on you and Janet.

Everyone I know is loving the course and excited, looking forward to the next one on the 25th. It has come at the right time.....giving us something to focus on and learn from....God bless you and Janet, you are clearly quite a team!

I'm retired Infant teacher. The Bible Timeline is the most accessible RE course I've ever seen. All my career was frustrated by limited information and dry boring materials and resources. This method acknowledges that there are different learning styles particularly "Visual learner...multicensory hands on". Also the timeline historical story is vivid. Could be added to with drama for schools. I've sung praises of course and your gift for enthusiasm and clarity is essential to bringing it alive. Thankyou Mauro for all you and Janet have given....what a team God is good...all the time!!!!

272 - Mary H.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Let me say thank you for such an informative course. Being a cradle Catholic I have often taken truths and teaching for granted. This is so easy to slip into despite trying not to. I studied OT and Christology at Uni many many years ago and of course have done very little since! This was a great opportunity to refresh much of what I had forgotten in a clear, simple format. It has also helped me make connections with my own day to day, Sunday to Sunday OT and Gospel readings.

To have the timeline laid out and explained made so much sense and simplified the often confusing 'melting pot' of scripture readings that seem to jump all over the place. I was pleased to discover that I was familiar with so many of the passages and stories but a lot was new to me and as I said helped me follow the plot!

The most striking teaching you gave was in the last session. If anyone had actually asked me why Jesus had to suffer and die to save me/us I would have been a bit vague, yet the fact that the punishment/ payment must fit the crime is now SO OBVIOUS!

As you said it was like the courtroom where the Judge does his job, passes judgment, passes sentence and then exacts the payment himself... just blew me away!

271 - Yvonne H.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I was buzzing with excitement after the first session. All I could think of was to spread the word and tried to get my friends and family enrolled in the course. I did this course in our neighbouring parish many years ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. My big question is what I can do after this course to help my journey that leads closer to God. Please advise!!

270 - Joy W.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you for a very inspiring course. A friend of mine sent me the invite and I was not very enthusiastic at first to do a course immediately after finishing work in the evening. However, I found the course informative and enjoyable and each week it left me a strong message to think about that came to my mind several times in the week.

It was a course that inspired me not just to learn facts about the Old Testament but to deepen my relationship with God so I thank you for your ministry.

I also liked the humour with which you delivered the course so I wish you many blessings in your ministry and I hope to attend another of your courses in the future.

269 - Patricia B.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you for your inspirational course. In a joyous and uncomplicated way you have shared your love of God with us and shown us how to understand and read the Old Testament and follow it through to the New. It has been a most rewarding journey with you. May God bless you and all the work that you do and grant you success after success

268 - David B.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

You are doing a great job and a number of our parish are tuning in to your course and you provide a very good supplement to Jeff Cavin's Bible Timeline 24 week course. It helps to go over things again and again and that way we can better retain all the details of the marvellous story of the Bible and Our Faith. What a blessing we have been given and it is our duty to share and evangelise.

You are an Exceptional communicator Mauro and have a zany humour which is both entertaining and a highly successful means of presenting the Key events of the Bible. Your skill at unpacking the detail is exceptional and compares extremely favourably with the methodology used by Jeff Cavin the author of the written material used in this course. As we know since the time of Jesus Ascension there will be no new Revelation - we live in hope only of the second coming-but God is always working in new and exciting ways amongst his people.

Unlocking the Bible has opened my eyes to the incredible story of Salvation history and your ministry Mauro is no doubt part of God's plan to enrich our Faith.

267 - Antonio S.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you both so much for your generosity and kindness in delivering this course on Zoom for free. Your explanation of the Timeline made it simple to follow once I grasped the Periods colour coding and the Biblical and Secular Timelines.

The course has made the Bible come to life for me. What were random Jigsaw pieces have started to fall into place and provide a clearer Big picture. You have done a great job delivering the content, your lightness and sense of humour have made it an enjoyable experience, and your focus and passion are really inspirational!

I found the course the perfect balance between seeing the Big picture of Salvation history and some good detail in just how great God is, and how faithful and persevering he is. This has helped me to better understand the Bible Big picture both in my head and in my heart.

What I particularly benefited from was the use of the Bible Timeline as a way of putting the Bible in both a theological and historical context. The walk through the timeline helped to explain the unfolding of God's 'rescue mission' through the series of covenants that God made with His People throughout history. In fact, by anchoring the Bible in its historical context, it makes me realise how REAL and Loving God is.

266 - Caroline W.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I would like to say how much I am enjoying the Bible Timeline Course that you are presenting each week, and how grateful I am that you are providing this free of charge. Such a wonderful ministry. I definitely feel the hunger and thirst to discover more about the Bible. My appetite to learn more and understand more of God's Word has indeed been stimulated. I know that this course will really help open my eyes and heart to that learning and understanding.

I'm really enjoying the Bible Timeline Course...I found myself today really appreciating the Liturgy of the Eucharist more as I saw it in the context of the Jewish custom of sacrifice and Passover. The course is definitely enhancing and deepening my understanding and enriching my faith.

265 - Julie D.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I just wanted to thank you very much for the recent Bible Timeline Course. It was so interesting to start from the very beginning and work through the timeline of the Bible linking events and characters to different periods. You packed so much detail into the seven sessions of the course and yet managed your explanations in a simple, easy to understand format while making the whole course interesting and entertaining.

I gained such a valuable insight into the depths of the Bible and I'm now looking forward to revisiting your lessons and learning more about the different periods. The Bible is no longer so daunting a book for me. THANK YOU.

264 - A H.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I have thoroughly enjoyed the course, I feel that I have a better understanding of the Old Testament. I am planning to carry on and revisit the time line, with the help of your fantastic notes, to deepen my understanding.

I have tried other bible classes but could not relate the "books" to the story, I felt overwhelmed, but you have given me an understanding of the different periods put them in to context, you have made it real for me.

You are a great talker a great teacher, your enthusiasm, knowledge and the relaxed atmosphere you create made me want more, like reading a good "book" that you couldn't or didn't want to put down. So thank you. I enjoyed your shirts, I would have liked to have seen you in the gold one ha! ha!

263 - Maureen R.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you so much Mauro for brilliantly written and precise notes. So helpful

Thank you thank you for your dedication to the Lord Jesus Christ and also to us in teaching us so faithfully. You have taken me on an amazing journey. I have tried several times during my life to wade through the Old Testament with very little success but you have made it so easy to follow and understand. Now I want to go and fill in some of the other books.

In particular I want to read Isiah.

Not only that but through the course I feel I have got closer to our Lord and I pray that will continue. Thank you Mauro. God bless you and Janet in all your endeavours for our Lord.

262 - Rachel W.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

As we are coming to the end of the Bible Timeline study course, I would like to thank you from my heart. You have transformed my understanding of the Bible. I have always struggled with reading the Old Testament. I will be joining you again. I would like to approach my parish priests about the course, if this is ok?

261 - Antonia M.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Am so full of gratitude to you as this course has truly begun to open the Scriptures for me in a totally new way.I had always hoped to do the Bible TimeLine but never had the opportunity presented in a parish local enough to me!

It was a Heaven sent gift when the opportunity was sent to do it online with Mauro Iannicelli.

To be given the opportunity to study the entire Bible in 7 weeks in a way that would open up understanding of the entire Bible Narrative was truly a great grace! I now read sacred Scripture with joy and am reading it as never before. The daily Mass Readings, the O Antiphons all make a lot more sense to me! When the Genealogy of Jesus Christ was read recently - I listened attentively as I knew who all the people were!

I am attending Holy Mass with far greater understanding. God is speaking to me personally through His Word and I am more able to place present day global events in a Scriptural frame of understanding. I am able to claim the Bible as my own story and heritage in a way that is completely new to me.

Mauro presented the Bible TimeLine course in an engaging and enthusiastic way which kept my attention, inspired me to do the further reading and homework in preparation for the next session and even now I am continuing to read and study now that it is finished!

I had always prayed that the gift of love of Sacred Scripture would be granted to me - the Bible TimeLine opened the door to me for this and for that I am full of gratitude to God and to Mauro. Deo Gratias!

My prayer now is that somehow this Bible TimeLine course might reach all catholics at parish level! The grace of this Evangelisation through the Word of God will bring miracles of conversion to many. I pray in HOPE!

260 - Julia M.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I am finding your Bible Timeline course riveting and energising. I found your Bible Timeline course EXHILARATING, EXCITING and EXHAUSTING, but exhausting in a good way!

In response to the question prior to the start of the course, I wrote that my knowledge of the Bible was fair, but as soon as the course started, I realised my knowledge of the Old Testament was weak! It was limited to Genesis - the Creation & Fall, the story of Cain & Abel, of Esau and Jacob etc, and some other stories from various books of the Old Testament, but these were not set in context. I had such limited understanding of the big picture.

I was familiar with the statement that one cannot make sense of Jesus without knowledge of the Old Testament, and that one cannot make sense of the Old Testament without Jesus. Without at least some understanding of the Covenants between God and his people, the great sweep of the story of Salvation was lost on me. I could only see the vengeful God of the Old Testament and not the God who nurtured and educated his Chosen People.

The Timeline itself is a fantastic resource and your detailed lesson notes are superb. Your faith and passionate delivery of the course were inspiring, so energising.

I loved the comedy of the shirt changes in tandem with the 12 periods studied. This caused much amusement among our Study Buddy group of 4

259 - Avril O.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I am enjoying this course very much.You were indeed chosen by God to simplify the bible for people like me and many others who have been struggling. May God continue to bless you and Janet.

Ten years ago, I recorded some personal goals that I had aimed to achieve. Among these, was my spiritual goal of getting to understand the Bible. Fortunately, one blessed morning during the Covid 19 pandemic, my dear friend who happened to be my study buddy for this course what sapped me to inform me about this course. Later in the day, we had a phone conversation when she explained that I had missed Session# 1. I was not daunted by this. In fact I was eager to learn and nurture an intimate relationship with God. My excitement heightened when I further learnt that the course study was based on the Old Testament which I found to be rather boring to read and difficult to understand.

Wow, it was a dream come true after evaluating my six weeks virtual bible study experience. Mauro, you have erased my fear! You are indeed a charismatic leader and a dynamic teacher. You made learning fun and exciting with your strategy of contacting our study buddy to discuss the questions that were posed. Your lessons were carefully planned for each session and reference literature shared with students. Your ability to take us on the biblical, historical journey was phenomenal, especially when you dressed in your coloured shirt to highlight the different periods. It was amazing, travelling with you on this unpredictable journey that awakened my senses.

Additionally, your choice of backdrop picture for your live sessions enhanced your delivery at motivating my presence in class each week. I also admired when you took the opportunity to commend your lovely wife, Janet, for her continued

support. Added to your lectures, your zoom sessions at the end of the lessons were very interactive as you made yourself available to address our concerns. We were also able to see some of our bible study -mates and to learn from the question and answer sessions. I am hoping to continue in 2021 by God's grace.

You have done a great job and I wish to offer praises and God's continued blessings to you and your lovely wife Janet. Have a Christ- centered Christmas. I am taking this opportunity to thank you for inspiring me with your biblical teaching. I have since purchased the Great Adventure Catholic Bible and have received the notes that you have sent to me. I am devoting some time to revise my notes and read my bible for clearer understanding in my effort to build an intimate relationship with God. God's richest blessings and stay healthy and safe as I look forward to continue my bible study with you in 2021.

258 - Dorinda C.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I really enjoyed the Bible Timeline Course and learned so much about the narrative story of the Bible through attending the course.

I am very grateful to Mauro for organising and delivering this course as he is an excellent speaker and has a gift for presenting the material in a very clear and easy to understand manner.

The course has really helped to enhance my prayer life and inspired me to go deeper in my understanding of the Bible.

257 - Caroline D.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I just wanted to say a big thank you for this course. I'm very excited about my journey throughout the course, and I'm grateful for the exercises pre course as this will help gain a deeper understanding.

I was very interested to learn of your organization and what you do, and I think the idea of a timeline to use as a structure in especially the Old Testament will be invaluable to me.

I am learning so much from your course. It is excellent.

256 - Susan H.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I have enjoyed this course so much. As a 'new catholic' I have learnt so much. I can only say the delivery, the structure and the knowledge has kept me fascinated throughout. Thank you for this brilliant course. As a fairly new catholic I found it so very helpful, seeing who fits in where.

I am a teacher myself (adults) mental health tutor and would like to say how much I enjoyed not only the content, but your delivery too.

255 - Joana S.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you so very much for the impressive course you led about the bible timeline chart. I was amazed about how much I learned and how easy it was to follow each week.

I must say that I wasn't quite sure what I was going to find in the first session but the way you structured the course, all the resource and recommended reading, and the way you presented everything made me very eager about joying your every Wednesday. And what a pleasure it was!

Personally, the time needed to go through the recommended readings for the next session was a bit much, but I decided to offer that time to the Lord in exchange for other things and the rewards of this choice were immense! Again, I can only thank you for offering this course for free and for all your efforts in making it so rich in content.

Furthermore, I'd like to make myself available to share your ministry and courses at my parish.

254 - Maria L.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you so much for your wonderful course! It was great to finally understand the Salvation story. As a catholic I knew the New Testament quite well, but did not really fully understand how the Old Testament stories fitted into the whole picture! I am now enthused to read the 'Walking With God' book and use it along with the 'Great Adventure Bible' to go over each period again! Your course notes have been invaluable.

Each week, I really looked forward to hearing about the next period of the course and loved your witt and enthusiam in your delivery. It was almost magical listening to your amazing Italian accent!' Thank you also to Janet, who although unseen on the course, played an important part in the background! I hope and pray that you both thrive in your ministry and may God Bless you both!

253 - Mary K.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you for running a wonderful course and creating a framework which has enabled me to have more clarity on the huge and complex subject of salvation history. The Bible Timeline chart is an incredible document, pulling together so many religious, secular, political and geographical threads in a concentrated form. This has enabled me to look at the Old Testament with more confidence. You have helped me to see the whole story in a clearer context, which I do not think I would ever have achieved otherwise

Your personal warmth, humour, enthusiasm and dedication to your ministry made the course enjoyable and rewarding.

Thank you also to Janet for her 'behind the scenes' work and technical support. God bless you both and wishing you every success with future courses.

252 - Maureen R.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I don't even know where to begin thanking you for providing such an excellent course. I now have a much clearer idea of Salvation History and a deeper understanding of The Bible.

Your planning was meticulous and the "homework" you set us was manageable and helped us prepare for the vast amount of information you gave us in each session. Your delivery was always enthusiastic and everything you said was clear and easy to follow and understand.

Your enthusiasm for your ministry was obvious as was your deep love of God. I look forward to joining you again for future courses you plan to offer.

251 - Spiridiona W.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you very much for such an inspiring session. You are giving us a good outlook on the revelation of our catholic faith. Well done for a passing on your faith in such a remarkable presentation.

250 - Rita J.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

It was very interesting, clear and informative. It was interesting how you explained Humanity's love of Adam & Eve ie marriage is/should be like Divinity's and the Love within the Trinity and that a marriage would be enhanced if both parties had this understanding.

249 - Samantha M.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I would just like to say how much I am enjoying the sessions. You are a great presenter who makes the sessions easy to understand and follow and I am getting a lot out of them.

I have always found the bible a bit overwhelming and confusing but you are making it really easy to understand and logical. After every session I am full of joy and eager to share with my family what I have learnt so I would just like to say a big thank you for all the time and effort that you put into this.

248 - Deirdre D.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I have been very impressed with your professionalism and warm and natural manner, Mauro, and feel confident that if I follow your course to the end, I will definitely come to understand the bible more fully. Thank you it was an excellent introduction.

247 - Bridget H.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

You're unique style of teaching is charming and clear. There is a huge amount to cover and you (together with Jeff Cavins concept) provide a comprehensive path through the Scriptures.

The pace is fast and at times I fear I will not keep up, but I know I can absorb the spirit of the sessions and learn to listen to God at the same time as listening to you and following the sessions.

246 - Jennifer A.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

This was a very interesting course. I have done many Bible courses before but this one has been the best. As our presenter you've made the sessions very easy to follow. You were always punctual and well prepared to deliver the sessions. In addition, you sent the preparation work way in advance so that we could get ourselves acquainted with readings beforehand.

I was particularly overwhelmed with the way you made the Old Testament so easy to follow and understand. I liked the way you broke up the events in sections on the TimeLine Chart. I've been struggling to comprehend some of the events in this book and now, I'm delighted to announce that you have transformed my apprehensiveness of this section of the Bible.

I can now relate to these events in this section of the Bible in a more meaningful and intriguing manner. I can also share my experience with my friends and candidates in my confirmation class and encourage them to participate in future courses.

Finally, thank God for your deep spirituality and for imparting you with the wealth of knowledge for this Bible Course and what is more important you gave it free of charge. I am eagerly awaiting the courses in 2021.May God bless you and Janet as you continue to work tirelessly in his vineyard.

245 - Josephine L.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you so much for this interesting and informative course. I have learnt far more in 8 weeks than I would have thought possible. Despite attending catholic schools my knowledge of the bible was sadly lacking and in particular the Old Testament. I now realise how important it is. I feel that only knowing the New Testament is like starting to read a novel in the middle of the story rather than at the beginning. This course has encouraged me to know more and I am enthralled when reading the bible now.

Thank you so much for your wonderful presentation, clear explanations and good humour. I pray that God will continue to bless you and your wife, Janet and your ministry. The fact that your courses are free of charge is a blessing to those of us who are on a tight budget. I am a trainer for the Hospitalite Notre Dame de Lourdes and Pilgrimage Co-ordinator. If you ever come to Lourdes I would be more than happy to be your guide and share my knowledge of Lourdes and St. Bernadette with you.

244 - Teresa H.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you so much for putting on this course. I have certainly learnt more about the Old Testament. The Bible timeline chart is a must to accompany the course. I didn't realise I knew so little. As a reader at our Church, I find now the readings from the Old Testament I read at Mass make more sense as I understand what the Israelites were going through at that time and I now know more about the prophets.

Well done for your presentation. I was hooked and couldn't wait until the next session.

You have such enthusiasm and your faith shines through. I would certainly recommend this course.

243 - Sheila S.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you for a wonderful teaching session this evening . I am starting to get things so much more into perspective than before. The Old Testament was always a mystery to me but now I am starting to appreciate it all so much better

I found this a wonderful course and have learnt so much compared to what I learnt at school. I don't want to be unappreciative of what my teachers did for us then . We did not have the benefits of computers & videos, but your timeline course has put it all into a much better perspective.

You have taught us not only the facts spanning a huge period of time and giving us such a good historical background to all the events, but also a very good appreciation of the leaders and prophets and spiritual aspects.

I especially enjoyed the periods on the Messianic Fulfillment and The Church with your teaching on John, Peter and Paul .

Several things have clicked into place for me and it has stimulated my interest for more knowledge and more appreciation.

I thought that the way you presented the course was really excellent and thank you for sending us an email every week giving us the home prep and the Wednesday reminder .

The only thing I was not very happy with were the questions you asked . I could hardly answer any of them. I was depressed by this but am trying not to dwell on it as it might detract too much from my appreciation of the whole thing .

You said that you would like to meet us all sometime. Couldn't we meet some time in Westminster? As you probably know, there are meeting rooms not far from the Cathedral. Obviously it couldn't be till the Pandemic is better controlled .

242 - Zina N.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I attended the free 7 week online Bible Timeline Course in November 2020 run by Mauro Iannicelli and was overwhelmed with joy and excitement at the study method used to explain the 12 eras of the Bible using colour coded methodology, which is perfect for someone like myself who is dyslexic. Dyslexic people use colours a lot when they are studying - for example, I need to highlight a lot of things as a learning mechanism. Using colour schemes help me to memorise or remember stories and events and helps me to put things into sequence or into a logical order.

Mauro's teaching was excellent. Thorough, precise, and logical. He was able to explain the Bible in ordinary everyday language. No previous academic knowledge is required.However, I am currently studying Theology and found this Bible Timeline course absolutely invaluable for it has enabled me to understand my Theology course with much more clarity. Everything starts to make sense.

I am over the moon at what I have learnt, so much so, that I chose to purchase the Bible Timeline Chart, which is an invaluable guideline chart, the book "Walking with God: A Journey through the Bible" - which is an excellent summary and commentary on the key events of the Bible and as a gift, I have received The Great Adventure Catholic Bible - which is so much more than just a Bible. It is a good quality study Bible (one can research more about it on YouTube).

This is probably going to sound too good to be true, but I can honestly say, that this was one of the best courses I have ever attended and it has changed my life in opening my heart and mind to the deep riches contained in the bible, a clearer understanding of our historical Catholic roots as well as a deeper personal relationship with our Father in Heaven, his Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

241 - Claudio B.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Your course has been incredible. I understand there is much more to say, but it is precious to know the time line of the Bible. It really gave me an additional pair of glasses to read the Bible in the correct context. As you said, the Story of salvation is our history, it's just not chronological (we might feel like David when we are teenagers and like Israelites in the desert when we are young adults, even if the desert wanderings occurred before David). It is important, therefore, to know the Story of the Bible also narratively so that you can better read the scriptures in the moments of your life.

Also your past impressed me: the fact that you tested your vocation in the seminary and after four years took your decision for a different path. I also wonder about this paths for the future and I am in the process of testing of possible career path. Thank you very much for your course, I really enjoyed it and it has been very useful. In the future, I will gradually work on the material that you suggest to learn step by step something more. If I can come up with some contacts or skills that might help you, I won't hesitate contacting you.

240 - Lisa T.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I sincerely thank my friend for sending this course information and encouraging me to participate in it. I also express my deepest gratitude to you for your time, patience, humour and energy that you have exhibited during these seven sessions.

239 - Elaine M.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

What an awesome experience the bible timeline has been! I wonder if you could target schools with this wonderful history course in addition to Parishes. I only wish that I had seen it sooner! What a revelation!! It was so good, I want to repeat it, and do it all over again! :) No joke!

It has been a very enlightening experience! You have brought the bible to life for me and given me more of a thirst to find out more. I can't thank you enough!

Your humour has been great to watch too and brought a lovely light touch of fun. Thanks a million!

God bless you! Warmest wishes for a very blessed Advent and beyond with beautiful Janet and your ministry! I have saved the dates in my diary for your forthcoming teaching on prayer etc and I look forward to future events! :)

238 - Jolanta E.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

The session was really clear and the imagery links between the trees (knowledge and Jesus' tree) and explanation of the flood were really excellent and helpful.

Ian Edwards Feedback: We found the course really enjoyable, informative and think that it was a great initiative for our diocese to have taken part in. I'd also like to thank you Mauro Iannicelli for the time and effort you have put into creating and running this course together with the enthusiasm you brought to it. It can't have been easy running an online event like this over a seven week period. Your efforts in this ministry of Evangelisation are much appreciated.

Fr Chris Vipers response: Thank you so much for your very affirming and gracious email. I am delighted to hear that both of you found the Bible Time Line course so very stimulating. Your experience is, I know, echoed by many others.Please keep Mauro in your prayers.

237 - Jocelyn R.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Christopher and I are enjoying your course very much. Until now I have found the Bible indigestible at times and have rather given up on it! You are making everything wonderfully clear. I can't believe how much we are learning from you!

We shall miss you when the course comes to an end. We've told a friend of ours about the course. He is a Franciscan friar currently studying at the Gregorian University in Rome. Huge thanks to you and to Janet for a really amazing insight into the story of Salvation History.

You have brought to life all those biblical characters of whom we knew all too little.

And you have clarified the connection between the Old and New Testaments and given us a little understanding of God's unceasing efforts to bring ALL His children safely to everlasting life with Him in Heaven.

236 - Frances H.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

As a Catholic, when I was at school, we were taught the Latin Mass, the Sacraments and the New Testament. We knew stories about the Creation, Adam and Eve, David and Goliath, the Ten Commandments, but we did not study the Bible in any detail. Since then I have tried reading the Bible but found it difficult.

However, the Bible Timeline Course devised by Jeff Cavins and presented so eloquently by you has enthralled me. I have looked forward to each presentation and I have recognised Old Testament readings in the Mass. It has made me want to study the Bible more. I intend keeping Wednesdays free for the courses in 2021.

235 - John C.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you for putting together such an interesting and informative course. It allowed me to have a more meaningful insight into the readings at mass and a greater understanding of the Old Testament.

Your enthusiasm and passion to ensure the participants understood the bible stories during the on line course resulted in the hour and a half speeding by with important messages reinforced in your study notes and the Bible Timeline Chart.

234 - Doreen M.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you for organising this course. It is absolutely what I have been asking the Lord for; to know and understand the bible more and specifically how am I going to do it when I never seem to have time? This is it!! You have made it so easy to follow and understand. I am thirsty for more!

233 - Linda K.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I truly learnt so much about the structure of the bible and the continuity of God's message throughout history from doing this course. It helped me to connect the dots and make sense of the entire bible at long last. This is a most invaluable gift and it has set me on a much more confident footing with everything in the entire Bible.

232 - Alina K.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I just want to say how much I have been enjoying the course. I have found it informative, encouraging and enlightening. I have already told friends about the upcoming course in Easter 2021.

Please send us a reminder closer to the time. I just wanted to ask about friends in Europe who want to participate and even as far afield as Australia

231 - Sue O.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thanks Mauro for this 'potted' version of the Bible Timeline. It is excellant for me as it provides an easily digested overview of the full version course I did several years ago and is a good refresher course.

On a personal note I am very much enjoying your presentations. If I may be so bold... your presentation this evening was a lovely combination of the factual and lightheartedness. I came away with a big smile on my face.

230 - Ghislein D.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you Very much for another interesting and inspiring session of the Bible timeline course. I really look forward to a Wednesday and thoroughly enjoying every bit of it!!

I have always wanted to know more about the bible but haven't had the motivation to read it.

You have put a amazing new dimension and have captivated a sustained interest.

Your amazing biblical time line course had awakened a thirst for knowing the Bible better and I'm very keen on reading and absorbing your notes even more during this lockdown

229 - Jenny B.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you Mauro. I am enjoying the course - I have already learned a lot and your wonderful sincerity and enthusiasm are really inspiring.

Thank you for a wonderful and informative course which has provided me with a 'key' to reading the bible and increasing my knowledge of salvation history. The course provided exactly what you said at the beginning - your presentation was excellent.

Straight forward, informative but easy for follow although you provided us with many opportunities to reflect and deepen our knowledge and understanding.

228 - Maria V.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

My impressions of the course so far are positive. Your manner is open and informative without being preachy. The colour of the shirts is a quirky extra to emphasise the period which we are studying in each session, so also good, keeping it light and amusing.

Your proposal to run the course at Easter next year is a good one, which I hope many parishes will consider. Fr Tony Thomas, the assistant to Fr Norbert would be interested I think. We got half way through Jeff Cavins course before the lockdown stopped proceedings in March. Your on-line course is easier to organise in these restricted times, and it is more flexible allowing people to catch up if they miss a session, or to go back over something if part of the evenings broadcast is missed, using teaching notes or recordings.

227 - Veronica B.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Many thanks for your recent, most enjoyable Bible Timeline course. A definite refreshing and renewing capsule of Old Testament complexities!

Recollections too, of the vivid pictorial teachings from my Children's Bible which are forever imprinted in memory, as commented and shared with 'study buddy'!

Your enthusiasm, sense of humour and passion for Jesus delivered simply and joyfully.

God Bless you and Janet in the growth of your Ministry.

226 - Pauline O.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I have learnt so much from you already, the marriage link of Adam and Eve to The Trinity. As a Catechist we have always used the wedding at Cana to explain the Sacrament of marriage. I will be telling my lead Catechist of your link when are ever allowed to meet to consider the next course. Your explanation of circumcision, I had never understood it before. The detail you go into is so good, thank you, for bringing it all to a level I can understand. So many books I try to read use big words I have a dictionary beside me to look them up, which constantly distracts from the text. Its so good to understand what I am being told, I am loving it.

Mauro, As you spoke I decided the amount I would give, before you gave the resource options. The amount I am donating is what I wanted to donate with or without the recourses. Thank you for your insight and enthusiasam.

225 - Sara C.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you very much for this wonderful Bible course. It is exactly what I was looking for in this moment, a time line, and it came to me at the right time (surprise, surprise of course we know nothing is a coincidence!)... incredible, really.

I would love to tell my parish priest about it. My parish is Holy Ghost in Balham, and the priests are Fr Richard and Fr Giovanni. You are doing an amazing job. Many many thanks

224 - Angela P.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you so much for this course. I have now caught up with the two missed sessions and learnt more about the bible than in my whole life. It is extraordinary how much information is in each session and yet it does not feel overwhelming.

With many thanks for such a helpful course and it is so easy to listen to as you bring a lightness of touch (I love the change of shirts).

223 - Ethel L.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

It was amazing . Thank you for the tips that we would be able to understand it more quickly. I am now more interested to know more about the bible and how to share it to others as well .

222 - Elisabeth K.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I just wanted to let you know I think it's phenomenal. I don't always find understanding our faith easy and your explanations are an immense help. Thank you so much!

221 - Michael M.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I enjoy my participation in your weekly bible class. As a 68 year old catholic who has always struggled to understand the Old Testament I must tell you that this course has given me several new insights already!

220 - Pauline R.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I am totally enjoying the course and want you to know your delivery is perfect and easy to follow. My sister Patricia Farrell in USA has also become one of your members and she is blown away by it.

219 - Angie B.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you so much Mauro for this course - to me, it is the best way of understanding the Bible, honestly. I didn't know much about the Old Testament before but this course has given me more knowledge that whenever I hear or read some excerpts or out of context from the Bible, e.g. Scripture reading or readings at Holy Mass etc. - I now have an idea which period it is, and thus understands them even more.

Moreover, I am soooo glad that I have participated this course; it made me want to read the Bible more and deeper. Every Catholic should know the history of our salvation - how God love us so much since from the beginning and have never give up on us - the greatest love story of all time!

218 - Anne T.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I want to say thank you for the Bible timeline course. It has been amazing and riveting, and because it was done so efficiently and thoughtfully, I have learned so much. What once was bits and pieces, and passages from the Old Testament and the New, you have strung it all together and shown how all of the Bibles is the story of mankind, and Gods ultimate love for us, and his desire for us to love him.

Thank you for your ministry, thank you that you said 'yes' to Gods calling, and if others can get a sliver of the love of God through the Bible, then keep spreading the word through this ministry.

217 - Bess T.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I just wanted to say how helpful I found the Bible Timeline Course. In particular it plugged the huge gaps in my Biblical knowledge and I began to make sense of the Bible as a coherent overview. I hadn't realised for instance that the reason the Israelites ended up in Egypt was to do with Joseph and the famine! Linking up to the Bible Timeline Map was really helpful in constructing that overview too. I learnt a lot which was very useful, e.g last month I took a course given by a Protestant Christian which was grounded in Scripture and was delighted to find I knew the answer when she asked what had happened at the walls of Jericho, thanks to the course. The explanations given were very clear and thorough and the exposition of the materials, well organised.

216 - Sharon W.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Just to let you know I am absolutely loving the course and your course notes really enrich what you are saying. This is really opening my eyes.

215 - Ken R.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Just a short note to say that I have attempted to read the Bible on a few occasions and listened to it on tape a few years ago.

I started your course sceptically, feeling that I would listen to the first couple of sessions and more than likely give up after these. I have, however, found your talks both interesting and very informative and look forward to listening to all your sessions.

214 - Phil B.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Excellent course! Very clear audio/visuals and the teaching is very accessible and engaging. Can't wait for next instalment! Your course is bringing me so much closer to the Bible.

The Old Testament has always felt rather remote for me, but I'm really starting to connect with it now, so thank you! I'm also excited about future courses you mentioned - especially the Bible and the Mass - it sounds great.

213 - Christine A.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I have been looking for something like your course for many years as this was what I was lacking, the knowledge and understanding of the Bible and when Ive tried to read it, I couldn't make sense of it and it being so large too.

A friend told me about this course and I was delighted to try it out, it is fantastic that you deliver it free of charge too which is why i wanted to donate some money at least for the notes which is a great idea! I felt you mixed the delivery of the course with humour and solemnity, it helped me that you said a prayer beforehand and at the end as I always panic that I'm not going to understand things, but your prayer at the beginning put me at ease in trusting in the Holy Spirit.

It was delivered at the right pace and I liked the way you had pictures and the colour of your shirts changing etc. I learned so much from the course that now at mass I understand the readings and I have a picture in my head of that time from your account of the narrative of the Bible. It has helped me so much and it's helping me to be a better Christian too.

This is because of your explanation of the prophets and people that were here before Jesus and I could see a pattern in the way God works and how we are so frail and weak but that God loves us so much anyway and is always there to help us and give us chance after chance so thank you so much. Understanding this from the Old Testament was like a revelation for me as I have never understood this before. It has truly changed my life as a Christian and my outlook on daily life so thank you so much again.

212 - Evelyn K.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Just want to say how much I really enjoyed the Zoom bible timeline course with you Mauro! I've learnt a lot and it's helped me to read the Old Testament in context. I think every Catholic should do this course - it will help a lot in deepening our faith!

211 - Joyce P.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I'm just loving this course so far, and we are only at the introductory stage. I'm sitting down reading my Bible once more, and discovering the teachings of our Saviour.

I've read the preparation notes, and have written my answers, and will discuss further with my Buddy.

210 - Margaret H.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

The method you use really brings out the story and yes you are right it is exciting and so profound. our explanation is easily understood. Tempo is just right not rushing but giving us time to assimilate the meaning of the main points in the passages of Genesis. I'm looking forward to our next session, and I think it's a good idea to prepare during the week so that we can enter more fully into the sessions.

209 - Raquel D.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you for your amazing work and dedication. May our Lord Jesus Christ lift your ministry to reach out to more people like me who have wanting to know more about the Bible and our catholic faith.

208 - Olivia R.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Please encourage Mauro that his course is wonderful and we laughed out loud at his wonderful shirt changes! What a lovely ministry you have.

207 - Jenny S.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I had originally planned to do the course at my parish which was cancelled due to lockdown.

I have read the Bible before and of course heard it throughout my life during daily Mass over the years.

I found your course helped to develop the entire story of Salvation History and the need to trust in God come what may.

It has made sense of things and helped me to understand individual readings as I never did before.

Your passion and enthusiasm for your life, your marriage, the word of God and His Holy Church is inspirational during the times in which we are living and I thank you for making it so enjoyable. I will pray for you and your mission.

206 - Raqs L.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I deeply admire you both for your amazing work! Every session is super enlightening and powerful!

Last night, Joseph's wonderful story made me cry and I thought of Jesus life story too.

All your questions were so clever and it touches my heart especially this question; My answer was speak/pray to Our Father, Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit

Will definetly support your ministry. Thank you again for all the teaching - so much lesson to learn and put them into practice and to share to others.

205 - Diana B.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I continue to enjoy the way you present the course, as well as - the new knowledge I am gaining (e.g. Shem's offspring and Ham's offspring) - the way you relate the learning to Catholic life.

Thank you for the engaging way in which you have led and accompanied participants, via YouTube, through the Bible Timeline Course.

You wanted the sessions to be not just informational, but transformational; you shared some of your own story, to help with this; you generously offered preparatory study and questions for each session. All this underlines your commitment to the people studying the course. As a Reader at Mass, experiencing this course has really deepened my knowledge and understanding of the Old Testament. There have also been very valuable insights into the New Testament, including that very important quotation from St. Thomas Aquinas.

204 - Josie B.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Excellent presentation, well put together, not too wordy, followed it very easily, your tone and pitch are perfect, look forward to joining the next sessions

203 - Maria J.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Notes - fantastic - so helpful, well laid out and good summaries as well as deeply insightful.

Weekly sessions - myself and now my son Rupert too, have been really enjoying! I laugh each session and we are often in awe at God's incredible goodness and wonder at the insights. We have been intrigued at the types you reveal guiding our minds to Jesus! Helpful range of your direct teaching, some visual main points and the questions you pose.

202 - Eileen R.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I thoroughly enjoyed the course, learned alot from it. I suspect we differ markedly theologically, I am a liberal feminist. But we all belong together and want to know more about the Bible, so many thanks for the course

201 - Kevin M.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

This is the 2nd time I have done the Bible Timeline Course. The first being a few months earlier. I decided to embark on this journey for a 2nd time as I felt there was so much valuable content in the course that I could not absorb it all the first time. I did the course with a number of people from my parish home group.

I coordinated a Zoom so that we could discuss the study buddy questions together. This Zoom carried on after the live stream ended so we can take some time to share our thoughts on what we had heard and to wrestle with themes that arose. I am grateful to Mauro and his ministry for putting such a fantastic course together and I look forward to participating in future courses.

200 - Breeda B.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you Mauro. I really enjoyed each of the 7 sessions. Not only was it so very informative but also entertaining. I looked forward in anticipation to each session. It was easy to follow and the colour chart a great advantage. I also benefited from having purchased the book Walking with God and look forward to using my precious new bible. I do intend to revisit the videos once the Christmas period has passed.

I highly recommend this course and would repeat it myself if the opportunity arose.

199 - Ann Theresa D.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you for running the Bible Timeline Course. I have always struggled with the Old Testament but you made it come alive. You presented the Course in a humorous and enlightening way and so have inspired me to delve further into the Supplemental Books.

I have the Bible Timeline Chart and the amazing Great Adventure Bible which should be of help. Even when problems occurred you remained upbeat.

I particularly liked your whimsical way of dealing with the colour coding of the Course. I hope you will get your wish and Janet will allow you to wear your orange shirt more often!!

198 - Peter S.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Just to say a huge thank you for what you are doing. The course is brilliant! What has helped me, is buying the Timeline Chart and Walking with God book and as you emphasise, the preparatory work really helps to get the message home

Thanks for another great presentation last night. I have been over my notes again this morning - it is amazing how the story of Genesis opens up and its many messages to us and its resonance in the New Testament.

197 - Christine G.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I am enjoying your course so very much and am looking forward every week to wednesday eve! As a Catholic we didn't study the Old Testament at school and so you are filling in all the gaps for me. I am learning such a lot

196 - Beatrice N.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you very much Mauro and Janet for this course, it is an amazing experience. You have made so easy to follow, it is fun too! It's a great opportunity to be finally engaged in understanding the Bible!!

I would like to buy the full package to refresh my Bible studies regularly and gain confidence for evangelisation. Can I please pay in three installments? Thank you for your dedication and support. God bless you abundantly. I pray that one day I can teach others just like you do Mauro.

195 - Garth T.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I'm really enjoying the course, it's helping me greatly. I was ordained deacon 14 years ago and studied scripture at seminary and in various ways since then.

At the moment a group from my parish are reading the Bible in a Year. I've always found putting things into context or a timeline difficult however this course has opened my eyes in so many ways.

194 - Alicia Mary C.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I am 67 years old still trying to Learn. You are very clear and very organised and most important of all simple in your wonderful teaching.

I know you know the bible very well and comfortable with your knowledge that is why you can teach well

193 - John Mario M.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Many thanks to you and Janet for your highly informative and inspirational online course.

As promised, the course provided the main narrative and timeline from the fall of Adam to the sacrifice freely given by our Blessed Lord. But especially focused on how a loving and forgiving father patiently renewed his covenant each time it was repeatedly broken by the indifference of the human race.

Then God himself making the ultimate sacrifice, when our blessed lord, the second person of the Holy Trinity was crucified for our salvation.

I now see the Holy Bible as an assembly of evidence rather like a legal bundle, where the main books compare to the barristers case and the other books provide the evidence supporting the case.

192 - Nava Y.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

A very concise course that takes you through the whole Bible. You need to buy the bible chart for to follow the course. I am not a Catholic and found this course open to everyone, whatever denomination you belong to.

Mauro is quite entertaining at times yet very serious and knowledgeable. Will recommend this course. Do tell your friends and family. A very concise course that takes you through the whole Bible.

191 - David G L.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

As a result of your most enjoyable and illuminating discussion I ordered the Great Adventure Catholic Bible which arrived this afternoon along with the Timeline chart and Walking with God. I am enclosing pictures of the Bible I was given when I retired 25 years ago which I took out to try and do some of the preparation you set. What a difference to the new Bible which I look forward to using and sharing with my daughter in law who is not a Catholic but very religious and has joined us at mass on special celebrations or when we are on holiday.

It is a pleasure to be able to help someone with such an import mission as you and Janet have taken on.I have found it just so informative and enjoyable. I also love listening to your Italian accent and ways.

190 - marie C.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I have learnt so much and I love the structured approach which really enables me to have an in-depth knowledge of the Bible

189 - Barbara H.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

We had the pleasure of meeting Jeff Cavins around 6 years ago when he was promoting the Bible Timeline in Liverpool, I thought the idea of a Bibe Timeline very exciting (we bought the package)

I was so pleased when a friend of mine told me of this course.You bring it to life in such a lovely friendly and knowledgeable way, I laugh out loud at the shirt antics. You've got it nailed, the breakout chats with a buddy and the pre reading materials and your lovely style of delivery, the information is not too much to absorb.

You're a natural for internet teaching. Its on the Old Testament! Your course is really deepening what we had studied so far and will enhance our next year study. Well-done to both of you, keep up the good work.

188 - Annne B.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

What an enjoyable way to learn about God's approach to humanity through the ages, most of which I never knew or realised in its historical context. I particularly liked the timelines so we could see at a glance who was ruling in this period and where the chosen people were at the time.

Also I enjoyed Mauro's way of explaining God's covenants with his people and how and when they obeyed or broke these covenants and the consequences. A real eye-opener.

187 - Chona M.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I would like to express my gratitude to all the presentations you do for free. It has all been clear and excellent, well-structured narration of the Holy Bible. I have registered for the course last year and my payment was credited back due to the pandemic. I was the one who was asking you on the possibility of conducting it online

186 - Neville D.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I have completed the course with Jeff Cavins (video) a few year ago. Your course is reinforcing my understanding, thank you

185 - Janet D.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I am really enjoying the course. I have bought the Walking with God book, which is so insightful, also the Adventure Bible which really helps.

184 - Ivor P.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I am a student of the Bible Timeline course, and I am thoroughly spiritually fed and nourished. Plan to write a short article about how your course is maintaining and increasing the faith of Catholics.

183 - Jim H.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I just wanted to thank you again for the Bible Timeline course before Christmas. You did an amazing job of presenting the course and it was very enlightening.

182 - Angela E.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I just want to thank you for a truly fantastic course.. I enjoyed it very much, your enthusiasm and clear delivery made each session an absolute joy and helped me no end to improve my knowledge of the Old Testament.

I will miss my Wednesday evenings with you and am very much looking forward to the courses you have planned for 2021.

181 - Harry I.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Excellent presentations each week.I am growing in knowledge of the Holy Bible thanks to you.

For the next course starting around Easter 2021 please let me have the products to approach our parish priest Christopher Findlay-Wislon at St. Joseph & St. Walburga & Our Lady of Fatima churches in Poole, Dorset.In the interim I shall email Fr Chris this evening to let him know how valuable the Bible Study is proving. God bless and please keep up the great work.

You are gifted. I enjoyed the 7 week Bible Course very much. It was inspirational and afforded me a much better and fuller understanding of both Testaments especially the Old Testament. It was presented in a very well thought out and logical manner using the Bible Time Line showing David's Line. It was beneficial signing up for the preparation notes and the follow up course notes. Would recommend it to all ages. Thank you Mauro. Harry

180 - Sandra M.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I am a cradle catholic, my faith and going to Holy Mass has always been very special to me, what a gift. Like many people of my generation we didn't get chance to study the Bible.

Thank you for walking us through Jeff Cavins Bible Timeline Study, and for your humour which is a nice light hearted touch

179 - Anne Marie O.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thankyou so much for delivering the bible course for us. I thorI planned on knitting my cardigan while playing the course in the background but I must say the tonight's sessions was so engaging that I didn't do many stitchesoughly enjoyed it. It was easy to understand and enjoyed the little bit of humour you added to it.

178 - Ann Elizabeth B.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you very much for your kindness and generosity offering this course to us free of charge.

177 - Joy W.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I am finding the sessions very educational, informative and exciting! Looking forward to the next one and the shirt that will come with it! So proud to know that you were once a fellow St Edward the Confessor Golders Green parishioner.

176 - Colin and Margaret S.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

We enjoyed this session again and it is amazing how we have known a lot of the stories but not in the chronological order you explained. So thank you for your hard work. We will speak to our parish priest and tell him how it has helped us, we already have great ambassadors in our parish, Keith and Mary Taylor, who were probably involved with getting Fr Ralph Candy putting it in our newsletter. I am sure you will be greatly rewarded in heaven for all the work you are doing.

175 - Geraldine R.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Brilliant And all very clear thank you so much.

Very Blessed to have heard your teaching tonight Mauro.I did this course about 5 years ago in my church and couldn't wait to do it again.You have enriched it for me,thank you so much.

174 - Mary T.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you so much for teaching this course. It has been a real pleasure to be with you each week.

Besides learning such a useful Bible overview, I have often shared with my family how much you have made me laugh - I won't forget your shirts!

173 - Seamus B.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you for all of the good work. Please keep me informed of future courses. This course is very good with lots of information. Best wishes to you in your work and May God Bless you in abundance.

172 - John-Adrian P.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Great initiative. I've seen this attempted by others and those didn't intrigue me nor detail the structure anywhere near as well, hence I didn't pursue them.

171 - Liza V.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you for a very informative session yesterday evening. Thank you for a very informative session yesterday evening. Looking forward to completing the many gaps in my knowledge about the bible.

170 - Trevor L.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

It was so good to learn about salvation history, to understand how the Old Testament fits in with the New Testament, and how prophesises have been fulfilled.

This gives greater meaning and understanding to the readings at Mass. We are so glad we took part in this course and are encouraged to study the bible in more detail now that the Bible Timeline has been clearly explained.

Mauro's presentations were both informative and entertaining, The thought behind the presentations and the materials provided by Mauro were much appreciated.

169 - Ola A.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you for the lovely session and this has got me interested reading more from the Bible as I read the Bible

every morning and night. but will like to expand more from this course

168 - Jessica C.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I was very happy when I saw an advert for your course so decided to join in to your online classes. I am very grateful to you and your wife for running the course and just wanted to say that you are doing an amazing job.

167 - Alexcontrera C.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Enjoying the course very much! Getting to understand the Genesis much better. May your gift of evangelisation be blessed by our Heavenly Father.

166 - Annette S.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Dear Mauro, thank you for the Bible course you are delivering to us from your 'capsule'? Thus far it has been succinct, interesting and enlightening and I'm certain it will be so till the end of the course.

165 - Gillian A.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you for a most enjoyable second session. It's helping to put things in the right chronological order for me as I would often get them a bit mixed up!

That was a great session this evening. I really enjoyed it and felt it gave me lots to think about, personally, with regard to my own relationship with God and times when I have been 'in the desert', 'in exile' and etc.

164 - Dorota L.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you for a great course. I really enjoyed the session tonight as it was full of learning and so interesting.

I planned on knitting my cardigan while playing the course in the background but I must say the tonight's sessions was so engaging that I didn't do many stitches.

163 - Elspeth R.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I wish to thank you enormously for presenting your Bible Study course in such an understandable and entertaining manner.

I may not remember everything but now the Mass readings actually make sense to me when these strange places and key figures are mentioned.

I thought your coloured shirts were such an excellent idea: the green version bursting at the buttons and I agree with your wife that the gold one was hideous.

There are plenty more colours to enable you to continue more courses. You really have transformed my knowledge so lacking for very many years and I shall perceive the history in a very different and approachable light.

162 - Sue T.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I am enjoying the sessions and your notes are very helpful. Your presentations and teachings inspired me to read the Bible now.

161 - Anne-Marie K.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thanks so much, l loved the Bible timeline course! It has greatly developed my knowledge and faith and a few times spoke very deeply to my own personal circumstances, which unfortunately are very difficult at the moment. I loved your jokes and shirts but next time I think you should wear the golden shirt!!

160 - Catherine T.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you so much Mauro, you made it appear so straightforward. Very much enjoyed the introductory session. I am looking forward making sense of the bible at last!

159 - Joy E.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you Mauro for an awesome session. You speak clearly and attended to all my unanswered questions. The best thing I learned today is the symbolic behind the "Tree of knowledge of good and evil."

158 - Mary L.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you for an inspiring course. I have studied the New Testament a fair amount on my faith journey, almost 70 years.

It was great going through the narrative in the Old Testament in an easy to understand way. I have the Timeline and the book Walking with God so you have started me on a course of study which will last me a long time.

157 - Francis K.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I love the course, its all I hoped it would be.

156 - Zuzana N.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I enjoyed today's session. Lovely thoughts and good questions! I liked your explanation and thank to the course I am going to start reading the Bible as the whole.

155 - Lubomira J.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I appreciate your enthusiasm, simplicity of your teaching very much. You led us through Early World in a very clear way.

154 - Lynn E.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I am enjoying the course very much and now look forward to hearing and trying to understand the relevance of the Old Testament readings at Mass when we are able to "get back to normal".

153 - Kate S.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

With 2,000 listeners you have a challenge to keep up with all of us

152 - Winnie B.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you so much for this evenings course. It was informative, clearly understandable and best of all very exciting.

151 - Charlotte T.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you so much for this amazing course, I'm so grateful to be able to learn so much about my faith!

150 - Ciro C.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

My son and his wife have been attending your bible course over recent weeks and cannot speak highly enough of you! I am the Headmaster of a Catholic primary school (https://oakwoodschool.org.uk) and the countless commitments mean that I have not maged to follow your course. So I have purchased your videos instead.

149 - Anne L.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Hello Mauro very informative and interesting, course taught in a non-threatening and relaxed manner. Would hope it could be advertised / raised through TBN TV freeview channel so other people could benefit. Looking forward to rest of course, r

148 - Maria P.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Brilliant and clear and thought provoking

147 - Lourdes V.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Absolutely wonderful, exciting and immensely interesting. Looking forward to the next episode

146 - Elsbeth B.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Your presentation of Session two was very good and enlightening. It has clarified many of the gaps in my understanding of the creation. You have expounded it very well. Thank you very much.

My husband and I very much enjoy the bible study and find your presentation excellent.

145 - Berniece S.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Tonight was fantastic!! The story of the patriarchs has been my favourite since I discovered it as a child. Tonight felt like coming full circle. | I am interested in sharing this programme with the parish and will speak to my parish priest.

144 - Shilpika S.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

The course was really good. It was simple and clear to understand. It was not rushed and the points were explained well.

143 - Moira A.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you for the explanation about the fall of Adam and Eve. I often wondered why God put that condition of forbidding them the fruit of the tree of knowledge. My understanding is much better.

142 - John R.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you for a very interesting session this evening, living up to my expectations.

141 - Gosia K.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I'd like to thank you and your wife for your hard work and the great course you are teaching. I have learnt a lot!

140 - Karen G.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you for a great session, very clear and informative. Can't wait for next week!

THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for such an informative and fun bible study programme. I am embarrassed to say that although I am a cradle catholic, I've never read the bible, but I am thoroughly enjoying your course and reading it now, and can't believe we have done 5 weeks already!

I only know of one other person from my area who is doing the course, Ann Edwards. I'm from Crediton Parish in Devon, and we have links with the Exeter parishes. I am very interested in sharing this fantastic course with our parishioners in Crediton and Exeter and am very happy to put the idea forward to our priest. I compile our weekly newsletter, so I can promote it in that, and am happy to be involved in admin, invitations, marketing etc. Ann is the parish secretary for Crediton and Exeter University Chaplaincy. Thank you again for all you're doing - you are making it fun and real - and I LOVE the shirts! LOL!

139 - Justyna B.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I was very happy when I saw an advert for your course so decided to join in to your online classes. I am very grateful to you and your wife for running the course and just wanted to say that you are doing an amazing job.

Everything is very clear and I really like the colour coordinated shirts! I wish you all the best in this beautiful ministry and in all your life During the last session you asked if anyone has any skills they can share. I don't know if what I do can be useful in this ministry, but I thought I would let you know. I used to be an architect, but then became a self-taught graphic designer. I am designing prayer cards, mugs with bible verses, and templates for bible verse illustrations called "bible journaling". I am also designing posters for the events for my prayer group.If that could be of any use please let me know..

138 - Francis B..
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Your delivery was the right pace for me and clear. Thanks for the your hard work

137 - Mary W.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Next we need a course on Church history!! Thanks for your instruction, humour and patience.

136 - David B.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

My wife and I are enjoying your current Bible course immensely and learning a great deal from it.

135 - Kasonde K.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Just to say I really enjoyed tonight's session. It was short, sharp, sweet and spiritual. An offer: if you need extra administration help, that is my area and I am happy to help where I can

134 - Joy B.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I would like to thank you for the enjoyable course.. I must confess I was not able to do as much reading as I wanted to before each session however you have made it easy to follow and understand the Salvation History using the colour coded Timeline Chart ..this course has helped me to understand the Bible .. how to read each book of The Old to the New Testament . Having a friend as my buddy was also very useful, we were able to do 'video calls' to discuss the questions.. I will recommend this course to friends and I hope to attend some more Bible studies.

133 - Claire B.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I think what you and Janet are doing a wonderful ministry and I will support your endeavour with great pleasure. Like you this course and book have changed my life. When the lockdown has ended, I ll ask you to come in our house and will invite 30 people for your day-course.

132 - Agnes F.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I have really enjoyed the first few sessions and find them super interesting and engaging!

131 - Alice B.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Congratulations on your wonderfully clear concept and your ability to transmit information.

130 - Christina E.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Clearly outlined, a good length, some interesting ideas and using the chart was helpful. It was what I hoped it might be, and some of the future Key Events are less familiar to me so looking forward to that.

129 - Sonia O.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

A super talk, everything worked very well. Thank you, I can't wait for next week and love reading the book.

128 - daniel F.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Well-delivered, informative and inspiring! Keep it up ;) I'd like to purchase your notes but also add a donation - did you say that you would be sending a link to this effect?

127 - Anselm O.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thanks for the wonderful session today. I learned new things which is very good

126 - Ann H.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you so much. The course is fantastic and I have recommended it to a few friends. I do find that sometimes the microphone slightly distorts what you are saying, particularly if you are being emphatic about something. When you were speaking about Concupiscence, I found it hard to understand what you were saying. But, otherwise fabulous and thank you again

125 - Nidhi S.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you very much for your course. It was delivered very well and very professionally. You come across as very confident and steer the course well and at the same time very kind and respectful of all participants. The technology, lighting, camera, your voice, way of explaining concepts, streaming everything worked perfect.

And even though people were talking over each other in the discussion, there was a beauty and sense of fun and community in that as well. I am very happy to help if you need. This session brought smile and happiness to me even though I am not a practicing catholic. I consider myself as someone who values and respects all religions and beliefs as long as they are benefiting humankind and humanity

124 - Christine B.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you for putting on this course, I am finding it really inspiring!

I have been listening to David Suchet's reading of The Bible in One Year, each day. The Bible Timeline has really helped with my understanding and giving real meaning to the Bible texts, thank you!

123 - Sophie L.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

My husband Guillaume and myself are very pleased each week to follow your teachings. We appreciate your sense of humour as well!

122 - Chris F.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I would like to thank you for a wonderful course. I have got so much out of it, and you have explained the Bible with such clarity that it has really opened my eyes.

I will be able to read the the Old Testament now with a better understanding.

121 - Bernadette I.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I am really enjoying the course and learning so much from it. The whole Bible is appearing much more ordered to me now. Thank you so much for your effective teaching.

120 - Mark H.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

I am really enjoying the course and learning much from it; principally I am starting to see now, after many years, how there is a consistent narrative underpinning the OT and am foreseeing the way it flows into the NT. Please keep up the great work.

119 - Elisabeth S.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Excellent session yesterday evening. I got so much from it. Thank you.

118 - Margaret C.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

VERY clear, most interesting and looking forward to next week.

117 - Ifeoma Vera O.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thanks very much for this wonderful knowledge you have imparted in us this evening.

116 - Sylvester M.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thanks a lot of the course and all the preparation that I am aware you have put into it.

115 - Ella T.
Bible Timeline Course - Nov 2020

Thank you very, very much for your very informative way of teaching.

114 - Catherine and Steve C.